Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/1006

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INDEX. Pay Na·vy—Continued. Page. P Rg d·u,tm,.,,, · apprplprisbion for death gratuities. . 132, 799, 1143 ay aélyorps etc.£J;]o?1’tl’inn!{le¢lvavy’ Hamm Pnml qccounbed for as one hmd. . 132, 799, 1143 personal a.l1,owa.nces for §m`dgg of vice retamer pay restriction, Naval Reserve admiral, admiral, an Chief of Naval de6ci€F;’r°°- ·-—--- _· - - ~f --------· 13%27%9, 1138 Operations .,,_________________ 629 n yapproprm. on or. , 6,197 Arm d M C0 , base f - , 342»346,459,463,782,785,1055,1165 Y Elm 0%. . . TT .. Tl Y Yr. 629 for, ¤¤¤¢<>11¤¤<¤<>¤¤ · - ··-·--··------ 52, 56, 342, enlisted men; specialists ratings _________ 629 . 346, 459, 463, 781, 785, 1055, 1165 new longevity pay allowances . . . 629 f°¤' www 0* ¢<>¤¤P¤¤¤m<>n -... 342 reenlismmem gratuities ...,,..,___...__, 629 expend1ture for telephone tolls, etc. 1922, transfers from Fleet Marine Corps Refrom, miscellaneous, _ ____ 450 Serve _____________ _ _______________ 629 Pay Readjuqtmmt of Army, Navy, 4;:4;,, Spgmhl retifédgmy computed on new basis . . 629 _ Jmnt Congressional Committee on, Navy an Cow Gu$Td» bw P$Y of WU" time extended 1or report of- ,..,.. 352 i1HB1:;1t officers 630 Pay Readjustmerzt of Army Navy Marine ° mem °° we ···· · 630 pen an base pay or ·——· · ·-·----·- pay O?;£’ dl? ’ egeabnsxwd 1 Fzglsatgzggxldmmby the Semtmes 630 ummm below gpm of brrigadier ;%Ef°¤`* mlm gift N=V=l R*>¤¤"¤ ··-·- 630 general, rear a.dm1ra.1, etc. . 625 8 °“g°v1ty ?°Y’mc°“ ·············· 630 mms for periods _________________________ 625 present iipqy CODd1F10DB repealed, except me ;¤,,d,0·3;’¤*w <=¤¤¤i¤g m my- me 625 mm- 112* %12‘§“§£"i1i?1s‘;,z‘e.;;;(lE.p0,; ‘‘‘‘ ang °3° fifth r1¢¤1Z.`.ZIfffffffffffffffffffff, 625 ’5*'*i¤g¤ ·--·- -··-----·-·-----··· 630 fo,u,,§°Pe,,0d_ _________________________ 626 r<—>c_ul1s1meut g1’8l7'|.11U€8. 630 third (period; exceptions .. . . 626 !°m_ ed p°Y ‘ ‘‘‘°‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘·‘•··•···•·‘ 630 sewn Period _________________________ 626 submstence and rental allowances to wmnm pemd .,. ; . 626 _ rant ¤f!ic<>r¤ ----·-. 630 pay dunng emstence of 2. war applicable to Blihsted m€¤ ----····-··--—-·---·-- ‘ --~· 630 permanent and temporary commjs Pilots ···-- ; -·-·---— ; -·····---------·--~ 630 sions _____ _ ________________________ 626 pommutauon of mucus,. . I . 630 longeviiéy pay increase for each three years 26 m'd°°'g1g,00°I%1B°wau°° fm °mc°m wmmut 631 0 service . 6 1 `°'‘`'‘‘ · ‘‘‘‘‘` lifgnitation belovgge of colonel, ggcé. . . 626 H reqmgts =PP*¤=¤b*¤ w an 631 ocersonretir `tune30,1 to '`‘'``'‘'‘'`'‘'‘‘'`' f ¤<>¤¤¤¤~·> at 1;'°S°¤{ ¤·¤pg¤ ------· 626 “t“?»lvSé`.F€»'$Z°$,¤{{°§e¤’Y??YtT’i .t?Y}’l.l’? 631 or pay ratzmgs, e c. on y ac we co . ¤i<·¤<>d Swim '¤* ¤v¤¤i¤¤¤·=¤*¤ ¤¤ §$??§£fi§E’§ °§‘i$€'$“f¤Z‘ZI °$?é$° ETVSIM wl and after July 1, 1922, counted .. 627 awa from t 631 au wmccagf ¤¤*g¢¤ i¤ ¤¤¤*i¤·=» me 3°· 62, W digm in JSS Aaaxaaké °°‘``‘`°` 631 1922, owe . . ’ °`‘°°' P·=~<=¤¤£¤ =&¤¤W¢d fw ¢¤¤¤¤i¤¤i°¤¤d — °°°t °iht§‘L`§Z10?1$?a`{$..l°' d°"}’T`°°“T"Y YY 631 °?m°° m Ommzed M1lm°" Na` female nurses Army · lulnusl tmna.1 Guard, etc . . 627 pay established 831 persons in service, not commxss1' `on 0 - '``` ° ‘`‘` 7 ‘'’°'‘ . cm te have ¤>¤°¤P•>¤di¤€ vw ----- 627 m°“3¥re22§}§Y“3€§T.Y?. ?T‘T'}T‘}T’T‘Y‘{'T'?`3 631 ¤¤¤¤ <>f Mme <><>¤>¤ P“Y clerk --···—·--- 6** subsistence and mm allowances. .. el wmmct Surgmm ‘‘‘‘’‘'‘‘'° " ' 627 National Guard officers on active duty to ffmmissioged Warrant °f§8°°mC ‘‘' A 627 receive A’rmy pay and allowances. . 631 mglegé Q mms r 627 pay of oH·i<;er?Hfor adminisuutive work; 631 ····················‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ wamm officern .. . .. D0 l.DC!‘&6B€ {Of Held Ol' 888 duty. -.····- · · · 627 gymgry drill pay, gg]jg·[gd mgu ________ , 632 N8$i0¤3·1 Guard Mld R€¤€!'V€ Umffem *0 enlisted men at maneuvers, instruction 1’9€€1V9 ¢<>¤'¢SP<>¤d1¤8 P¤Y_¤*¤-*§¤- - — 627 camps, and service schools . 632 lougelrity allowance for actlve HW, 627 foreign service paygegloénémuwdon of quar- € C ·--·---·---·-—·--—·-···- · ----·· te , t ., . ... 632 c0¤FU'\1€'¢i0¤ of ¢€1'¤1 “$i€P€¤¢Q¤t" --·- - - · - 627 no reducltiioi if ggresent pay of officers on subsistence allowance xn add1tion to pay. . 628 active 1381; ________________________ 632 €0H1pl1tafiOX1, and b3B1S of ..-·----- - ·---- 628 bonus pay not included ,____,_ , .,__,,,, 632 officer with no dependents ... Z ..··-- 628 in pay, etc., of enlisted men during cu1·~ rental a,1lowa,nce of no quarters fl1l'I11Bl10d- . 628 mm; enlistment ____ _ ______________ 532 Yearly d€¢€1’m1~¤8·¤0¤ Gi 1'2·t€ for 0**9 628 appéicable to persons not commissioned- 632 l'00m 4·-- - -----·---·-—-·-·- retire pay based on new ratings from basis of allowances- ----.-. » -----.. 628 July 1, 1922 - - ---,---·----·-·----- 632 for dependents when officer on iield present pgy not reduged .. t . 632 duty, etc . 628 no promonons for gctrye duty servnce. - - 632 fm- gificgr without dependents ___,_..., . . 628 allowances to Pluhppme Scout officers. . 632 maximum pay and allowances, for grade full pay when on aeuve duty . ... _ . . 632 below bdggdjgr genelal ____,, . . 628 3Cld1DOH3l. PQY HIE!} fol’ 8p€C|&l exceptions, Coast Guard, and Coast and qualmcatxons 111 use of arms 632 Gggdgtjg Suyvg _________,,__,, . . . 629 former allowances repealed . . . . 632 pay of generals and adlvrnirals . 629 Mxhtary Academy and Coast Gua.rd_c2d9t8 subsistence and rental allowances. .. 629 to recexve pay, etc., of mxdslup maximum mms . . .. 629 men ..---...-·..--..· · -------- 632