Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/824

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INDEX. 2365 CMI, N6-, _N¢§l>y, _ _ I’¤Z¤· Coal Tar Pr0du¢a—C0ntinued. Paco. approprvmon for, fuel handling, mamte- duty ou, mwmiyjc Mid ________________ _ _ 861 Ilaficé of d€P9*¤» W2 --·---·· 133, 801, 1145 methylanthraquinone . .,.,, 361 for rmmngl, etc., m Alaska. 13;; mpmharone _________________________ 861 Cog! Lmis A aaken _ mputnynmipe.; .. ger omestead entries allogved on, subyect to mpthylenedmmme ________ _ __________ 881 r<s¤rv==¤¤¤¤¤¤ ¤f mains rizlm ·-»- - - . . 415 nitroaniline so; IPYOVWPHS for Pl’°¤P°€u¤8» 6*0-» f°T 008-]- 415 nltroanthmguinone . . . . 861 CM 1 Publw Lands , _ _ rrmobermr ehyde .. . .. sor 8ppl'0pl'·lB·l7}0Il fo1' 9`DfOl:C'1Dg Act péflhllililhg nitggbgnzeng _____ _ _______________ _ _ _ _ 861 lewng of der><>¤¤¤¤ of --.. . - ses mrmmpsurnene .. ger CMI Tv P"°d'·'d·’» . uimphenol ... sor entry, etc., of,_forb1dden for three months- 18 pjtmphgnylgngdjgmjng ___________ 1 ____ 361 limited admission allowed, it no satisfac- nsmsodimethyraniring _______ _ _________ 861 tory substitute obtainable, etc .. 18 njtmmluouo _ _____,_____ _ __________ Q _ _ 361 enuyrestrictions extended wsixmonths- 191 nitroroluylenodiamine ._.,, 861 until otherwise p$<>V1ded by law. ... 222 orthocresol .,,. 861 duty on, not medicmals, colors, dyes, etc., payycyesol ______ _ ______________________ gg] based on American selling price val- phenol _ _ _____________________________ 861 nation of similar competitive domes- phenylenodigmiue ____ _ _______________ 861 tic article - Z . . . 861 pbenylglycine .. - . 861 rate rncreused for two years on United pheny1§1ycineorth¢>carboxylic acid .. 861 Qtatesyalue if no competitive domes- phony ydrazing ,,__.,________ _ __,,____ 86] ljlc article ----- 1 - . : .-... . . . 862 phenylnaphthylamine . 861 articles accomplishing same results phthalic acid. . ...,.,. 861 considered cjompetmve . 862 phthalic anhydride 861 · increases restr1cted.._ .. . .. 862 phthalimide ... . . . . 861 acetamlide, not medlcuml . - 861 quinaldine ... . . 861 alpha napthol . ._ . ... 861 quinoline .. . ... 861 aurinoanthraqmnone . .. 861 resorcinol, not medicinal .. - ... 861 aminobenzoic acid . ... 861 salicylic acid and salts, not medicinal". 861 aminonaphthol 861 sulfanilic acid - . ._ . 861 aminophenetole ... 861 tetrachlorophthalic acid. . . 861 aminopheno1 Z . 861 tetmmethy diaminobenzophenone .. . 861 aminosalicyhc acid . 861 tetrsmethyldiaminodiphenylmethane. . . 861 aniline oil and salt . 861 thiocarbanilide: . . 861 anthracene .. . . 861 tbiosalicyhc acid .. . 861 anthraquinone .. . .. 861 tolidine- . _ . 861 nrsanilic acid . . ... 861 toluene sulfochlonde . ..,... 861 benzal chloride . . . 861 toluene sulfonamide ... 861 benzaldehyde, not medicinal ... 861 toluidinezu- 1 . 861 benzanthrone .. . . . . 861 tolglenedmmme 861 benzidine. .,. . 861 tri romophenol. . . 861 benzidine sulfate .. 861 xyhdme .. . _ .: .. 861 benzoic acid, not medicinal .. . .. 861 duty on colors, dyes, medrcmals, etc., based benzoquinone .., . . 861 on American selling price valuation benzoyl chloride. . 861 of _ similar competitive domestic benzy chloride _,,_, _ ,___,,,_.,,.,.,,, 861 article ..,... . ...,.,,.,. 862 benzylethylnujline - 861 rate increased for two years . .. 862 beta naphthol, not medicinal, .. 861 on United States value, if no competibromobenzene .._..,... . . 861 five d0m0Bf.ZlC Bfhlftlé . . . . 862 cnrbazole .,,,,...,._,._. . - 861 articles accomplishing same results chlorobenzene . . ... . 861 _ C0l1Sld€l'€d ¢‘0l;f>€l21hVG . . ... 862 qhjomphthelic acid ,_._______,. . ... 861 Increase l'9Stl’l.Ct 863 ginnamic acid . , ,.,,,,.. 861 based on 8tll.¤d¤¤l8 of strength GBt\b· cumidine ,.,_,_______._,.,.,.. 861 _ lished for colors: dyegn or stains- , 863 dehydrothiotoluidine .. 861 xmporting unlawful of specific descripdjgnjnmtubgng ______ _ ________ _ ________ 861 1;.1011 of content; not mgrkgd gu dianisidine. .o 861 _ container. etc .. _ . 863 dichlorophthalic acid .. 861 of false statements on container, etc_. - 863 dihydroxynaphthalenc. . . . 861 standards to conform with strength m dimethylaminophenol . . . . . 861 ordinary commercial use . _. . . 863 dimeth lanjline ,,____________,_,,, , . , . 861 apphcaupu of rates, etc, to other 1m- dimontliylphenyslbenzylammoniixm hy- ports ... _. 1 863 drorride ,,_, _ ..__________.,,,.,.,, 861 acetanilidez medicinal . 862 dimeth ylphenylenediamine . 861 acetpherretrdme, Z . 862 dinitrobenzene ..._.____., , ..., 861 acetylsahcyhc acid . 862 diuitroclilorobeuzene . _ ,. . .. 861 annpynne ,... 862 dinjtronaphthalene ..,,__ , _____,,.. . , . , . 861 artificial musk ________ , __,,,,,,.,,,_,,, 862 dinitrophenol ... . .. 961 benzaldehyde, medicinal ,. 862 dinitrotoluene . . ... 861 benwic acid, medicinal 862 diphenylamine . .. . . 861 benzyl acetate 862 distillates, etc ... . . 861 benzyl benzoate ..,... . . 862 hydroxphenylarsinic acid .. . 861 beta naphthol, medicinal .. 862 metacresol 861 coumarm .. 862