Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/992

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964 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 356. 1922. °°"°$§·§G‘”·*‘ will not sell for a sufficient amount to pay such taxes, shall be forth- ` with destroyed under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary S I mm of the Treasury, instead of being sold at auction. n`$B¤`is¤$}i ln 'Ireas- Sec. 493. Pnocnnns or SALE.—Tl1B surplus of the proceeds of sales ,‘jg’df,Q°‘ °““‘“°d “‘ under section 491 of this Act, after the payment of storage charges, expenses, duties, and the satisfaction of any lien for freight, charges, or contribution in general average, shall be deposited by the collector in the Treasury of the United tates, if claim therefor shall not be filed with the collector within ten days from the date of sale, and m¥;3¢:·t::¤fv¤¤¤¤1¤¤¤¤- the sale of such merchandise shall exonerate the master of any vessel ’ ° in which the merchandise was imported from all claims of the owner thereof, who shall, nevertheless, on due proof of his mterest, be entitled to receive from the Treasury the amount of any surplus of the proceeds of sale. _ _ Pgcmmt fw wash- Sec. 494. Exrnnsn or WEIGHING, am) so FOR•r11.—In all cases H1 m8’ ° which the invoice or entry does not state the weight, quantity, or measure of the merchandise, the expense of ascertaining the same shagge collected from the consignee before its release from customs cus . gxvmmwgywnds- 8120.5495. Panmmnsmr 1zom>.—When any bond is required bylaw mm ummm MY? to be executed by any partnership for any purpose connected wi the transaction of business at any customhouse the execution of such bond by any member of such partnership shall bind the other partners in like manner and to the same extent as if such other partners had personatgy joined in the execution, and an action or suit may be Estitu on such bond against all partners as if all had executed e same.

 or, au- Sec. 496. ExAM1NA·r1oN or BAGcAon.—The collector may cause an

f},‘§“,,§§d,,,‘,{‘§§§,',}f},‘,‘,ff‘“°` examination to be made of the baggage of any person arriving in the United States in order to ascertain what articles are contained therein and whether subject to duty, free of duty, or prohibited notwithstanding a declaration and entry therefor has been made. _l_}’,g{gs**°:;•;· dgggmgf Sec. 497. FonFmrrmm.—Any article not included in the declaraac. ’ tion and entry as made, and, before examination of the baggage was begun, not mentioned in writing by such person, if written declaration an entry was required, or orally if written declaration and entr was not required, shall be subject to forfeiture and such person shall be liable to a Epenalty equal to the value of such article. m{#;¤;<g; r;*;gKgk¢m;¤· Sec. 498. NTRY UNDER REGULAT[ONS.—(8) The Secretary of the ` Treasury is authorized to prescribe rules and regulations for the declaration and entry of— vane not eva- smc. (1) Merchandise not exceeding $100 in value, including such merchandise imcported through the mails; ,yI;?,"¥:§.°,°;§y °°m°!` f (2) Mcrclmn isc damaged y fire or marine casualty on the voyage 0 importation; ,,,§.,`{§}"°'°° {mm (3) Merchandise recovered from a wrecked or stranded vessel; pemmeuanam. (4) Household effects used abroad and personal effects, not imported gndgursuaance of a purchase or agreement for purchase and not mten e or sa e; °“'~‘”°¤°b'°•**~ (5) Articles sent by persons in foreign countries as gifts to persons _ in the United States;

 °¤ “*° P°'· (6) Articles carried on the person or contained in the baggage of a

Tm [ person arrivmig in the United States; ° °"’°°‘ (7) Tools o trade of a person arrivi in the United States; d§,'fg"‘§§m‘Q{_ °“‘"¤S _ (8) Personal effects of citizens of theilljnited States who have died in a foreign country; §°,$f‘,`£,'f“,,%$f“· (9) Merchandise within the provisions of sections 465 and 466 of this Act at the first port of arrival; Wylie no emma (10) Merchandise when in the opinion of the Secretary of the Treasury the value thereof can not be declared; and