Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1269

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1255 #1 TL§ .w.--rus< 292; Fanrth-dam natter; pedal mam.-—-·F¤:· t¤urth-cla§ mnifmatter the`U11ite~d Sinfmnnd its wmrnl"1‘errit¤x*ie#s and Ixwggmg, exgeptiug the Philippiné Islands, shall -m Gridded iam units of aren thirty minutes `%¤31*€,¢ identical with n" qnnrj {nr of farmed by the intérsecting mraiiels ot latitude

 and yejridinns at lwgitnde, repmswted on •,ppropriats_p0stal

maps or plans, w units of area shallbé twwts 0{ diggin! §0¤Q§, as follows: _- . _. , — Q Tm _§1·¤ mm shall indn® gil territor-y within such quad- .· paddle, in conjunction with every cpntigncns quadrangle, represmatiugédn ua having n padilnl ésmnce of npprcximntcly _nt¥g,· {fam center ci my §vnn unit of area.-d 1 The mmm iscne shall include all units of area butsideg the é tirst mm lyinglin whale 01fin part within 8. mdins of npproxiq miately me hundred and Efty mils from the center gt n given 'u:2.it0f&¥€l.j _ `" · .__ . The {hind zone $haH include ali units of area, outside thd demand mm iying in whole or in pur; within n radius <sf_ np- d pmximately three hundred milw from thecezxtcr of a given nnit c•fm'&** `T . _·‘·__ _· Tim funrth mné shaii inclndé all units of aren. outside the _ {bird was lying in véhclg or in wrt éifhin n rndins of nppr0ximétely six hundred miies from the cenigf of n giycn unit uf H1`i*&. · _ { — H , n " _ ‘ .` _ . _ The dfth sane shall incinde all units of aren outside __the jmmh wm lying in jvhcle of in part within a radius of approximately une t1w@d milw fmmjhe center ot n given unit ot 8l`?§. · _ • · s. " · ~ z L _ ’ The sixth zone shall include all units of aren outside the iift-h

0:30 iying in whole or in part within a mdins of nppmximntely d

me ghnnzmnd ton: hwdred miicsfrcm the- center of n given msi! of area. · · , _ ~ »- _ n , '1‘hc·sc$‘1%nt!i-zone shnil include. all units of nré outside- the [ sixih zbnc lying in whale lb: in mrt within 8-A1;§di11S‘Gf approxi- n mately one .th9u§and aight hundred miles -fmm the center of n given: unit of arm. ‘ . `- Q - · f The éighth gone @111 include ill unité 01 arm butside 'the svvénth mma; (Aug. 24, 1912, c. ®, i 8, 37 Stat. 557.); _ 293. bf pcdage; &8!'§B.-*j·;·'.[`@·-l‘&i§€ ot `®¤n$e_¤n tcuftlkclnm manner wall be {Syd the pound, as hereinahew provided, the postage in all cases to be prepaid by, disiinctivé postage gtnmps ·n@:wd, V “ . ·. t _‘ _

 mx .mnttcr of   fourth cla& shall be me-zpnid at thefsllowiug'rs,tes: •‘ :   _ .-   f ·

On all, mttteaimniied at the p0sfo§ca tram which n`rm·a1_ nhté start.s,.for dcfivety én such rcntc, of mailed nt ami p0intQ mn meh mate far deliyeri at any ctl@* wut thereon, q1·_ nt ilgc c@ce which the route mm, Q: nn any rixrnl route Qnrfing thérefmm, and on all mailed at n city mrrier _ cwce, dr at ngxy point within its defivety limitp,_£01* delivery by .· carriezx that ¤Qce,. 9;- at any c&cc for lml delivery, 5 tam mjst pound cr fraction bf n ’pc¤md_` and 1. cent fm ‘mch ndditicnnl wand or tractism at n pound; _ °· · _ A Fcgdvlivery within tke nrsjoné, except as provided in the next 5 cents fox the Amt ponnd or traction at a gwund and .3 casts for 'wcb additional: pénnd or txjné- tionotgponnd, l "_ ” ,· ` _· For ddivery fylthin the second zone, 6`·ce¤ts._ {O!/ItbQ‘£1‘St pound hr fractidn of a pcnnd and 4 cents {cr each (_ dditicmnl new or trnctién bi A wimd. l I / ‘ . Fm? de¥!very`within the, third nbnc, 7 ¢e$iffor tha dm pound cr of n pound and 5 cents tc: additional ponndcrh1cti¤¤¤£•@d. _' ° n' ` I For déivcy within the mnrth zone, 3 fdr the nm . p¤und·m·` nf a pmmd and 8 amt: fdr mch additional . pound df df! é~ •·n= ( M at '

¢__\ FQ! de m? wi&in 6m   zche;9 muh fmbthe int

· wander t1·•¢t¥¤¤.c£"a mm and 7 cage td: each sdditi@ poundomtmc€.c¤_¤£apcnnd.- ’T "

POSTAL SERVICE § 299 - For delivery within the sixth zcnc, 10 cczlte fer the tlget, pound or fraction of a pmmd and 9 cctlté for €*ZlCh‘iltltlltiOllliI ~" pound or fraction of a potmd. , T f For delivery within the seventhlzenc, 11 cents Im- the tirst pcmld 01* fraction of a pound am} 19 ecnte fox: each additional pound or traction of a. pound. · _ B * ‘ ·For delivery within the eighth zone and between the I»’hilippine Islands and any mrtion of the Yaitetl States,. including the District of Columbia and the .s em! Territeriee and peseese o sions, 12 cents for the llrsf poungtsr fraction of an pound and 12 cents for well additional potitld er fraction of a pmmtl. In addition to the rate of postage as established in this swtion, there shall hea service charge of 2 emits for each parcel, except upon parcels orpackages collected ozlmral delivery routes, Q be prepaid by postage stamps alllxcd thereto; as as ethershse pxesclribed by the regulationsef the Postmaster General, (Amg. 24, 1912, c. {Sw, 9 8, 37 Stat. -557 ;' Feb. 28, H}25, e. 368, U 207 (ajb),43 Stat. 1067.) Y ‘ °_ , · " 294. Sgme; _ speéisl luhdltlnj.-¢—\Vhenexecl‘, ie lztdelition to the `postuge as hcrclnbctorc provided, there shall M amazed to any _ petcal of mail matter of the iourth·elass postage of the valee 0f_ 25 cerlts with the words “Speeiel mpclmg” wfltten er printed. upon the wrapper, such pnreel shall receive the same; expeditious handling, traizspoxrtatioa, and gclivery accorded te mall matter of the Hrs; class. ._( Feb. 28, 19%,ee. 3%, § 2Q? ‘ (bp; 43`Stat.1067.)_ · ~ :_ ' — 295. Quantities of _ identical pieces of third or Eeerth elw matter accepted for, transmission stamps H m·mid.--— -, Under such relzulations as the Postmaster Gemral may eeteblish for the collectjon of the lawful revenue and for facilitating the handling of such; matter in the mails it shall be lattfel to accept for transmission in the mails, withotit postage stamps amxcdf qua1iti·ti_es` of pot, less than three "hmldrw lcleutieal. pieces ·0f· third—class' matter and of _ secouglxzlass `matter and two hundred end fifty itleutical piece of fourth-claw. matter, and packages of money and securities meiled euqcr postage. at the. Hist or fourthblass rate by the TFEESUYY Dfvlrtmeut : {Provided, Thafposténke shall be fully prepeld·ihercee et the rate required .by lax}: for a single piece of etzeh metter, (Aprj 28, 1904, c;_"·175p, § 2, 33 Stat. 44€l;‘ May 18, 19lG, c.‘1§..‘6,~§ 13, `39 Stat. 1@.) Q - i a _· _ _ 296. Clothing to eeldiers by hail.-·-——Peckeges of woelet;. cott0n,"or linen Xclothlngj not exceeding two pounds ie weight, may be sent £l:ir<:mgh_ the `meil to miy — eonemmmtesioaeél tl~£E}{‘0f of private in the Alimyof the United States, if prepeicl. at the rate ef. 1 cent for each one ounce og fraction thereof, atzmeet" t0_ auch regulations as the Postmeatet _Gcneral_-may prescribe. p`(R.’S. s 3911,) " — J l .‘ ‘ ‘, _· ° _ _ 297. Peitnge on fercién ¤;il,m•ttcl·.·-—-The tate of<l{aite»l States postage on mall matte; scntto or received from foreignn comltries with whiebQdMerel1t rates haee not been established by- pestal conveutloe or ether aueegemeept. when —forwe rtletl by veswls regularly employed in >t¤a¤sporting the mail, shall be

‘10 cents for each halt mmee or jraetton theteef oe lcttersy

uu1e¤'1je<lucc<l_¥by_orcler of the Postmaster Gemral :‘ 2 eenté each nn newapapéxts; and net exceeding 2 cents for each two ounces, or traction thereof, ce pemwlctsg perledlcals books, and other printed matter, which shell he pre~pold_ on matter sept arid eellectedgoh matter received; ahcl to avoid loss. to the Uaiteil Btatee in the peymeet of helaxgcee, the Pest- ·maete1• Geneial may collect the oapaid poetegc —oe letters from ·!0!‘€i§¤_·€0¥1¤t1'i€*B la cola or its equivalent. (R. S.,§ _3912.)· 2%.- as irregeht sea letters.-—-—Al§l laters eouveyetl by yuaelé Qnot remlarly omploy¤l·in·mr1*5·ing.the mai; shall, it for delivery withla the United Sitttesybe charged with double posttie, to cover` the tee paid to vmel. (R. S. { 3913,) ”299.·E¤¤1g—e an iIil.———’I'h1!.P<»stm:12¤t0r Gerteral, l lu his discretion, may‘ree¤ll·e the payment et postage on mall