Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/1005

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2546 INDEX Patent Ofice, Inm-wr Depanm,4m¢—Coutd. Pun- Pawnee Agency, Qkla., tc f I Pan. mfn¤ge` ment f te ts, tc., to be appropriation or sup , e . 0 nduh vented gy gguxiztioss. . 392 at, tribal me . . .2 ,.. 574, 1195 damages for, to be asemed by the court. 392 Pawnee Indugm, Okla., _ _ _ expert testimony admitted to deter- appropriation for f\1;1fl]:l1DgtI'68f16B with. 574, 1195 mms; Eayment based on ...,. . 392 deficiency a.ppropr1ation for schools, etc. . . 57 pending 'tigaticn not aifected . :. 392 Pawtucket River, R. I., _ , no repovery unlem action brought withm 392 P improvement of, authorized .. 1038 ¤¤ Y<¤¤B- ----·- . .---·- - - -·--····-·- , Afmy, notice of action to be sent to Commis— 392 (Lyppmpriation for ohicers, line and staffniél Iggy, swner - , wbzééndgrsed on iile wrapper; fee to 392 uufngger authorized after January 1, 721 - xe as costs ...,. . ., .. . . . feesestslglished for patent ap licatixms, etc. 393 for, and allowances, OECBTB, Reserve uucerhfied copies of speqtgcations, etc. . 393 Corpg- . . _ 73, 723 no public libraries, etc .. 393 limiutnoma for active duty; excepexchangea with foreign patents 393 tions. . ... 73,723 recording assignments, etc . 393 for Medical Reserve Corps, from Veter- P in days ...,,,.., 393 gm' Buret%ua]1<;t1neniswhen 74 7% atent #i¤u;l' azette, patients ereo at y hospi g. , gpgropristion ad binding. 534, 1176 limliltggttion on odious ox; Promotion 1383 e ciency appmpnatum pnnting an ‘ , promutedas captains . b . ._ ... 50 for National Guard ... Z . . 73, 723, 1384 printing md ' utum oi, sutherized". 391 for mu-rmt officers; v¤cauc1es... . . 74, 723, 1384 Patents (sec also Patent Office), number in each grade reduced . . . . 723 to be issued under seal of Patent Office, for aviation increm . 74, 724,1384 signed by Comuumioner, recorded, for longevity, officers 74, 724, 1384 P Etc ... I} ... 391 for enlisted men, grae agi gsff 7:; 7% 1% atentr ommiceionero, f eulistedmen atio .7 7 1 apprdpriaticn for, asistmts, examiners, it Enlisted Reserve Corps ... - - - - 74, 724 gtc . .,.,..,,, I ,.,,,.. . . . 581, 1203 foraviaitionincreasc, eplisted men. 74, 724, 1384 gary mgggued of,_2·ud t¤..._..:.. 389 im- enlisted men, Pluhppme Seoui¤.'}é4 of attorneys to pmcldce in patent 390 gx euljsted men, longevity. .. {gg cases . . . mtued omcem e . . .. , suspend, etc., for qause 390 for retired enlisted men, etc . 74, 724, 1384 letters Entgmt to be mgued by, etc 391 deiiqiency aéapmprhtion for. 52, 56, 196, 341, 346, Patumg, _ dy E. gundam), 458, 4 ,781,785,1056,1167,1170, 1555,1556 pension 111 _ 1726 claims of ¤Ecerg, etc., for services in World Puvicg Bclmdu (wrdvw), wu, Agri] 6, 1917,t0J1me30, 191s,w Ppensmn- . .. 1622 be puiig from appropriation for pay, 6 attcrns, tc. 19. I ... 7 molder’s, for castings, admitted imo under Pay Glaze, Amy bond fog exportation in six months. 938 appropriation for retired. .. 74, 724, 1384 P¤¢¢¢r¤g>¤. haw (vndw), Pay, Marine Omg pemucn . .  : . 1653 a mpriation , and allowances., 136, 808, 1150 P““"""”" ”mmd°""""E‘ """'°""’ 1666 "l‘;‘g°‘°“°" °°°'°“§Q*éj2‘é9‘1’62l‘&s15$s§‘°13é’£’f’f€s pension m .. .. , , , , , Patterson, ylfarion B. (widow), Pay, Navy, ' P€¤51<>¤ ¤¤c¥6¤·¤9d·--; ·~-·-·--··-- · ·· - 1616, 1623 appropriation for, miscellaneous. . . 122, 787, 1133 Pattersgm, Mary A. (wndcw), private damage . . ...,,... 1133 P 567-1810¤ - . 3 . · - --.---· 1659 restriction ou use cf, in naval terson, ar pension- ... .. 1683 clerical eu:. services atyuds etc. .. ’ 123 Pamm, James P., ’ ’ ’ 788, 113é pension increased . ... 1740 for officers . . 131, 799,1143 Pauem, John G., for rental allowance . ... 799,1143 pension in¢¤med.. .. 1731 for subsistence allowance . .. 799, 1143 Pwl, [nlm, _ _ for retired omcers . . 131, 799, 1143 deficiency _ appropriation for ccntmwd for hire of quarters . 131, 799, 1143 ploctnop expenses . . 768 for retired enlisted men . 131, 799, 1143 Paul, (widow), for geenlistineut extrp. pay ._ . 131, 799, 1143 P E . 1. . .. - . 1659 for interest on deposits, enlisted men 7 I y peusicu - ._ ... . . . 1607 for petty officers, apprentice seams en· Paulk,_M0llw E. (widow), listed men, etc - ... 121, 799, 1143 pension . ... . ... 1697 for lodging and subsistence, enlisted Pawhuska, Okla., men . . ... . ,.. 799 approprmtxop for Silint Louis Indi§ for and apprentice seamen 43 g Osage in un er training .. . ... 131 799,11 funds - - . . .. 1196 for, and allowances, Nurse Corps. 131: 799, 1143 for street, etc., improvements mar for Fleet Naval Reserve retainer and ac- Osage property, from trihal funds. . 1196 five service, and allowances. 131, 799, 1143 Paumbmkers, _ for payment of personal property 1osses.. 132, special tax imposed ou; businea defined. . 295 799, 1143