Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/966

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2274 INDEX. Secretary of the I nterior—Continued. Pass- Secretary of the Treasury—Continued. Pesodirected to withhold approval of North- authorized to purchase sites, erect cusern Pacific land grants until tornhouses, etc. at designated action by Congress, etc 461 places in Porto Rico ... 630 duties, etc., of, under Reclamation Act payment of, from insular customs Amendments . 701 revenues . 630 iinal disposition by, of affairs of Eastern sell marine hospital at Detroit, Mich., Band of Cherokee Indians, N. C- 378 and use proceeds for new site, may permit sale of restricted homestead erection of hospital, etc 660 Bllglclrnents of Kansas Indians, 177 release of gecilrilty ger bond? of Hungary, 137

-  su lee o ecisiono ...

selection of site for Industrial Institu· site for Industrial Reformatorg to be tion for Women, by Attorney selected by Attorney eneral, Geéieral, Secretary of Labor, 473 Secretiairy of Int§raor,and--;1:--- 724 an ... - . to serve on forary o ongress rust site for Industrial Reformatoréeto be Fund Board .. 1107 selected by Attorney neral, Seerelory of Wm., S¢·=r¤<>¤w of '1`¤=¤¤¤ry» and ----- 724 sppscpnstatn res, Assistant, snr: cmtc to serve on Pueblo Lands Board .. 636 civil personnel ______________ 478 892 transfer by, of land, Carlisle Barracks, {oi. outomobilo for _________________ ’ 478 Pa-: to war D°P*“'tm€“t¤ °°“` action of, in issuing quartermaster S Mtarygglfgyéei -—--------·—----·- 657 stowséor rclicflgggycione sugar-_ 1252 gc _ ’ ia a pro e --- ¤PP¤0P¤¤:£I?n$F»,A¤¤i¤@¤¤*» ¤·¤d °m°$82 861 cr§d;?tLntoet?§xllbwed lnpscttitment 1252 sntncnittu to sstésttiififtttt"6£`6ti1d- ,e,,,e,,,‘,;,,{,‘°,f,‘§,‘f,’,; ,;,;;;,;,3;,; ;;g,,g‘,;gi,;,;,3 ing b“ttl°BhiP NO- 42» bY New adjoinin Anacostia Park, Dis-

g&§§ <é<;r&¤nrj;g:l trict of éolumbia, approved . 887

orders, and determine amount of 1283 °ut'h°n:&°gt§$83p%;?§iu Wgr déigggigs , _ loss thereby .------- ; — —_ -——--— - among the States, etc - 597 if cost increased over limit, to be D to States the Government ¤d¤¤·*¢<· ¤¤*¤¤**¤¤d mt- --———~ 1283 °° “?%ttttt it ttttt tt tttttttstt deliver silver service of cruiser "Al- Qld wks 1104 ggggg,gy¤A1b¤¤y Hj¤*¤**¤§*;§*¤g 3,, ttttty Jittt t2‘it;ta‘t;‘st;;1ttt; make thorough investigations of g°;8F§?§r?&g;_i"’§d rlgggcliigf 977 claimsfor losses by contractors te .n résto Akon Ofpoid Forl during World wss, owing to °°°PQ§° I Fsm katie vm I Government action, etc-- 1 . 1273 coaffgruwmb c- - _ _ _ - _ · _ _ _ 1113 "°"’°”»?·?’$"1~s~·=°" %%°5r‘&r?‘il$’?·i$€ 2,, gmltzzttitzz Overn · it C _______________________ 1 y ------ prgvigigrfspzf World War Adjusted issue bronze_meda1s, etc., to officers Compensation Act ____________ 121 and enlisted men of the two to prescribe all necessary regulations brngadcs of cavalry orsqnwcd for organizing, etc., Naval Rc- 1089 l1iT\g`;g§t¤:;l;1;1d15igV1¤S prwr to 100 S£‘!'V€ . - t .---...------ ---· v -·········· Secretary of the Senate, modify contracts for sale of barges, appropriation for, assistant, clerlzeig -1286 $(18 ol>ors,ti3g of; New York 1255 etc - .. a arge ana p<>•if·i¤¤¤ wd my established of. assist- , terms, ctc.; line to be reestablished ant, Henry M. R#088,8·¤d office 147 from Baltimore to North Caro- 125 persouuttli ...,. - -.--- lina ports 5 statements to°be llled with from candi- la- of employees of Bellile_ 3:::: :°' uw Sezcwi °f °°“t“b“' 1072 pay Eemmtgteel Cogmpanyé additional

°sn¤»g¤,_`§il¤¤.¢¤¤ ¤~·¤~¤¤¤¤-- we Efifttii.-XY'. - £‘f--.‘ZY‘i'K“E‘?{‘- ttts

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  • ·PP'°P"L*·*°¤ 7°'• U“7i°'°°°'°*·°"Y· As' pe?r%}it017;1rl;7ab(t!as0t·0 erect buildings,

•l|*•¤“» °*¢ -·---------— , —--7'éd64> 764 etc., at Camp Pike for State Y0? &!g:¤’°• dv ““d°*` d°8*$““ 68 768 r National Guard . -- 244 sutncriscd EI;§l§6ln%` sfiit- ’ restoreulicrt Mclgenry, Md., to be is 1109 ordinate customs o cials, em- Le’;‘hk“’Y.p“’.--Xl:··t···6 ···· ioym m_____ ____ _ ________ 748 ansion, in rmg_ on emedeggnate: etc., special customs gyyii ¥;.,to its condition prior to 1356 ggentgl gud cttschcs for duty in “’ **7 ·-·················· foreign couunics ____________ __ 748 sell, etc., stock and propertyhof appoint, etc., clerks, and employees ‘ Hoboken Manufacturers’ 1l- of Board of General Appraisers- - 748 road Company, etc--_ --.--..--. 984 construct quarantine station, Sand sell Fort Revere Reservation to Hull, Island, Ala _______ - - _ ___,___ 950 Moss _________ _ ______________ -11,11