Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/309

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1748 rnocnsmnrions, 1919. America cannot ac uit herself commensuratel witn her power and influence in the great? period now facing her the world unless the boys of America are given better oplportumties than_ heretofore to pre themselves for the responsib ties of citizenship. _ _ livery nation depends for its future upon the proper training wd development of its youth. The American boy mnst_have the best training and disciplme our great democracy can provide if America is to maintain her ideals, her standards, and her mfluence in the world. _ , , The plan, therefore, for a Boy Scout week during which a universal · appeal will be made to all Americans to supply the means te put the Boy Scouts of America in a position to carry orward effectivexuend ‘ continuousl the sglendid work they are doing for the youth of erica should have the unreserved support of the Nation._ °'*g¤¤¤g *°°·glj Therefore, I, Woodrow Wilson, resident of the States of }'$°?3¤· i'iu°:§°my America, do hereblg recommend that the period bginmng Sunday, °°°‘“ w°"" June Sth, to Flag ay, June 14th, be observed as oy_Scout Week through the United States for the purpose of strengthening the work of the Boy Scouts of America. _ _ _ _ $&>g:•§g* °* °°¤· I eamestly recommend that, in every community, a ClbI?6DS’ m ’ gemmittee, under the leadership of a Natéonal Citizens; orgamzcdtocoo ratemcarryingou a rogram ora e recognition of the eggctive services rendered Ihy the Boy Scouts of America; for a s1u·vey of the facts relating to the boyhood of each community, in order that with the cooperation of churches, schools and other organizations definitely engaged in work for boys, adequate rovisicn may be made for extending the Boy Scout program to a i) er gileportion of American boyhood. mEg·$gg}sy_Qc{=* mighe y Scout movement offers unusual opportunity for volunteer service. t needs men to act as committeemen an as leaders of groups of I hope that all who can will enlist for such rsonal seryice, enro as associate members and give all possible £.iiancia.l assistance to this worthy organization of American be hood. Any- thing_that_1s done to increase the effectiveness of the goy Scouts of Americe will be a genuine contribution to the welfare of the Nation. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the_United States to be aiixed. Done this first day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand nme hundred and nineteen and of the inde ndence of [sm;.] else Enited States of America the one hundrege and forty- ir . Woomzow W By the President: HOSON Rommr Lmsme Secretary of State. _j;gg{g_ Br run Pansmsivr or run Urxrrnn Srarns or Aunmca A PROCLAMATION.

  • "°°°’**’*°· WHEREAS public interests re uire that the Congress

United States should be convened extra session at twelve olilotclirc noon, on the nineteenth day of May, 1919, to receive such commui C in xt nication as may be made by the Executive; 5_SS*§§,§°¤°, gcmgmgj NOW, Therefore, I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the United mi 19.1919. Stgjtres of America, doherebyéiroclaim and declare that an extra- O" al'? occasion requires the ongress of the United States to con-