Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/694

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21 12 INDEX. Trading with the Enemy-Continued. Page. Training Camps, Mil*itary—Continued. Page. property held by the custodian, etc.; sales of quartermaster and ordnance prop— equity suit allowed for, after the war erty to persons attending .. 779 if payment not ordered, etc . . . . 35, 978 receipts available . 779 jurisdiction of supreme court, D. C., course ofi11strnctiontobeestabI.isl1ed,etc.. 779 and district courts 35, 978 employment of Regular Army personnel. . 780 determination of court ... 978 Training Stations, Naval (see also Naval retention of property until final judg— Training Stations), _ ment 35, 978 acceptance of donated_ lands San Qxego, if owner an enemy solely by residing in Calif., for estabhslung; condition - . 145 territory occursed by enemy forces, plans, cost, etc., to be submitted .. 145 delivery may e allowed .. . 36 maintenance expenses, allowed from approreceipt to be a full acquittance of cus- magriations oryardsand docks. ... 145 todian, etc ... . . ... 36 Tram s, etc., ._ rights of other persons not barred . 36 easements adjoining rights of way of, perdelivery of money, etc., without applica- mitted for operatinglworks, etc 1194 tion, to nationals of other than Ger- Transit Pay, Diplomaticand ornsular Service, many, etc ... . ... 978,1147 a gropriation for ... . .. 740, 1206 official of Germany, etc., in United dg ciency appropriation for .. . . . . 1042 States when relations severed ... 978 Tnzmmission of Intelligence, _ _ to woman of neutral or allied nation, interstate commerce regplations applicable married to German, etc., prior to to, by wire or wireless 474 April 6, 1917 .. . 978, 1147 wholly within one State excepted .. 474 if propert not required from German, penalties for violations of interstate cometc., subsequent tolanuary 1, 1917- 1147 merce laws made applicable to 484 to woman of American citizenship, Tmmpartation Act, 1920, . married to German, etc., prior to appropriation for expensw of Interstate April 6, 1917 978, 1147 Commerce Commission enforcing if pro not acquired from German, compliance with, as to accounting etc uent to January 1, 1917 . 1147 by carriers, etc . . .. 889 intemedhenemy alien . - .. i. 979 for expenses Railroad Lablggr Boatxéd 890 partners , corporations, etc., entire y or expenses operating ts, e ., on cwnefby other than Germans, etc- . 979 canals, etc . 906, 1392 Governments of Bulgaria or Turkey . 979 deficiency appropriation for expenses, Governments of Germany, etc., of diplo- liquidating matters with carriers matic and consular property -.. . 979 ansi out of Federal control .. 589 status of persons of free cities, etc., formerly title of Acggiesiguated .. . 456 part of Germany, etc., but now meaning of terms used; "Interstate Comreleased by treaties, etc 979 merce Act " . . . 457 remaining part thereof- 979 "Commerce Court Act " . 457 receipt a. 1 l acquittauce of all claims "Federal Control Act " . 457 under . 979 "Federal control " ... . 457 legal rights not barred .. - .. • 980 "Commision " ... . . 457 app cations for return of property under termination of Federal control March 1,1920. 457 provisions hereof ... 980 powers of the President relinquished; by legal representatives of deceased per- operation of railroads . . . 457 sons . . 980 supervision, etc., of carriers . . ... 457 . conditions imposed ... 980 over rates, charges, classifications, etc. 457 claims of citizens or subjects of Allied ua- acquiring water transportation facilities, tions not allowed unles reciprocal terminals, etc. .. . . . 457 rights accorded American citizens operating canals- .. 457 by qrch nations . ... 980 purchasing securities of carriers. except ownership prior to October 6, 1917, re- under prior contracts, etc .. 457 quired . 980 use of revo ving fund, except in closing no other hen enforceable. . .. 36, 9w up Federal control . . 457 provisions not applicable to payments on for war emergencies not affected 457 _ account o patents, etc 36, 980 Government owned boats on inland waterprovrsxons relating to, not aiected by res0· ways transferred to Secretary of War lutmn declaring date of termination for operation, etc . . . 458 _ of War with Germany, etc .. 1360 if part of railroad, excepted . 458 Tram Control Systqns andA;y>lm·m:a, _ pnor contracts, claims, etc., payable approprratron for mvestrgating and testing. 179, from Federal contr·ol money ... 458 889, 1380 transfer of money for, to Secretary of Training {Zmgzps, Military, War .. 458 appropriatron for ordnance supplies for other operation, etc., ex pay- _ ¢¤Vil¤m· · . . . , .. Z . 128 able from available frmdg ... . . 458 mamtenance of, for mstructxon ofjqapant construction of terminal facilities for inofficers, enlisted men, and crvrhans. 779 terchangeof tratiic authorized . . . 458 arms&§u1pment, etc., of the Army to be loans to States for ...,.,, , ___,___,,,__ 453 _ ... _ ... 7 79 water carriagqon the above uniforms, subsrsfence, and transporta- Samtlnuxstobeprovid .. ... 458 tron, tobefurmsbed persons attend- operation of, subject to interstate and ing ... , 779 shipping laws .. 458 expenrhturesanthonzed from Armyappro· operating force authorized to be cmpnatrons for maintenance, etc . 779 , ployed ,,,,_,,,._,,_,,_____,__,,__ 453