Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/509

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GRICAT BRITAIN ANI) N()lt'l`lIl·lRN IRELAN I). 1857 of such sacks shall be marked with such distinctive symbol as may from time to time be agreed upon. All insured plarcels exchanged must be closed and securely sealed with wax or otherwise, but the country of destination shall have the right to open them (including the rig t to break the seals) in order to inspect the contents. Parcels that have been so opened shall be closed again with official seals. Either country may require a special impress or mark of the sender in the sealing of insured parcels ma1led in its service as a means of protection. 2. Insured parcels shall not be addressed to initials. A<1dr¤ssi¤z.e¢c. Each insured parcel must be labelled “Insured " in a conspicuous manner and must bear a distinguishing number. The Customs Declaration, if not gummed to the parcel, must also be labelled " Insured ”. No insured parcel need have written on it information as to the value of its contents, although this may be stated in the accompany- , ing customs declaration. ‘ ` The labels or stamps on insured parcels containing coin, articles of gold or silver, jewellry or other precious articles must be so placed that they cannot serve to conceal injuries to the cover. They néust not be folded over two sides of the cover so as to hide the e ge. _ "‘ ""3.‘iTl1e"se11der ofia1I""insu`i‘ed`parcel may obtain an advice of =*d"°° °‘d°““"Y· delivery upon payment of such additional charge, if any, as the country of origin of the parcel shall stipulate. A fee may be charged, at the option of the country of origin, on a request for information as to the disposal of an insured_parcel made after it has been posted, if the sender has not already paid the special fee to obtain an advice of delivery. These fees will be retained by the country of origin. · `\Vhen an advice of delivery is desired, the sender or office of origin F°""· shall write or stamp on the parcel, in a conspicuous manner, the words, “Return receipt requested ", "Advice of delivery requested ", or boldly, the letters “A R ". The form of advice of delivery is made out by the office of origin or by any other office which the country of origin may appoint. If it does not reach the office of destination, that office supplies an advice of delivery if the fparcel bears request therefor. Advices of delivery, a ter being completed, shall, unless otherwise requested by the country of origin be returned direct to the sender by ordinary mail without charge for postage. _ _ When, after an insured parcel has been posted, the sender applies p,,§,{’,§Q'°“°'°“ °“°' for an advice of delivery, the office of origin enters on a form of advice of delivery an exact description of the parcel (office of origin. date of posting, number, and name and address of sender and of addressee). This form is transmitted from administration to administration with an indication of the mail `in which the parcel under inquiry was delivered to the corresponding office of exchange. The office of destination completes the form, and returns it to the sender unless otherwise requested by the country of origin. _ _, d _ If an advice of delivery duly applied for by the sender at the maiéfiiciiil ° vm mt time of posting is not received back at the office of origin at the end of a proper interval, an inquiry for the missing advice shall be institated in accordance with the procedure prescribed by the preceding paragraph; The Office of origin shall enter at the top of the form of Advice of delivery the note “Duplicate Advice of Delivery " or some equivalent expression. _ _ 4. The insured parcels shall be entered by the dispatching office °"p°‘“"° *”’°°“"“S· of exchange on separate parcel bills which shall show in respect of each parcel, the insurance number and the office (and state or