Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/212

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1652 PARCEL POST CONVENTION—SOCIETY ISLANDS. APRIL 30, 1918. I"¥°“"* ‘°F"‘*“°° 2. The intemal leg1sla` tion of 2. La législation intérieure des mlmbh both the United States and the de la Société et des Etats· Societi Islands shall rcmam ap- Ums deneeure applicable en tout plicab asregards everythmgnot ce qui p est pas prévudpar les . provided for by the stipulations stigulations contenues ans la contained in the present Con- pr ente Conventmn. rvention. mgiiil°.”Y•i°lp¤é°$1°I:Q'§Z 3. The Postal administrations 3. LesAdministrationsPosta1es “’°“°“S· of the two contracting parties des deux pays oontractantes se shall communicate to each other commumqueront mutuellement, from time to time, the provi- de_temps en temps, leurs disposions of their laws or regulations sitrons é%slat1ves ou réglemenapplicable to the conveyance of taires app cable au transport des parcels by parcel post. cohs Etau. _ ,,§,:*$_“"‘ °‘ "° 4. They shall regulate the 4. esdétermmeront la mode mode of transmission of parcels de transmission de ces colis et and fix all other measures of de- établiront tels réglements de tail and order necessary for en- detail et d’ordre reconnus n& suring the performance of the 0BSS8.11'6S(£)0l11‘ l’exécution de la plrasene) Agreement. They mg préeente nvergtion. agreement rescn ron églemen , apr en n conditiohs for the admgsion to préalab ,_ déciden .I,8·(lIIl.1SSl0I1 Am P lm the mails of any of the articles sous certames condmons de oohs ' gzohibited by Article HI of this contenant l’1m quelconq_ue des nvention. objlelts prolnbés par l’Art1cle III de présente Convention. ARTICLE XV. ARTICLE XV. matmdmm This Convention shall take ef- La présente convention enfect and operations thereunder trera en vigueur et ses disposishall begin on the first day_ of tions seront applicable a partir June, 1918, and shall continue in du premier jour de juin, 1918. force until terminated by mutual Elle restera en vigueur ]usqu’a agreement; but may be annulled ce que les deux parties contracat the desire of either Department tantes y mettent fin de commun upon six months previous notice accord, mais elle peut etre dé- given to the other. (eepcéei ep torggautemps sur le ir e une es et moyennant avis donné a l’autre, six 8 _ _ mois A l’avance. ""‘"‘“" Done m duplicate and signed Fait en double et $$116 a at Washington the thirtieth day Washington le trente a , mil of April, one thousand nine hun- neuf cent dix—hui.t. dred and eighteen. ° [sur,.] A. S. Bunmson Postmaster General of the United Stgtes of America. Ussnnnm Ambassadeur de Za République Francaise aw: Etats- Unis.

  • m"°"" The foregoing Parcel Post Convention between the United States

of America an the Society Islands has been ne otiated and concltglfiegl with my advice and consent and is hereiy approved and ra . In testimony whereof I have caused the seal of the United States to be hereunto aiiixed. {sur.,] Woonnow Wmsox. By the President: Ronnnr Lansrso Secretary of State. WASHINGTON, May 8, 1918.