Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1687

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INDEX. Xcvu Errncrgcncy Tori] AQ, 1921—Qontim1ed. Pan. Employees, Government-Continuqgd, Page. www ’¤> 1>¢¤¤¤¢ npvmsmz qiiiper to issue oi annuity omifioma no, separated mspect books, etc., pcrtaming to from service before reaching al 1 mu · - · “g" V U6 0 g00d¤ _1|11p0 _ .. 18 for retirement; conditions .. 1047 goods of, forbidden xmportstncn on fail- gt retirement age to receive annuity . 1047 qrc . , 18 nmmedim annuity in lien of deferred, dghvgry gf, to bg wuhheld ,.,.,. 18 allowed; mm ming gm, ,,,,,_ 1947 sale of,_ when failure continues one Employment Ojiua, bguimnal, _ year, if not previously exported . . : . . 18 up ropriation for maintenance of . . 489 1129 meomng of "por¤0n" in Antrdumping Empgoyrnznt Servkze, D. C'., ’ Act, and ssoesment of ad vslorem appropriation for maintenance, etc. . .. 678 1335 Qutws ... I ... 2 . - . 18 Empgwment Service, Department of Labor, ’ " Unm;1»es,j’ to mclude gemwrgds appropriation for fostering, etc., welfare of U1 £>¤¢¤\¤¤¤. 61¢¢Pf· €¤ig¤8 wage com etc ..,, . .,,_, 48 islan and Canal Zone .. _ .. 18 deficiency a.ppg;>,riation for advancedg, 1129 enforcement rules, etc., to be prsscmbed . . 18 tumspormtzion, 1919 ... 48 Dye and Chemiml Control Act, 1921 . 18 for anisting employment of wage designated dgges and chemicals prohibited gamers ...,, - ., 334, 1054 entry r three months . 18 Emrmeled Hollow Wa", or delrvery from customs custody .. 18 duty on, utensils oi iron orsteel .. 330 sdmimxl if suitable substitutes not Encampmmnts and Maneuwrs, Organized olbtsinsble Uuibeggitates . I . . 18 d H Militia, an req r act consumption e cie appropriation for 196, 342 781 within six months . 18 En}wra;ecg¥re£¥w,p ’ , 1167 extended to six months . 191 on free list, containing no alcohol 927 War Trade Section, State Department, Engineer Cmnmiss·io·rwr’: Office, D. C., abolished .,... 18 aplpropriation for salaries .. 673, 1330 transfer to Treasury Department of or central garage ... 673, 1330 personnel.; . _. . . 18 Engmcer Deggmtment, Army, records relating to dye and chemxcal appropmmon for expenses of de ts. 88, 740, 1400 control . - .. 18 Ear maintenance of school, Wgzshiugwu, licenses issued by, continued ... 19 D. C. .. 88, 740, 1400 funds, etc., to be expended by Secretary tuition of student officera at technical of the Treasury 19 institutions, etc . .,... 88, 740, 1401 title of Act ... - .- 19 travel expenses of officers for instrucpmvisions continued in force until other- tion ,,,,.,,., , ,,,,.,,_,,. 89, 740, 140] wise provided by law . . 220 for equipment of troops .. 89, 740, 1401 repeal of, by Tariff Act of 1922 . ... 990 for civilian assistants ... . . 89, 740, 1401 Emery, for operations in the field 89, 741, 140], duty on, grains, manufactured, etc . . . . 914 allowance for purchase of options manufactures of ... 914 for materials . . . . 89, 741, 1401 wheels, files, paper, em . - . 914 temporary construction for training on free list, ore .. . ... 927 only  : ... _. . .: ... 89, 741, 1401 Emma County, Mich., _ _ _ for contmgencnes, Phihppxne Islands 89 grant of public lands m, to Michigan for 741, 1401 a game refuge . 828 for military surveys and maps 89, 741, 1401 Empire Machimry and Supply Corporaubn, assistance of other Government surdeiiciency sppropriatuon for payment veys etc . . . . ... 89, 741, 1402. to ,.., , ... 777 for fortiticauon exgenses, neacoast de- Employeea Cmnpensalion Cmnrgnlwion, fenses, limtad t.¤»tes._ .. 741,1402 appropriation for compensation 639, 1230 for fort,11ication expenses, insular possesfor contingent expeuqes . . .. 639, 1230 ¤10}1¤ . -: .--·. - ···... . .. 741, 1402 fm- printing and binding for .,.. 1230 for fortification expenses, Panama Canal. 742, for allowances, etc., employees com- _ _ 1402 pensation fund . . .. 639, 1230 for construcung, etc., roads, bridges, for sddimional $240 s year to employees _ and mlb, l¤¤l<¤ ··~--·-.·-- 90. 759, 1420 of . . 714, 1559 deiicxepcy apgéoprmuon for school, Washdeficiency appropriation for compensatio;;4 1530 f dlugtgn, - G .-.. . .·---··- 52, 4gg ments .-... ·. , or e . . ... E1npl¢1yrgya¥;'mnpmwlims Fund, for opggatious in the field .. 196, appro riation for payments from. .. _639, 1230 _ 342, 345, 458, @63, 781, 1056, 1170, 1555 awxnrdg of compensation now being pwd, for readjustments of nver and harbor continued until March 1 Z . . I 1516 contacts . - ... 778 Em plageea Campmsazion Fund, Dwtnct of for eqéupmeut of troops.: .1. Z . . ._ 312, 463, 1056 Columbia, for re mlding levees, M.1m1mipp1 Rwer, appropriation for psyingéswnrds, etc. $75, 1332 { vstcili. . ... . 25-ig d fi 'enc 2 ro riation or ymg` aw s, or as nb on ounmen ... E Cx etc?. . ... 29, 328, 770 for rivers and harbors, increase of com- Employeea, Government (see also Govemment pensstion . . . 781, 1057 ,1168, 1170 Employees), Alaska _ road, etc., constructxon obl1gaadditional pav of $240 a year to, receiving trons allowed prior to Jnly 1, 1922, $2,500 or lm .,. 712, 1557 payable from sppropnatnon for fiscal c1a§i_§cati0¤_0fp0gi_d0u3QfC1Vui8D .,,... . yea.r,1923.. -···· ·