Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/279

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TRAVELING SALESMEN CONVENTION——VENEZUELA. JULY 3, 1919. 1719 Oonventiem between the United States and Venezuela facilitating the my “·‘°‘°· work of traveling salesmen. Signed at Caracas, July 8, 1919; ratijication advised by the Senate, Janua 21, 1920; ratified by the President, January 29, 1920; ratifiedaby Venezuela, July 3, 1920; ratijicatwns exchanged at Uaracas, August 18, 1920; proclaimed, October 15, 1920. Br rm: Pnnsxnmrr or rmt Umrnn Srrxms or Aumuca. A PROCLAMATION Whereas a Convention between the United States of America and vQ'§‘,‘{§,]§‘ ”’°S‘“°"· the Republic of Venezuela to foster the development of commerce Pmmbls between them and to increase the exchange of commodities by facilitating the work of traveling salesmen, was concluded and signed at Caracas, on the third ay of July, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen, the original of which Convention, being in the English and Spanish languages, is word for word as follows: Treaty between the United States of America and the United States of Venezuela regarding·Commercial Travelers 1919. The United States of America LosEstadosUnidos de América °°""‘°“"‘ P°"°”‘ and the United States of Vene- y los Estados Unidos de Venezuela being desirous to foster zue1a,dcseando fomentar sus relathe development of commerce ciones mercantilesy acrecentar el between them and to increase intercambio de mercaderias facilithe exchange of commodities by tando la actuacion de los agentes facilitating the work of traveling viajeros de comercio, han desalesmen have agreed to conclude cid1do celebrar con tal proposito a convention for that purpose xm convenio, y a ese En an nomand have to that end appointed brado como sus respectivos geas their glenicpotentiariesz nipotenciarios, a saber: Su x- *"°¤*P°*•¤'*•'*°*· The esi ent of the United ce encia el Presidente de los States of America, Stewart John- Estados Unidos de América al son, Chargé d’Affaires ad interim Senor Stewart Johnson, Encarof the United States; and ado de Ne ocios ad interim, The President of the United do los Estafos Unidos, Su States of Venezuela, Dr. Esteban Excelencia el Presidente die los Gil Borges, Minister of Foreign Estados Unidos de Venezuela al Relations, Senor Dr. Esteban Gil Borges, who, having communicated to Ministro deRe1acionesExteriores, each other their full powers quienes, después de haberse cowhich were found to be in due municado sus plenos poderes y form, have agreed upon the fol- hallandolos en buena y debida lowing articles: forma, han convenido en los articulos siguientes: Article I Articulo I. Manufacturers merchants, and Los comerciantes, fabricantes ¤u(il»%1r?§ZB°iit°:;:iiiZ traders domiciled within the juris- y demas mercaderes domiciliados °°°‘“"'°“°°“$°‘ diction of one of the high con- dentro de la jurisdiccién de una tracting parties may operate as de las altas partes contratantes commercial travelers e1ther per- podran actuar como agentes via-