Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/702

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 214. 1920. 68]. Wireless-communication laws: To enable the Secretary of Com- &*’°l°“ merce to enforce the Acts of Congress "to require apparatus and ${1 on vw operators for radio communication on certain ocean steamers" and gyygliggf p' mi V°l‘ "to regulate radio communication" and carry out the international radio telegraphic convention, and to employ such ersons and means as may be necessary, this employment to include salaries of employees in the District of Columbia not exceeding $8,400, traveling and subsistence expenses, urchase and exchange of instruments, technical books, rent and alliother miscellaneous items and necessary expenses not included in the foregoing, $60,000. BUREAU or STANDARDS! Director, $6,000; physicists-chief $4,800, S'*“d=“‘*3 Bu-’°°'-*· one qualiiied in optics, $3,600, two at $3,600 each, one $3,300, three at $3,000 each; assistant to the director, $3,600; associate physicists— five at $2,700 each, five at $2,500 each, four at $2,200 each, seven at $2,000 each; assistant physicists-twelve at $1,800 each, thirteen at $1,600 each, eighteen at $1,400 each; chemists--chief $4 800, one $3,500, one $3,000; associate chemists-three at $2,700 each, two at $2,500 each, one $2,200, four at $2,000 each; assistant chemistsfour at $1,800 each, four at $1,600 each, six at $1,400 each; physical chemist, $1,800; laboratory assistants—+twenty-three at $1,200 each, eighteen at $1,000 each; laboratory helpers-—two at $840 each, four at $720 each, three at $600 each; ands- ourteen at $900 each, sixteen at $720 each; twenty laboratory apprentices, at $540 each; secretary, $2,200; storekee er, $1,000; hbranan, $1,600; chief clerk, $2,200; clerks-one of cliass four, three of class three, three of class two, eight of class one, seven at $1,000 each, five at $900 each,,two at $720 each; two telephone operators, at $720 each; office a prentices—-— four at $540 each, two at $480 each, two at $420 each; Eve elevator boys at $480 each; mecha.nicians—chief $1,800, one $1,600, one $1 ,500, two at $1,400 each, Eve at $1,200 each, six at $1,000 each, one $900; machinist, $1,200; shop apprentices-two at $600 each, two at $540 each, three at $480 each; eight watchmen; skilled woodworkers·— foreman of woodworking shops $1,500, one $1,200, two at $1,000 each; skilled laborers——two at $840 each, five at $720 each; draftsman, $1,200; photographers-—one $1,400, one $1,200; packer, $840· two messengers; assistant messenger; superintendent of mechanical plant, $2,500; assistant engineers-—one $1,600, one $1,400, two at $1,200 each, one $1,000, one $900; two pipefifters at $1,000 each; five firemen; glassblowers—-one $1,600, one $1,200; glassworker, $1,600; electric1ans——one $1,400, one $1,200, one $900; foreman of janitors and laborers, $900; fourteen laborers; janitors——three at $660 each, one $600; two female laborers, at $360 each; in all, $432,360. For apparatus, machinery, tools, and a pliances used in connection j*»§,‘f‘§,*{°6‘{§;_°‘°‘ with buildings or work of the bureau, laboratory supplies, materials, and supplies used in the construction of apparatus, machinery, or other appliances, including their exchan e; piping, wiring, and construction incident to the installation 0% a paratus, machinery, or appliances; f1u*niture for laboratories and ogces, cases for apparatus, $75,000. . For repairs and necessary alterations to buildings, $20,000. _ For fuel for heat, light, and power; office expenses, stationery, p,,_,,,p_.,84_ ‘ books and periodicals; traveling expenses (including expenses of attendance ulpon meetings of techmcal and professional societies when require in connection with standardization, testing, or other oilicial work of the bureau); street car fares not exceeding $100; expenses of the visiting committee; expenses of attendance of American member at the meeting of the International Committee of Weights and Measures; supplies for operation, maintenance, and repair of a passenger automobile and motor trucks for official use, including their exchange; and contingencies of a.ll kinds, $7 5,000. 4»4281°—21——45