Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/504

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1922 _ INDEX. .

 F7Zru—C0ntinued. fm ting cw Page. Fo(;*¢g§‘cro1bc,Depar¢7n¢t;1to_/}Ag7&icl1::;§;ptrc?Co{;1. rage,

‘ a pr0pnation' , ., e crencyapproprnt on or g g ores

 National Puk,%nt. - ._- . 335, 512 fires, etc., additional ... 339, 1177 _

‘ for gghtingwtc., Yellowstone Namna;35 512 h;%1$Oggg1B;gc Naglolrilal Forlestls Wx;. .N. . 1177 uxtr y°···j··••‘····•··•··-•·; o to 0 GD ay 8·- for xarvtsctingtpnblw lands from: mm- 335 _ tional serene, ... 324 ursemen . , .. restriction on employses recenvm y £°Y $811*31187 Pi‘6V6¤tm87 GW ·---··-·· 3394 1177 . from outside parties not a1:£l§ca%e Forest Grave, Oreg., to cooperative actryrtree of e - 270 e.7.,1eBe151eek17;,d7;7n¤;em7;117;•€y amen, 849 *¤*¤vl¤¤¤¤ ¤,¤vv*,¤¤w¤g;;·12g`j,¤t·;¤m{¤;)gr¤v

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. . t for uses of .. . 531 Ilbrest Saranac, Department of Agrwullurc, Foruu mm ' ppro'tionforForestersupervis<ns, "5_{ do ‘tb_S , " ",1’.‘?,.,,., ,.,5 . ’ .. 7 47, 705, 1325 “""’°".§°,2.,°’,§, ‘l5,°2.f’§3.'3.7., °.,?".,,.*$;» f¤1' ¤16¥1¥¤7 ¤l¤¢ -··--·-·--·----·--- 2477 7051 1325 and forest lands ... . 252, 710, 1330 for draftsmen, mechanics, etc 247, 705, 1325 for uljscguamous iuvwdgatiom atc ____ 252, for general expenses . _ 247, 706, 1325 4 ’ 710, 1330 t¤¤¤¤¤¤i<Y¤U¤i¤¤<i 8¤*s¤f¤rb1¤d¤¤,i66 1%;; rerinveeugeangineeereeeeeeng. 256, 715, 1334 11·¤1·»r¤·¤¤¤rn¤i¤»·¤=¤e¤ ----·- 2411,706. nn °°?,‘,”é‘.£'T.‘Li 7.,,.,§’.F“Ii1‘L‘f°§‘.R‘..*““...°.°..°”. TY 1334 admilllihllich Gi {MGB; Bla of tim- F est _Elizabeth ° W -····----—·---····---··· 248·"°°» 1326 agfeusion increases ’. 1515 we of fish and sms ------·-· gg, Egg Fofgyyg, Ko , ``'' '`''''° ·s¤¤*¤ sts -··· ~#=¢-·-·7- · exte'ded.f 5 amy wmtem . 275 °°“‘" **;*8* P;¥'““g·l °*’°·· mvm ,326 177:::37, Mg, Roc? wai ,,7,.,- 7ei=§éi&“e7Hp1¤yééi ‘‘‘‘ .111211 248; 706; me ,,,;·,;¤,g¤¤,¤¤g¤d *°*;;g,s·¤¤W*==*~ knobs- 275 °°”"*”€°““ °‘P°*°“°°¥ “‘“’°“°8 °" 7. mpnw ee¥1°ie°¥’eu poit ere of maine ` ,,,. };,°;‘;,°°,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,; ’°°‘ ·=······ ,, ··,,·,,,,·····§,¥,°°·”“° ip NP ...-·.. 1 Z.-.52 31.4351247 1 ,, g, ~-—- , —-·—·4-~ -~------- — -- -~ 761 nn ’”:’,,,%*,‘,{:.¥“‘7$,"‘,;,"*:‘;‘,‘2‘,1:7"“7,,,,e··· 7,,. 1- an station expenses, mounts- — nance of designated torah. . 248, 707, 1323 Pm; fmmgxlbd mf °d ° ‘‘*‘· 1]* 416* I2?} an additional naman forests unter, . F |*¤!°¤¤m . K.S°¤°YR - ·. -··--·-~· 12 Conservation Act. .. 251, 709, 1329 . Fétmc udod fwmcnu by hm;1M°"‘ti·· bi ,,, · · ,,-,,,, 2,, $2% 55* 1414§4‘24“,1’§”’$‘§?,`4‘,1’§,¥;’1,‘{55‘Z,‘24“Y.i’,“§"‘°“°"" 1332 mtacl1an_ gea ea proprra , ,1329 ·. » -· -·-··· for fighting forest Eros; coopcative air °¤¤'Y f°1`f°1t°d *111 1*1-11111% W make P8Y‘ patrol on Pacino coast, etc ... 710, 1329 ments --··—- · -···------—---—-·--·- 1086 151- egnegarg, itc., lands 771111177 7:1151111 FM B;vggéi1c*;lglfl;•!E§H$ to be W or or omesteadentry,s .. 251 , _ 710, 1329 Public H th Service for for survey, etc., of agricultural lands in it ·---·---·-··---··-----·-----·-·- 1025 natlpnal teresa . 251, 710, 1329 Fort Bclhgnrg Agency, Mont., for lighting forest tires, etc .. 251 ¤PPf°P¤¤·¤°¤ for ¤¤PP°!'¢» etc-7 Gi 1¤<11¤¤¤ for supplies, instruments, and equip- N7 ----·- ; -··-·-· 157317 4207 4347 12987 1248 ments , 251, 710, 1329 Fon Bdlnazz Indwn Eevynnnwn. Mont. for wood distillation, economy in forest ¤·PP¤'°P¤¤}¤°¤ l0? 1Y¤8¤¤°¤ ¤Y$¢¤m¤ °¤» _p7e<1ue1s, etc 251, 710, 1329 _¤¤9¤¤t¤¤a¤cs, GW -----~-.-.-- 1<§, 420, 1237 for1mprov1ng_rangeconditions... 251, 710, 1320 commxssrop to prepare iinal roll of Indians fcrtreeplantmg,_etc _ 25 1, 710, 1330 bavmggrghts on, to be appointed; nursery site, Michigan National Forest. 251 composition .. . .,... 1355 · for clooperatrye, etc., mvestrgations to pro ram al otmentilgflrindispwed of lands, 1355 etermme conservative man arnon enm ndmns .,,.,,,. ment of forests . 25;%%-0, 123) trust pateigits to allottees . ..,,_,_,_, , , , , 1355 for apprmsmg, etc., timber for sale; ex- canoe 11111011, of fraudulent names on peuses otsales, etc ... 252, 710, 1330 allotments .. . ,,,,,, 1355 formiscelLaneousinvestigat:ions.. 252,710, 1330 allotments subject to existing tribal for roads, trails, bridges, eu: . 252, 710, 1330 leases .., , ___,___,,,,,, 1355 stock corrals, watering places, etc . 252 issue to heirs in case of death of allottees. 1356 _ _ _ 710, 1330 citizenship declared of allottees receiving erad1cal:mgpo1sonousplants-. . 252, 710, 1330 trust patents .. 1356 traveling expenses restricted. . 252, 710, 1330 subject to State laws, etc .. 1356 rstncuon on ptrgpanng amcle;5 1 lands reserved for power sites, agency, etc., ¤¢W¤P¤P¢f¤7 -··-------·.i 1, 1330 uses . . 1356 paymegt of grazing fees in two instill- ger puke, etc ,__,,,,,,,, _ __,_,,,,,,.,,, 1356 msn ,  : .. 1330 eesim e tentstor ' ,etc. - 1356 f¤i' 9KP€¤56¤ 11*1 Washington, D. C., exami.nati‘<ing:foreall0t1a1l:1€;}l;’st0r1iiI1i;eri,xl U-11(1€}'C0¤B€?V8tl0H Act .. 252, 711, 1330 dg 1; _______ _ ___________________ 155 for aggrtional lands under Conservation m.ineraE):1> remain tribal property; allot- . ---·—····· ;··; ~—-——------·------ 1345 ment of surface land ... .. . 1356 deficiency appropriation har general ex- _ coal reserved for irrigation Srojects 1356 Pumas-- ·-······---· — —-~- · $2,64,346,5% timber lar1ds_to remam trib property; 1039, 1043, 1045, 1187, 1192 domestic uses authorized: .. 1356