Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/442

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 Trlzaxlgi betgveen éhc gnitcd gztcgtes anigrpggg reZa%1;gt to   ig {ogg-

. i_1w at arts, erua , ,·rati ion mise yte Semzte Azzrch 3, 1924; ra?ied-y by the Presiklent, March 14, 1924; ratified by France, April 2 , 1924;.ra.t@ica,tions exchanged at Paris, June 3, 1924; proclmmcd, July 3, 1924. BY T1-rm Pnmsmimr or THE UNITED Sums or AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. mmT’L‘§’t§'it;}ghF{,“$§ WHEREAS a Treaty between the United States of America. and ’fg:·g1<},,g¤¤d¤¤· France, in regard to the rights of the two Governments and their ` respective nationals in that part of the former German Colony of Togoland over which a mandate was conferred upon France, was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Paris on the thirteenth day of February, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-three, the original of which Treatly, being in the French and English languages, is word for word as fo ows: ` Convmmon muwsmu rm: Umm-mn Ccuvmmxou xmas ra Fairies mr mas Srnss or Ammrca mm Faaucn Rs- Erars-Ums D’AMERIQUE concsnuaur muse TO rmi Pam- or Tocomnn 1..4 mama mx Toeo rmcaa sous mmm:. Fmmcu Mannam uinnn mumgius THE PRESIDENT OF THE LE PRESIDENT DE LA RE- UNITED STATES OF AMER- PUBLI%UE FRANCAISE ET ICA AND THE PRESIDENT LEPRE IDENT DES ETATS- OF THE FRENCH REPUBLIC, UNIS D’A MERIQUE, G§,*jf§,';*;.{'°"°"“°°" by TrWheree;s1py article 1119 of the 11 q&1e, par l’Artgcl; eat o eace s` e at er- u ai e paix s' saillesy the 28th oigldune, 1919 Versailles le 28 juin 1919,1I';¤Alle- Germany renounced in favor oi magne a renoncé en faveur des the Principal Allied and Asso- principales Puissances Alliées et ciated Powers all her rights and Associées a tous ses droits et titles ovgr her oversea posses- titres sur ses possessions d’outresions; an mer; d,§,‘f‘“°"” '°‘ “”‘“' Whereas by Article 22 of the Considérant que, par 1’Artic1e same instrument it was rovided 22 dudit Traité, il a été stipulé that certain territories whichas a que certains territoires qm, a result of the war had ceased to la suite de la guerre, ont cessé be under the s0vere` ty of the d’étre sous la souveraineté des States which formergrn governed Etats qui les gouvemaient précé- them should be placed under the demment, seraient placés sous le mandate of another Power, and mandat d’une autre Puissance et - that the terms of the mandate que les conditions du mandat should be explicitel deined in seraient expressément déiinies each case b the Cguncil of the dans chaque cas par le Conseil Le e of Nations; and de la Société de Nations; bB¤¤,,e¤¤t ¤¤,?t¤_;¤=¤;*1 %ereas the benefits accruing Considérant que le bénéfice uymaamgmas iiia under the aforesaid Article 119 dudit Article 119 du Traité de G°§'g{ff_.§·p_,m_ of the Treaty of Versailles were Versailles a été reconnu aux ' . confirmed to the United States Etats-Unis par le Traité conclu by the Treat between the United entre les Etats-Unis et l’Alle- States and (§ermany,s1gned Au- magne, le 25 aout 1921, pour