Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/825

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2366 INDEX. 011111 Tm- mano,-conunum. Pm Gow and Geoderic Sum, Deparmwm of P··¢•· duty 0,,, mumamue _______,,.,,,. . .. 862 _ C0’l'7|/m·¢7`0€·‘Q0l1tm“9d· uml __________________ , ,,,,...,.. 862 deficiency appropriation foiémrty expenses 54. diphg11¥1oxid9 . . . . f ml 581 4611 7§g§12g>§·, guajucc d d tj ________,__ , _,,, or gene expensm . mdm9_ ________,,_,,_. 86; for vesels transferred from ihe 7 446 11111 11 . . .. 86 Avy ..---·---------- 1 ----·-·-· . metllsglvarftrlzmniate ... 4 . 862 for converting U. S. S. "Flam1ngo" to a methyl ggliqyhte _,,___,, . .. f surveyrpg vewel ... . ..--·····~ · lggg 11 lj mgm _____,__,,,, . . orrepauso v .-· ghgzgl _ __,,,,,,,,,.,. . .. 862 for motor driven vessels and launches- · 1053 phenylgcetaldehyde . . .. 862 for officers, crews1_etc_ ..-·---·------- · - - 1164 phguylgthyl glcolwl ___,_,,,. . .. 862 for pri.uting and b1.11d1.11i;-IZIQ .. _. , - - · 1536 p p11ic chemicals .. - .. 862 for pgying damage c , colllswns p_ _ _1m11ye1ride ... - 862 with vessels of. -_ .--- _- -1 1537 plcnc and __________ , ,.,.. . 862 . host, p0W61', etc., 1111*11].81161. 150, by 09411130 msurcinol, medicinal . . .. - .. pgwer plant, to b6 1'€1¤1b'l11‘B9¢1 1274 saccharin.1 . . ..-.- - ·--- ereto . ..-.---··------ · ·-·--· salicylicacid and salts, medicinal .. 862 pay readjustment of commissioned and aalol, etc ..,. . . _ enlisted personnel of-z&éé ...··-· -· 625 110dm‘ m hmmm ,,.,,, special Congressional comm on readsyuthetic odoriferous or aromatic chegn· pay of, etc., allowed further icals, including flavors; not contam· tigne or report .. . .-·· · 352 ingplcohol ... .. Z ... 862 may sit at any time . · ···-· 1810 °’“1111.“‘111‘21"?%‘?“'”“"°"“7“ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ $3 ‘°““"?,Z.“‘?.¥.‘i"“““g““P° 7°' *"‘“’%5`°?-i1 1402 0l1 ...·•·.-· ··-- · --··-·· .. ..-- ··•··· -··--·-· 1111 fl’€6 11111, 11c111111p11111111111 . 926 €'<¤¤¢ Ar¢i!g;1·4 #£<>.f· 1, ’ 0 anthracene and anthracene oil . ggli ¤·PP1‘°P¤¤¤°¤ for S°h°° $47 lgoé wbrmiaiiiiiiijiifiIIIIIZZZZIZZZIIZZ 922 oonmmzzery, one ofC'h~2fof1W'<¤D¢P¤**· ’ 111110110 il _... . .. 926 MM cmdettzg _____________ _ __________ _ ____ 926 appropriatiim for ersonnel. . . 749,1410 · 1¥ cummc __________________ _ ____________ $26 C'castArt·11Zery School, rjm onroe, Va., cymmc __________ , ____________________ 925 appmpidation for incidental expenses .-·- 701 },,“‘*,,.11°,i‘···;1···;,;,;,; ·················· $2 11 ,.1-.11 111 m11.11r111 111 ""‘"’·1‘J21" ° teso ow es ... -- TFP ¤·PP9-m S1 · ···· * il ...,,.. 926 , 748»14°8 ]3‘E,{1€;l]:¤th;gcgug ______ _ _ _ _ __,,,. , .,.,, 926 Coast .ATZ‘i!l€7:y WU INSPWKTWW1 Arm!/1 48 met]ll12·rh11:1aphthalene ... . ¤P¥1'0P1'1¤¤g3;;§ m81¤l7¤¤$¤€° ~····- - · -·-· 7 gngni or, I [ I I I I I I I Z Z Z Z I I Z Z ggc appropriation foriepgire ew --·-------- 3781 1099 7 7 . .--·--.·. 6 v 27*18*4:; 6 r . goligegg? _______________________________ 925 appropriation for 'efs of divisions, amsb-

y1e¤°_ __________________ , ___,_,_,,,, 926 ants, clerks, etc., Oiice of Comi¤P¤¤;$11 or mmm- $¤l7-·% . . 6 .f}0ig7,1098

ve, ecoomphshing su y 991 6 G-1 may 6 U B$|'l10l’$l11lZ88BAm8!.1C8H&?tlCl§... 943 ‘:R§P¤·11'B to Const Guard Cutters I 1098 °·····* <mg,,,?,;;,·='g* ·**·~·#· D¤···"M·* of 111,};‘;“‘§1;z1‘;.11.;1;»1;.;;;1;·.;11111111;m11‘277’ appropriation fo; all expenses .. 480, 1121 ¤¤%11¤*<><i mmv Gtc ··-········· · · · · or Held expense, Atlantic and Gulf fw mu°D“*.°t° ················‘·‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 3 ’ 1098 me ~-——----———---—-—-·------~· e<>·¤21 §3£‘E*1p11°7*-°"‘11.§}”1§°11i1°2111$§§‘1;11.;,;;‘e111"177/1019 limit, outlying islands . 480, 1121 ’ ’ ‘ ’ .111111111.1111111c.11111><11111. 481,1121 *°~*·2**·.¤**¤*·¤¤¤¤¤»¤*¢ ··-·-··---·- ’·"·}32§ for Pacific coasts . - . 481 1121 for trlvftemig expenses ’'°°`’ I ','n`¤·°c°a°¤·377’

61 physical nydmgmpny 481:12121 f°' un mmm '“* °°”“‘1 °°“““ §‘.}, ,0,,8
  • 9* ¤¤¤¤i1i¤e<>¤¤¤t PM -·~----·--—-- 48r 1121 1.11 .111;‘i1;‘.3,1;1£%1;;1‘1$1.i1i.i"‘ 1m’ 1099

for magnetic observations, etc .. 481, 1121 fm. contingent gx Y mes ' 9-,77 1099 {9* ¤g¤2s i¤ e¤r=¤<¤,¤;=l<¤ r<=si¤¤¤- - - 481-1122 111 1.1,1.1111 111 .11111Z$1. . . I Z11°.°.°fj I I lll ml 1999 °' Yum tmmgu mu ·············· 122 deiiciencyappropriation for iile holdem, etc. 99 ff"' '1°?“‘¥lm°“’7‘7°Y”* etc ·············· jg? for expenses 51 56 196, 341 345, 457 or misce eous . . .. , ° ’ ’ ’ ’ for delegates, Im I- 1 R 1 462, 780, 1056, 1166, 1170, 1554, 1556 Council 481, 1122 §or Acostiagnd 01a.. ._ .._ . 339

111 vm111,111;§1i{1§,“€1i&CZZ§ZZZZfZZZIZ 48 1122 °’1’“’L“*§,, “‘““g° °7“‘m’· °°“*“‘°"*"”

f·>~>n¤e¤· ¤~w¤»¤¤ --------------- 481112 1.11 §’1$§’§°;w1$§;1;‘11a 777 for pay, commimioned officem ... 481, 1122 com an g 1549 designation of assistant director. . . 482, 1122 for Naviqlgdgéé igél-1*-8.n.a '`'“'`' 1549 for Omce force *‘‘'‘•'* • •···· · · · · · · • · 482s 1]-22 amount to contingent 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 f technical 111111111111111111 - . . . °xP€”’°°» °r we * · °tc·· °mPl°Z82 1123 from appropnsuon for rauons, 1921-- 39 ····-···---·····--·-··----·- » cadets and cadet engineers to receive same for office expenses  : . 482, 1123 my 33 ulidghjpmeu ______________ _ _ _ 632 rwmcuon on snbsistence allowance number and grades of commimioned line mrhrlg m Wns11mgton ,___.,. . 483, 1123 officers ., . ,,.. _ ,,,,,. - ,,,,,. 1130 for prmmng and bmdlng for ,___,.,,, 472, 1111 engineer o$cgr5 ,_,,__,,_,___,_,,,___,_, 1130