Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/1071

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2612 INDEX. Sandy Hook Army Proving Ground, N. J., P¤¤¤· Savannah, Ga., _ P•¤¤· balances of appropriations for, covered in. . 755 bridge authorized across Savannah River Sanilarium Company of Portland, Oreg., at 505 appropriation or care, etc., Alaskan insaggfi 6 joint Congressifnal authorized patients , 117 to atten arri 0 ericau troops deficiency appropriation for ure, etc., from Germany at . 1818 Alaskan insane patients .. . . 446,1538 Savannah River, Sanitary Bureau Internatumal, bridge authorized across, Burtons Ferry, S approp1éiationiorshz}reinma1nt»v3nanoeof 607, 1075 S S. Ci ..

 onvenhim., ntzrnationa , avanna 1, a .

S con udejlwith other)Powers .. . . 1823 preli1ni1;a1l;y(Blexa§ination, Etc., to be made 044 aneouck, a , 0 ow u%1s·ta . 1 veeeiee ---~ 7- —-···—----··--------... .. use ,,,,,,, exteeded fee *i<*éi¤e· ew men D BC , GM 8 8, G , Sa£>mri>p;&iei1{&£}I¤me hool 572 1193 s `ng (iidzili ``°``°``````'``````` 505 degciencyappropriation for Indian school. 57 exempt from income tax .. 253 for public building . 338 Savings Securilka, Treasury, Sana; [mm, cmg, appropriation for expenses in Post Office appropriation for expenses, Volunteer Sol- P6P¤¥l¢m°¤t» eeie. 6*% of --·--····· 371 diem- Home ,,,_,_,,,_,,.,_,_,, 763, 1424 Sagonmrw Umm and Ruse, · 906 d ii put E Vol 11 ¤¤ ····-····---·-··-·---··---····-- c cwgxaeigpiiceme . . 1557 Sew glam, _ Santa Rosa and mmm amuse me., duty <>¤,¤tee1<=¤e¤1¤r -----------·------· 875 may bridge Esmmbia River at . . 353 Sewe, _ Santa Rona National Bank, Calif, dutY °¤» ¢¤`€¤]¤·l`» GW -··~-··-···----···-· 880 losses to_L1berty bond subscribers through ereeeeut; · - - ·-·--······-—--·--- · ···--· 880 tenure er, to be determined, eee 1598 Jewelers ---- - ·------·---·-----------·- 880 S P¤Yg_¤¢¤¢ 8¤}th<>fiZ¤d€- - · ---- ih --··-· 1598 ml:] -··· .· -1i ·· E ·:(ié&·f·} ·············· anta iou:rnd1an•' see 'ux d1ans' , ¤°¤P€¢¤¤YP“ °· ··---·-~···-· Different Tribes . pit end me ---· - -----·—---------~---·- 880 Samiagm §k’ · · · · · Samrginrthly piglyiients to for injuries diappropriatnon for particraaating m Fifth mated * ’ 1600 E _ Pan American erenoe at_ ... 609 Smboiw in Shui; ;;Ja; ‘'`‘‘‘‘'‘ de mei acymy°'%I§5gg8;(:;§°;r:$,q;%1.?£{;$ 453 a£pro8;·-'iation for eradicating, etc .. 511,1296 °‘°h““·‘fng ff f*_f’f{‘_"““’_ __ __ 1322 Scgipiogariatiori for eueemeue weighing. 373,1094 Santo Domingo (see Dominican Republic). Sm · .l"?“d T"“d’· .“°‘· S t in . S ap£roprLat1o1hfor testmicng, etc .. 478,1119 S¤···r,,¤¤·¤¤A»¤¤,-Z --·-------—-·-------- eee °;‘,e.e.;.. . 1757 ag? . in · (1 )· 1669 Scgrfs, Table and Bureau, 900 Semen B·¤¢·F1··-» . .` '````` ee].L§Z,°‘hr°..‘3..‘}3”.n‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ v*eh¤¤¤·¤r e¤¤¤¤¤·¤<>¤· eee-, et te be 04 cgyment ee, etree,- ... me .. m*°,, ° -·-··-·-- . ···---·····-·-···--· 1 5 s fe, Merge L. (widow), S<=~*··e··» ·P··¤*· C‘~M· . . . erm. . . .. . 1733 appropnsqon for oonvertmg, mm mma 8 Scgmcmdfy Céumy N Y, · mrner 11 · · ’ " oonverggit; into airplane carrier of, author- me gndmmct mm te b° held mmmuy 812 · ‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘'°°‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘ 814 Saggganuaw E- (w'id”'”)» 1662 deiiciegcy appropriation for Army reserve ··---···· ; -·····— - -····---~-·--- spot site 777 8¤"9m§» Plube E· (WWW), amount authorized for real estate, Army pB'BH]O{1II1CY8$@d... ... ..., .. r&6<rv°d6P0t&t__________________ Seselxzgegiwkct 864 se1»enxez,Lm4rwe(wume), r · ··•······ · ·········--····-- l €%B€d... .. . .. . .. . 1683 Same, .e£3‘i3‘°“t3.‘2’ duty on, leather ... . ..,.. 91,8 ,,,,,;},5 _ _ ____________________ 1624 Sat"' W""“• Scgluaser, Christine (widow), e.‘2.*¢f.’.,.,.,e°“ ································ 8**7 S,;;e·~;§··¤,,,—,·,, --·-—--——--··—·--·-—---·- me duty eu; eqwed beerda etc -·-·------·--.- 889 graze irilcnreased . ... 1721 Svrlaeluek Rwer. C'<»5n·. Sciineider James H. pre examination, etc., of, to be 1043 S£e;:§3;%iuqo;.m1}%_,, , L ,,. . .. 1748 , . ‘‘’ , '' ‘•‘ '’‘‘‘‘·•••· · 0 T7'lZl.' 8, Gwdt , S““’"· .V"9"““ (“"'d°“’)» approprigtion for refrigigrating plant., . . 732,1392 S PQDBIOE, “{°’°”°d ·-····-·-·- · --·-·~ · -··-· 1614 or reservoir; ammunition magazine 1392 emgge 1z'é"‘g“• . . for storehouses, etc. . . .. 732, 1392 °¤ r not ¤P°¤*uY Pmvided f°Y -~--- 930 reappropnation for water supply . 732 Swwfyl, Ill., _ _ emergency appropriation for water supdeiimency appropnatwn for Army ord- ply, 192g _,,______________________ 62 Dame dGp0€ Site ... 777 balances of appropriations for, covered in , . 755 amount authorized for real estate, ord- Scholl, P. A., ¤¤·¤¢€ depot ---··...--··-. 418 credit for Army funds stolen from 1801