Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1021

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IOO7 ( TITLE 81;;-·.HON§ · gw 'a di$b€¥1‘§i!§8’@@逥 _¤f the Quurtermnstar Corps, 4{;—t2¤a·¤ce Dép¢1‘m&¤¥. M the E a;1d there Zio an ipsumciogttovbahnw to his omg;] tt the pmpc! ·

p;;mpx·iétio&a or ·¤.pm~0pr§uticm forth; hg 4, author,

imf to xake ·F¤5’¤c¤t dom the total svoilsble balance to his {glacial credit, wavméd '¤¥1@i€¤¢ thé Ilwpér ap- t ` pr‘tsp!‘·iQfif3H_ or hpmopriatious hang been nppogttoneq xo; rpg

q;;¤;~ndi>t¤1‘€&lb¥ the Gesaal, the Chief ·o£ Ord-
 Hgmqe, GI of thé tChicf¤£  gsthe   be. when

gw}:. disbmweméhts nm made the sccoymtg of th; Q~»;1¤·e: shall ghow’ the, at the `pxfopcr spprgpriaqons; me isalapoes unda: — which will be adjusted by mlthé disburdng, ilxzitwr on receipt ot {undo or by the General - Acéountmg gsililoo. (Maxi 3; IWS, c. 252, 85 Stigt; 747, 750; L{81‘;l3, 1911, ci LWB, 36 Stat. 1056; gd, 24, 1912,-_c._391, { 8, 37 Stat. 591; Jima 10, 1921, c. 18; { 42 Stat, 24.) - _ _ Soo also soction 538 Fc! this · _ _ 501. Payment by disbqrsiag o§ccrs; scttlemcnf of t¤mssc· _— otions of Enginecxi Dgpaximentc-In the settlement of transaczioxis between app;;opriatio¤s, under the Engineer Department, Gi.- 1;{·twt»e;i the Engineer Department and anotlnor omco op ‘ I mrow or the War Demrtment, or ot any other cxccutiie do- }:é1I'{Hi€I1t of thi} GOY€rBH]€¤t, therefor be ‘ID£ld€ 1; y me proper, disbgxrsing OECET of the Corps of Engineers or ot tho omco, buremx. vi? department ooucernod. (Apr. ,27, 1914, c; 72,‘3S Stgt. 369.) ‘ - — _ ‘ ` 5 502. Same; séttlgngent of »ti·a¤snctio¤s of Signal- Corps.- In `zho $§‘{,I1€I1l€Bt of transactions between Hppx-¤p¤1a¤oq¤.,u¤aep im Signal Cofps, 'or —Mtwee¤ the Signal Corps and another tqiiézo or bureauof the War Department, or of a,ny'othe1• exaemtixte dépazjtmeut of the Govemmt-mt,' payment thorfor shall bo made by' the gmper disbursirig cmcer of the §igna1 Corps, or of the omce, bureau, or department concerned. (Aug. , 29, 1*316, c. 418, §_1,"39·’SLat. 622.) V · i· _ ‘ __ ` S93. Same; Mllitagy Acad¢my.—-·Ixi settling transactions bemoou appropriations for the · support ot the United. States Military Acadcxigy and 0thér.bt1reaus _0f tho Wai Department; l or botssooon the United States Military Academy a`ud’any other ` o_xt—gutiw·e department of the Goyemment. Payment therefor uml be made by“t.lie’dl5burslng omcor `of the United States Military Academy or of the o@ée, tburoouf; or department con? wrzlod, (jAug."11g 1916, c. 314, 3& Stat. Mi) i " · .504. Same; 'Medicnl Doparimexat.--In the settlement of ac- Imtmts between the appropriations of the Medical Department om tlxozéo of may other branch-of the Army servicei or any ltmwau of mice ot. the.·WHr Department, or_ ani other egecu? t mo cmpartnxont or establishment 0£~ tho Government, payment t%¤·:·oot’ ma? be ,éaélo by the proper disbursiugl otlioer t0f_ the _ }»1~{3i¢··al Department or of the branch of the Army sérvlcg, ~1§3<»o, ljqroaxz, department; or establishment concerned. (Mar. _ 4, 1915, c. 143,} 1k 38 Stat. 1080.) — - · J 505. Suits to répovcr money from o$cers.?»-Whon.ox*0t any

w»z·s<»zl gcéountoblc for public moneyyneglocts or refuses to po,/y

imo the Troasm·y the sum or balance reported to be glue to"tHe lmixtoad Statosyupcn the adjustzzuentot his account, thé- General Awoaxnting Omoo shall institute suit for the recovery of tl1o= slzmmadcling to the sum stated to be duo oqsucb account, the mmmisslems of the delinquent, which shall be forfeited in em:-y" inlotauée wherolsult is nommencod and judgment obtained thereon, and an iutezgest. of 6'per céntum per annum, from the time of receiving the money until it shall 'ba repaid Into the 'l‘·y. (B. S. 5 36;-Z4;'Jl1!1B.10, 1921.-Q. 18, S 304, 42 Stat.21) 1 _ ‘ ‘ · · - E l 566. .Distress wdrrmzt.-——·Whcnovex· any collector of the I'8li'8·—~ nue, receiver of pgblio money, or other owner; who has fecelved tho public mosey befoxelt is mid into the Clweaeury Al ot the Uultgd Sum, fails —tQ`1§€¤dor his qccosmt, or paw ove: / l * t

x . . . a . Y .AND',FIN4NC'E §- 513 the same un the manner or within the time required by law, it shall the duty of the General Accounting 0Ece to cause t0Y be stated the account __ of such o@cer, exhibiting truly the amount due to the United Statw, end to certify the same to the Sollcitor ot Trmsury, who shall issue ar warrant of disuess aguinst the! delinquent o§cer and his sureties, directed to the marshal oaf the. district in which such oEcer_s.1xd his suretics _ reside. Where the omcer - and his snretiu _ reside in different, v distrlcts, or where they, or either, of them, reside ein a district; other than that ln which the wtate of either may be, Qwhiclr it is intended to take and sell, then such Werrent shell be directed to the ·marshnls of such districts} respectively. (B. S. § 3625; Feb. 27, .1877, ct 69, § 1, 19 Stet. 249; July"31, 1894, c. 174, §` 4,-28 Stat. 206} June 10, 1921, c., 18, § 304: 42 Stat. 24.) , 507. Same; contents.-?-The warrant of distress ,she.ll specify the amount vyith which such delinquent is 'churgwble, and the sums, if any,. which have been paid. (R. S. 'S. 3%,) - . ' 508; Same; execution against é§cer.—Tl‘he marsml author ized to execute any warrant of distress mall, by himself or by his deputy, proceed to tkvy and collect the sum remaining, due; by distress and sale of the goods emit chattels of such delinquent cmcer; buying giyen ten days' previous; notice ot such intended sale, by amxing tm radvertisexnent of- the articles to be sold at two or more public places in the town and county where the goods or chattels were taken, or in the town or county where the owner of such goods or chattels may reside. If the,. goods and chattels be not sunicient to satisfy the ryan rant, the same maybe levied upon the person of such fomcer, who-c may the committed to prison, there to remain until discharged by due course of lew. ·(\R.‘S. § 3627.) I _" - , t 509. Same; execution against surety.———If the delinquent ems cer absconds, or ifhgoodsl and cbattels'belonging· to him can not be found sumcient to satisfy the "wnrrnnt, theomnrshnl or his .. deputyshall proceed, notwithstanding the stemttmesten the ` delinquent omcer, to levy and collect the sunr which remains due by such delinquent, by the distress and sale ot the go-ods ·_ sand chattels of his sureties ; having given ten days? previous notice or such Intended sale, by emxing an. advertisement of . the articles to be sold at tvro or more public plecee in the town br county where the goods or chattels » were token, or: in the town or county where the owner resides. _ {R. B. § 3628.} 510. Levy to. he lien.--·The amount due by any delinquent ofdcer is declared to be alien upon the lends, tenementsysnd hercditaments of such officer and his snretles, from the date of a levy in pursuance of the warrant of distress issued against hiinor them, and n record thereof mode in the odiee ot'. the clerh of the district court of the proper district, until the same is discharged ttccordlng tolaw. . (R. S. § 3629.) 511} Sale of lands regulated.-—For' wont of goodssnnd chattels of a delinquent ofllcer, or his suretiles, sufficient to satisfy any warrant of distress issuednpursunnt to the gforegolng pm- -visions,`Ethe lands, tenements, and —heredlf§ments of such officer. and his suretiles, or SOQIBHQH thereof as may be necessary for _ ~thnt purpose, after being advertised for st `lenst three weeks in not less than three public places in the county or! district where such reel estate lssitnnte, before the timeof sale, shell be sold themnrshal of suchdistrict or his deputy. (R. S. l Q 3630.) { `. t \ . · , · . . 512, Conveyance of lands.-—-For ull lnnds,· tenements, or heredltaments sold` in pursuance of section 511 ofthis title, the conveyance ot the uxarshsl or his deputy, executed in due. form of law, shall give s valid title egnlnstenll persons claiming under such delinquent Jo@cer or his sureties. (R. S. S 3631.) 513. Disposal of surp1us.e—-—All moneys which may remain ot ·‘ the proceeds of sales, after wttstylng the warrant of, distress, end paying the reasonable costs and charges of the sale, shell be returned to such delinquent ofdcer `Gr surety, as·· the cose may be. ”(B· S. 5 3&2·)· ‘