Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1270

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{ TITLE 39.—·-THE maine by aemplem at net exceeding 2; cents per ounce el

 ml-reef, (Rey IG, 191.8, c. 71,.-10 Stat; 548.) I .

X. Rahul dipqtage mid fer servi netsrendered, er ig

 el legal r¤te.—··-\\’l;euex~er it mx be ehowe .te th·

¤n?sh§S•¤·~1Jem.eI the Postmaster General that any postage is pail me ee; well metterfer which service is not reuderee, or is cel iwwed ie creeps iz! the lawful rate., he may, in pie discretion eeswaier ite pmuctwter `at the 05iee where paid `to rebind the

 m¤g%t wt Q the postal receipts in the  i0n ei

· tins- fint. 3, 19%, c. 1430, §, 2, 33 Stat. ICOM.) Si. $rE j& Cmgrem@al committee to investigate

 ida.-·—-A medal joint Subcommittee is hereby -creeted—t<

uaehst of three mm"B<·re·e{ the Committee eu Pee; OH§ces am

   of {ke 8·@te and three members of the C0mmitte¤

en tt¢`Pm (Mee sad Peet Rmde of the .H0uee, to be appointee ts @¤=~etlve of said cemmitteee. The eaid spe dg! jid is auilmrized had direetedgte lwli · to the bcéxmiaxg of the Qrst regular ewsiexr 0;

     {cet Q Washiugtee or ateny ethez
   nwjb repert during the Ersf week of the Hrs
   of the $iXtY·BiB{h~.C(¥hgY&§, by billyits recap;
 fw A permsuebt   of postal rates. Sak

. }® is herebyeautlwrized tc. admiuietea ` fer erpxpers, to employ; u ry clerks

  ,_ g     »   Amis, em sterwgraphers, the Letter. to 'be pgie
1        ad exeeewaag 5 cents per one handre;1 words; ang
     e     n2tt&ut upon the work c§{1id special ·j0ix1t· éub
i  ri     ~   p¤Ri°·en¤e—ha1f from the contingent fund or
   n¤d·§hal£   the contingent; fund of the Haus}

if voucher of its.chairmax1.° .( Feb; 28 i c. Q Thin H, §_217..4§Stat. 1070.) _ ‘ i ` ¢\¤•¤¤· ¤.·»-rrmc ·mAmmm 1>mv1m·:cm.-_ ‘ w. engine; te were: meieeee;· 0Qciel eiweiepeér %. emehpenjier answers lnclw; — _

 KQ!   ei Superintendent of Documents.

Q wl. te aeturnlmtiog and census. c » ¤$» fxinsi e under {rank at Members of Congress;

 Pulp;   sen; ima reeelvee by vice President end Mem

‘ ed Coupes. _ ‘ - _ Q ‘ N1'. er Viee Preadem: and Members at Con §. at hem Deenrthent et Agriculture. , § _ vert between agricultural colleges nee

 •i.,A&‘le¤l;u:·¢; ·

W. mem hr·bi§.¤d; whims., III. penalty privilege restricted. gs l `er permitting me et frank ueiapfuig

     to       en

! .~;·-sit dui! M tb transmit tm mail, fre at QW er ether mattgers relating ex

 te tm  le     of me Gevemment of the ,QU¤ite<

&@: wl M all c&cers.c! United *State1

    —l  2,   heemberg of Ceagring ellemcia

tw imrer Miimithenisa Ieetitute; all. e®eia1··mnil matte; af Pm Hsien; and all eQciai mail matter cf, th<

   lm   \'el§¤teer midiere, The wvelopeé

•¢ meh xtser in all we bear apmewiate °iudorsemen·

   seen mignatiee of the 0Hee from- which, 01
 fm   the Mme is trgeemitted with the statemexz:

et. the Every sucka letter er mekngl

 wk 11 ie nm tree, skill bear ever the werels “0&da
   showing-also the name et tlxe ee

gutauit, and it a bureau er emee, the new et the ®

 red M i x er cme, as the case may be, whence
 It   be we duh or meh et the executive de

prsneme at United States te provide ·t0r_ .itse1£»a¤d it:

1 Posmn szzzzvzcz J 1256 r‘ subdrdinate offices uccesmry envelopes and in addition t0‘th¤·. imlorsement designating the `dsmartmvnt in which they are té a be used, the penalty for the unlawful use of these envelhpex sz shall m stated thereon. Any department mv, omce authvrizvd it .t0 use the penalty envelope; may imslom them with return ad- .· dress to any pcmou or pcrsgiemfrqm or- through whom` cfétiai

,_§ information. is desixred, the same to & only Y0 Easxver

e such official. informzxtipn mad Endorsements wiming thvrem, . f ,A.y part paid latte; or packét addrmcd to any M the depart? _ xuhxts or bureaus may be delivered free, bm whvze there is ‘ e good reason to believe the_0;mis§sié1x to "premy ·;he full p0&age g thereon was iutentibnal such letter er phqket sim}! be geturmd 1 to the sender. "1*his' se&i0¤ $ha.Il"n0fexfem1 at api>ly' towxécers g who . receivé a Hxed allowance as ‘c0mpeusa·tion for their 1 se;·viccs’_inclu¢ixig expeqses of pmtages. (Mar. 3,·18’¥7, c. 1138; »r 55 5, 6, 19 Stat.;‘ _M:1i·. 3,,1879, tr. iw, § w, 20 Stat. M2; 3 July`5, 1884, 4; 234, spa, 23 gm. 158; mg. xs, 11894,;. ‘:sm,_ { 5 *1, 29 Stat. 412; Feb. 29, 1wT, c. w 8mt. 5m.)! Q, I- 322. Pcnahy`mvel0pes for "mnwcm ,res@ivet» · departm3nts” shall iuclcsc to &nat0rs, Bepremmatives ami . ,,= Délegatcs in Cogxgress, in all omcisl ;req¤iri¤g' I answers, or, in be`foi·wm·iied to others. penalty méelcpes, nd· ,5 dfesséd asfar as praqf1cable, for forwarding as answering such L official correspcmlence. __(Mm·. 3, 1@3, c. 128, § 2, E Sta;. ESM.} 1 323; 0&ia! -wrrmmdc1;ce of S¤pc1ht¢ af 1 =<%;né¤ts.¢;#—A1l.0§‘iciz1_lV €0l°F§f)b·!1d€BC€* of me Sezperimexxdent éf ,_ Documents andxll regglieq to the 8% s1mlI_be_e¤ti,tEm to tmc { trau`smi$ mail.; and he shall be entitled to haw palms: B documents :~Prcmidcd,‘ That in thai trausmimoh et such ami.

, matter envelopes, labels, or puma] cards are ¤.1scd_¤g_.`whimh tm

_ name ofthé agiice and the penalty chase are printed. (Jan; 12,

 1895, c. 23, $65, 28 Stat. 611.)- · _ [ .  ° - {

324. Mattei relatingtd natmtalizatbn a¤d_ 13mm--All mi! mgtter, Q1? wlmteyér · class, renting, to uaturaiizatiou, duplicate papers required by law 6'rjrégulatic:1 to be sent tc me · Bureau of Naturalization by élerks of Suite or Fccberal qmrtx. - addmd to the Deputgmém ot Labor, or the Burma ct Mt} "nimlization, 01* to arxiv cpflicml theteot, and mésrxd “O&i•l busi- ` ¤· - f nes~s," ani} all mail méitci, $1*. whateve r[cla& gr weimt, taht- _ L ing to th€`C?¥!S¥1S'8Bd· add&d tc the @m 98::0, GK tc ag; F'. cmcial thereof, uid indérsed “_O§cial bm% .0%,7 _ shall be trgnsmitted tree at postage, and by mgistued mail it ¤¢ ry,‘and so mnxfkedz `Pmvédcd, That it guy ’ make use 01"such.ind0rsem¢nt ta nioidg the pgymmt qt wage ’ or registry fee.c¤__his or lie! privhte lettergpackage, ,é: ctwr 1 matter ju the mail, the persm sd be guiltyéim gpisdemmmr amt subject to a Sm of @9, te bé p¤· téd in ény mutt bf competent Ijuriséicticm. “ (July ww, c. 2, t %,~· » 36 Stht, 10{Oct; 8,1917. ie. 79, Vi- 1, 46 Stat.,_378;_}Iar,‘ 3, 1919, · `c§"9?, S 29,49 Stat. 1301.) _ . _. ‘ . _ a‘ ·— 325. Q , sndcr frank ¤f.Memb¢su ¤~f———C¤¤·{__ i- grws;-—-'llxe Cemgréwimml Rsccré, er `ainy mn thereof, at ` 1`._ `or xjeports therein comained, shall, wdcr the {ugh 5 of a Member of Cxmgrm, gr Delmate, hr B¢s®t 1 sinner from Pértc Rico · or the Philippines, writicn by himmif. r be carried in the m»ail°trea at postage, under such rmulatims as a the Postmaster General may `prescrilre. (Liar. 3, 1875} c. lm B ~§ 5, 18 §tat. 343; Aug. R, 1916,-c. 416. 5 20, Stat. 552; Mar. t 1917, c. 145, S 36, % §tat. 9%,) . ’ r 326. Péblk dscumems scm md m$vcd by Via: Pre¤&t t and Members af Cmgress.-——$’I?hg` Vice President, Seuatms, Rey a rmntatives, and I1>c»Imfwfi¤ Congress, the Resident _Commis· 1_ sinners {mm Porto - Rico iam! me Philippims, the Secketary at - the'S»c¤nte,"·¤nd>·Clerk of the Héuse of Bc tativjes §xay_ —* send and receive through: the mail nil. public d0c¤¤énts prinfed a° by m·der of Congress; and the mms of the Viée Pwdépt. — ‘Sematm?, Repm:scntati€·é,'De1eg@te,‘ Secretary of the Sé;1ate,._¤¤d s Clerk at the House be written thereon, proper