Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/223

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TRAVELING SALESMEN CONVENTION—URUGUAY.` AUG. 27, 1918. 1663 Convention between the United States and Uruguay facilitating the work ***14**5* 2% 1918-

{ traveligg salesmen. Signed at Washington, August 27, 1918; ratication msed by the enate, October 10, 1918; ratified by the

President, October 23, 1.918; ratiyied by Uruguay, January 27, 919; ratihcations exchanged at Montevideo, August 2, 1919; proclaimed August 11, 1919. Br mn Pnnsmmrr or rm; Ummm: Sryrms or Aumuos. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a Convention between the United States of America and u3.`fg§,g?° °°l°sm°"’ the Oriental Republic of Uruguay, to foster the development P"‘“'“"‘°· of commerce between the two countries and to increase the exchange of commodities by facilitating the work of traveling salesmen, was concluded and signed by their res ective Plenipotentiaries at Washington, on the twenty-seventh dgy of An st, one thousand nine hundred and eighteen, the original of wiich Convention, being in the English an Spanish languages, is word for word as follows: The United States of America Los Estados Unidos de Ame- Cmming P°w°m and the Oriental Republic of rica y la Repiiblica Oriental del Uruguay, being desirous to fos- Uruguay, deseando fomentar‘sus ter the development of com- relaciones mercantiles y acrernerce between them and to centar el intercambio de mercaincrease the exchange of com- derias facilitando la actuacion de modities by facilitating the work viajantes, han decidido celebrar of traveling salesmen have agreed con tal proposito un convenio, y to conclude a convention for that a ese Bn han nombrado como sus purpose and have to that end ap- respectivos plenipotenciarios: pointedsstheirplenipetentaries: mm, tmmm The President of the United El Presidente de los Estados p° ' States of America, Robert Lan— Unidos de América, a Robert sing, Secretary of State of the Lansing, Secretario de Estado United States; and de los stados Umdosijy The President of Uruguay, His El Presidente del ruguay a Minister, Doctor Don Baltasar Su Ministro Doctor Don Baltasar Brum, Secreta of State in the Brum, Secretario de Estado en el Department of xi•¥oreign Relations; Departamento de Relaciones Exteriores; Who having communicated to quienes, después de haberse each other their full powers comunicado mutuamente sus which were found to be in due lenos poderes y halladolos en form have agreed upon the fol- Buena y debida forma, han conlowing articles: venido en los articulos siguientesz Article I. Articulo I. Manufacturers, merchants, and Los comerciantes, fabricantes erggiiiiigziigiegrzgzh traders domiciled within the juris- y demas mercaderes domicihados “‘° °“““’g‘° “°°“’°· diction of one of the high con- dentro de la jurisdiccion de una tracting parties may operate as de las altas partes contratantes commercial travelers either per- podran actuar como viajantes, ya sonally or by means of agents or sea pexsonalmente o por medio de emtplo ees within the ]urisdic— agentes o emlpleados, dentro de la tion oi, the other high contracting jurisdiccion e la otra, mediante