Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/356

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EXTRADITION TREATY—VENEZUELA. JANUARY 19, 1922. 1703. Article V. Articulo V. A fugitive criminal shall not be El criminal fugitive no sera L*'¤*“’°*°“ °“”'*°· surren ered under the provisions entregado con arreglo a las dishereof, when, from lapse of time posiciones de este Convenio, or other lawful cause, according cuando por el transcurso del to the laws of the country within tiempo 0 or otra causa legal con the jurisdiction of which the arreglo a lias le es del pais dentro crime was committed, the crimi- de cuya jurischccion se cometio nal is exempt from prosecution el crimen, el deljncuente se halle or punishment for the offense for exento de ser rocesado o castiwhich the surrender is asked. ado por el delito que motiva la gemanda de extradicién. ° Article VI. Articulo VI. If a fugitive criminal whose Si el crininal fugitivo cuyo ,,u§$,',§"?,},‘S,,,,“,,‘§,‘}$;,§’,‘,§’S,,g°,; surrender may be claimed ]Lursu— entrega uede reclamarse con ¢°¤¤d· ant to the stipulations ereof arreg o alias esti ulaciones de este shall be at the time of the request Convenio se hall)ase para. la fecha for the extradition under prose- en que se demanda la extradicion, cution, either at liberty out on enjuiciado, en libertad bajo fianza bail or in custody, for any crime o reso por cualquier delito comeor offense committed in the tidlo en el pais en que busco country where he has sought asilo o haya sido condenado or asylum, or shall have been con- el mismo, la extradicion pogra victed thereof, his extradition demorarse hasta tanto ue termimay be deferred until such pro- nen las actuaciones y Qi criminal ceedin s be determined, and until sea puesto cn libertad con arreglo he shall have been set at liberty a derecho. in due course of law. Article VII. Articulo VII. If a fu `tive criminal claimed Si el criminal fu `tivo recla- F¤€i*iV°$°l°*m°d*’Y by one ofgtlhe parties hereto sha.l1 mado por una. de lasgl’artes Con- °"h°r°°`mm°°` be also claimed by one or more tratantes fuera reclamado a la powers pursuant to treaty pro- vez por uno o mas gobiernos, en visions, on account of crimes virtud de estipulaciones de tracommitted within their 'urisdic- tados, por crimenes cometidos tion, such criminal shall {fe deliv- dentro de sus respectivas jurisered to that state whose demand dicciones, dicho delincuente sera is first received. entregado con preferencia al primero glue haya presentado la. deman a. Article VIII. Articulo VIII. Under the sti ulations of this Nin na de las Partes Contra- N§“%¤’ °°‘¤§'Y *° Convention, neiiher of the Con- tantegleistara obligada a entregar dm amsowm mem tracting Parties shall be bound to en virtud de estipulaciones de deliver up its own citizens. este Convenio a sus propios c1u- dadanos. Article IX. Articulo IX. The expense of the arrest, de- Los gastos de captura, deten- E¤p¤!=S¤¤· tention, examination, and trans- ci6n, interrogacion y trasporte portation of the accused shall be del acusado seran abonados por