Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/993

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 356. 1922. 965 (11) Merchandise within the provisions of the Act entitled "An °°“°,}‘,g}§:°°'·*· Act to expedite the delivery of imported parcels and packages, not Foregxessiiolivery. exceeding $500 in value," approve June 8, 1896. ;°" 1*** °°°‘ (b) The Secretary of the reasury is authorized to include in such ima°Eii.°m°°° °°°h°r` rulesAand regulations any of the provisions of section 484 or 485 of A”"» P-°6°· this ct. Smo. 499. EXAMINATION or MEnc:uANn1sn.—Imported merchan- N° d°“"°"Y"’%“""· dise, required by law or regulations made in pursuance thereof to be <i’<iJ:€i1ti}i¤ii)§gi:?;ti=i inspected, examined, or appraised, shall not be delivered from customs custody, except as otherwise provided in this Act, until it has been inspected examined, or appraised and is reported by the appraiser to have been truly and correctly invoiced and found to comply with the requirements of the laws o the United States. The ,gg‘*§‘§“§§QPp§,§(g°§§; collector shall desigpate the packages or quantities covered by any ¤i>pr¤is<—>m¤¤t,¤¤c. invoice or entry w 'ch are to be opened and examined for the purpose of appraisement or otherwisc_ and shall order such packages or quantities to be sent to the public stores or other places for such purpose. Not less than one package of every invoice and not less Number °‘P°°'¤*¤°¤· than one ackage of every ten packages of merchandise, shall be so designated) unless the Secretary of the Treasury, from the character and description of the merchandise, is of the opinion that the examination of a less proportion of packages will amply protect the revenue and by special regulation permit a less num er of packages to be examined. The collector or the appraiser may require such additional packages or quantities as either of them may deem necessary. _ If an egackqgxe is foimd by the appraiser to contain any article not i¤$¤1°?&`:<iiia·»iti°¤1°p¤!$ilii specifi in e invoice and he regqrts to the collector that in his °¤°· opinion such article was omitted m the invoice with fraudulent intent on the part of the seller shippler, owner, or agent, the contents of the entire package in which suc article is found shall be liable to seizure, but if the apxpraiser resorts that no such fraudulent intent is apparent then the v ue of said article shall be added to the entry and the duties thereon paid accordingly. If a deficiency is found ,,,§°¥’°" °"‘°“°*°“°Y* in quantity, weight, or measure in the examination of any ackage, report thereof shall be made to the collector, who shall make allowance therefor in the liquidation of duties. Sec. 500. Dtrrms or rms: Approved, ASSISTANT Approved, AND Avv¤>*==¤¤¤¤*- EXAMINER.—(8.) It shall be the duty of the appraiser under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe- (1) To appraise the merchandise in the unit of quantity in which D¤¤•¤°*¤PP¤*=¤=· the merchandise is usually bon ht and sold by ascertaining or estimating the value thereof by a§ reasonable ways and means in his power, any statement of cost or cost of production in any invoice, aflidgylit, declaration, or other document to the contrary notwithstan ; (2) Ti ascertain the number of yards, parcels, or quantities of the merchandise ordered or designated for examination; (3) To ascertain whether the merchandise has been truly and correctly invoiced; (4) To describe the merchandise in order that the collector may determine the dutiable classification thereof; and (5) To report his decisions to the collector. _ (b) At ports where there are assistant appraisers provided for by ,,,g§§§§'gg§';,’i;,,{";g’,,"f law the appraiser shall have power to review and to revise and correct the reports of such assistant appraisers. _ (C) t shall be the duty of an assistant a praiser— ap‘I§;j,;°;_ °‘ ”“‘·”·“* (1) To examine and mspect such merchandise as the appraiser may direct, and to report to him the value thereof; (2) To revise and correct the reports and to supervise and direct the work of such examiners and other employees as the appraiser may designate; and