Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1190

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§. 5 TITLE 36.·——PATRIOTIC SOCT white ground, or any sign or insignia made or colored in iml— tatioxithereof o1·_of the words ‘° Red Cross " or “Geneva Cross " or any combinationof theee words. No person, corporation, or association that actually usedl or whose assignoractually uoed the said. emblem, sign, insignia, or words foriany lawful purpose prior to January 5, 1905, shalltbe deemed forbidden to continue the.°_use~thereof for the same purpose and for the Q, same class of goods. If any person violates the provision of, thiasect-ion he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction in any Federal court shall be liableto a line df . ;1ot‘less than one or more than ilve ty hundred dollars, or im—. priaonment-for aterm not exceeding one year, or both, for each and every offense. (Jan] 5, 1905, c. ,23, `§ 4,33 Stat. 600; June 23, 1910, c. 372. § 1, ,36 Stat. 604.) ·- ` _5. Governing body; meetings.-——The governing body of the American National Red Cross `shall consist, me the iirst lnstanee, of aeeutral committee numbering eighteen persons,_to. beappointed in the manner following, namely: Sixeby the ineorporators herein named and twielve by the President of the United States, one of whom-shall-be ·designated’by the Presii Q dent to act as chairman. It_shall be the duty-of‘the central committee to organize with _ as little delay- as possible State and Territorial societies. including the ·’Dist.rl<;t ot Columbia, under. such rules asthe said gommitteemaye When - six or more State or Territorial societies have been formed, _ thereafter the central committee shall be composed as follows: _$Six to be appointed by the incorporators, six by the representatives of the State and Territorial societies atT the annual meeting of the ineorporators and societies, and six- by the President ` of the United States, one of whom shall be designated by him as chairman and one each to be named by him from the Departmeats of State, War, Navy, Treasury, and Justice. l_ ‘ The first six- members of the central committee elected by the lneorporators at the iirsét andml meeting, and the first sit ·mem—- . here of— the central committee elected by the State and Territortpl delegates, shall when elected select 'by lot- from their . number two members to serve one Year, two members to serve two iearo, and two members to serve three years, and each subsequent. election ot members ,shall be for a period of three years or until their successors are duly elected and qualify.- The aix, memhereiof the- central committee appointed by the Pneeident at the;"annnal meeting shall serve for one year. “ ‘ " The President shall Eli as soon as may be any vacancy that may occur hvdeath; resignation, or otherwise ln the chairmanship or in the membership; of the central committee appointed ` bynhim. And any vacancy that may occur ln the six` members; of the central committee herein provided to he. appointed by the incorporators or in the six to be appointed by the repre- `sentativea of the _State societies shall be filled bv temporary . appointments to helmade by the remaining members ot the six ln whieh the vacancy or vacancies may occur, such appointees to servo anti!. the next annual meeting. W · , ‘ » ~ 4 The central committee shall have power to appoint from its own members an executive committee of,nine persons, live of ‘ whom shall be a quorum, who, when {the eentralxzomxnlttee is " not in aeaalon, shall, have and exercise all. the powers of the central committee. ‘ l, - ‘ , The annual meeting of said incorporators, their 'a`ssocia.tes and eneceaaore, shall he held in the city of Waahington on \Vedlneaday preceding the second Thursday in the month or Deceraher in each and every year. Fifteen members. shallweonstltute a, quorum at any annual or special meeting. l Voting by' proxy shall not be allowed at ang} meeting of the, ] ineorporators, annualor épeeial, nor,at any meeting of State or Territorial societies? organized under the provisions ·of this. F charter. (Jan. 5, 1905, c. 23; §` ,5. H3 Stat. 601,; 10, 1912, W c. :1, § 1. 37 S_tat.,6—lT; Mar., 3; 1921, c.`131, § 1, 41. Stat. 1354.) _ _ 6.. Reports; auditing of accounts by War·Department.———The I American National Bed Cross shall as Soon aapracticable after ;

Ejrms AND OBSERVANCEB 1176 the. first day of July of eqch year make and tranémit to me Secretary of War :1 report of tts proceedings for the ilsml twiendlng June, 30 nextpreceding, including a full, c0r11pl0l<·.`m1 itemized report ot receipts and expenditures. of whzztevm kim; which report shall be duly izfxdited by the War Depélrtmcllt. mul 3 copy; of ez1id»report shall be transmitted to by me ‘ War Department. · (Jem. 5, 1905, c. 23, Q 6, 33 `Stet. 602:* l·`l·l». 27, 1917, e. 137, 39 Stat. 946.) ‘ . · 7. Reimbursement of /War Department for auditing ae. counts.—The American National Red Cross annually shell. wimburse the War.Dep;u·tment for auditing its accounts, uml me sum so paid shall be covered into the Treasury of the l’nim1 States as tl miscellaneous receipt. (May 29, 19%, c. 214, § 1, 41 Stat. 659.) _- ._ _ -_ · { ‘ 8.. Repeal or amendment of chapter.-—Congress shall here the right torepeul, alter, or umend this chapter stony time. (Jan. 5, 1905, c. 23, § 7, 33 St£1t‘.G02.) . ‘ , ~ 9. Endowment fund.-—The endowmentfund of the An1<·rl¢·;m National RQGHCPOSS shall be kept and invested under the‘mu;;. agement arid codtrol of- a board of nine trueteee, nwho shan heelected from time to time by the incorporators Ed tbeiF‘?mqQ sore under suc·h_ regulations regarding terms and termro ot. office,-‘ 21ccountability,`z1i1d expense ek sold ineorporitors aud) successors shall preecriber `(June*23, 1910, c. 372, 5 2, 36_Stut. M) · l l if I · · . ’ · 10. Aid to land and navel forces ii: time of wsr.——\Vl>em·m in time `of whr, or when war js immineugthe Presidentmaf I deem the cooperation `smd use_ of the Amrican National Heel — Cross Qvritlx the simitary sérvldes of the lamiand naval forwe lo _ be necessary, he is authorized to accept the hmdetapce tendered _ by the Said Red Cross and to, employ the mm under me sanitary services ot the Army and Navy in conformity with . sueh rules and regulations g1s·he may preseribe. (Apr. 24., 1912, lc. 90, Q 1, 37 Btat.y90.)· ‘ · » ll. Transportation · and subsistence.-·W—hen the Bed `iwwe cooperation and existance with the lend aud naval forees in timeot war or threatened hostilities, shall have been acceptevl by the President, the personnel entering upontbe, dutyspecitiecl in sectlop 1Q'of this title shall, while proceeding to their place of duty, {while serving thereut, and while. returning therefrom. be- transported and siibslsted ut the cost and charge oi me United `—States as clylliqn, employees, emmoyed. with the said forces, · and the Red Cross supplies tint may tgetendereel as a,. gift end accepted for use in the unitary eervice a11•ll be mmstportod at the cost and charge of the United Smtw. (Apr., 24. 1912, c. `90, Q 2, 37 Stat. 91..) _ · _· ‘ . -‘ 12. Buildings for Red_ Cross uépplies.;y—Authonty is given to the Secretary ot Wér to grant permission, by revocahle license, i 5 to the Americsm National Red Cross to erect n¤d`mmntain nn any military reservations within thedurisdictiou of the Unitced Smtes buildings suitable for- the Storage of supplies, or to occupy tor. that purpose buildiugs erected by the United $l8le·S, under such_ regulations as the Seeretarylot War may preéerilw. eueh supplies to be aéailable for the aid of the civilian population iri ease of serious nutiqualvdisaster. (June 3, 1916, c. 134, Q 10, 39 Stat. 173,) , ’ ‘ ' — { Chapter _2.·—-BGYV SCOUTS OF AMERICA. __ .. Sec. _ . x- l > 21. Corporatloh created. . ·· 22. Nome; general powers and duties. . 23. Purpose of organization. ~ - , 24. Assets of existing eotpnration; stock: oivldendn. 25. Executive lionrd; powers. » _ ..·

6. Annual and special meetings; quorum. · PT L

27. E§rnb.lems_und badges. ‘ 28. Reports. - _. __ _ 29. Bemrvation ot power tq repeal, alter; ortomend chapter. _ · Section 21.. Corporation cre•ted.¥—>t'olin H. Livingstone and Ernest P. Bicknell, of Washington, Dletriet of Columbiui Benjamin L. Duluuey., of Bristol, Terxneeseee Milton A. McRae, of