Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1275

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t 1261 T12*z..E as.»;rzz11=; the medé- at tha Penta! are saute}; as ta justify the exik pemiture involved. tAdv~ertiséme¤ia _ and! state ih general

 te:-ms @13 the nequirexesats at ma service' and in farm best

{-aicuhtcé $¤ i¤¥it¤ ccssspetitwe b¤l3d1¤g. » . B

 Pmtgaster ,G-mera! shall have the right to reject may

mad all iaith; me csatmct shall be pwamed except ta" the lowést re»s;¤¤a@bie Mdéar, teaéeringt mil had m e; tent guafahties, to the wtisfacéaa at the Pmtméstcr Genéml, ni his ability tc ¥}3¤E‘1°f$`¥E wésfactary md suchgguammies Shall include gm ap»p1·¤¥al ig d~¤u§a amctmt of the bid, - V t ¤ ·

 39 wsiwnvt. shalt he entered imc in my cityjcr the Ch81‘8C·4
\\§ {Q: at simii seririm herein pmvided which xviii create an aggre-
 gate anmmi mts at expenditure, including namsary power and

iam: to apcrute the tgabes, all what expenses of such seawitsgé in aw of 4 peaicwtum ct the gross postal revenue of said

t#ity“fm· the last    ia vv `ycar. -. t "   _ J  

iu the city ¢!=Ne€w Ycrk,iihc1¤di¤g.{_tha borough ot tBr0okly¤, me mmuai raté of expenditure tc: the tmnsmisémx of mail by jmck mws_¤:’®v1¢es, including power, labor, aéd ai}? operating §expemss,_s1aa1l` mt. extreed $18,509 miie t of xkmhlé fine of mixes ctr meh 0th—e1·` wm 13st‘cx&ing $19,500 per mile gs méy have béen prmribed §y» 1;ha_I¤ter*sté_£& Gammerée Qvémission unda the Act éf §`u¤e_19, 19%, chapter @7. n " _ " _ Nc éuatmct shall; be in may éthef city providing for tlwecgmiles cr `mare at ckmbie Haw of tube which shall invdwe A an "expeaditure in excess of -$17,00Q per mile pei. mmum, and said ccmpeusutisxm mail cover power, labér, and all operating expenses. U. l » f `_ · ‘ ‘ · - . Gmy s¤@ contracts shall be made as maj from time to time he pm¥id&. {mi in the appmprixtioh Act for the~P0std1 Service. Said scrv&e wall not be`e:tte¤de~d` in any {cities otheé 1 than thwe in. évhich thé was under coxitract uizdér autherity ci tbhgress cm Much 2, 1907,* except the borough ét “_ Byocklya, at the city ai New York, and the cities of Baltimmc, Maryiandj Ohio, Kansag City, Missmiri, Pittsburgh, Pemzsylvaaia, and Francisco, Califqmisg '(Apr. 21, 1902, ~& 5%, { 1, 32 Stat. 114; Mar; 2;‘190?, c. 2513, 34 Stat. 1211: Biay27,19G8,¢Qw6,35jStaL412.-)_ Y . _ · _ 424. it fas and steambcat mail scxjvt icc.-~—’17he"P aster General is authorized to contract for in- ~ land and fcreign stmmbemt mail `sgryice, when it can be combined in me mate, when the {amiga amaze fg; o$ces are hot

 than two   miles distént iwmttiie d0mestic',0@ce,

as the mme terms and gxméitiqps is inland steamboat service, , and my tar the, qtuir dt the appropriation fg? iiilahd steam-· boat (Mar. 8,Z1$85, c. 342, it 1, 23 Stat. 3885) 425. Pm ; @1kg; 9pm~¤g.·—-·—P1·#0pc$a1s for {carrying the

   shui! be dchvuedyaled, and sc. kept until &e bidding is

icimcd, and than be _é9c¤ad m&1`k€d_i!1 the prescmée of the Postmaster General, md one ci the Assistant Pwtmasters Gtmmal, ar of two of the Lwistiuit Postmasters Genargl, or of my ether (wa twcexs of ths»depm·tme¤t,- to be designated —Ey me $P¤·—stmaste: General; and any bidder may withdraw his bid at my time beimse twentyricur hcmm_ previous to the the §xcé for the opehing at pm@1s, by serving upon the Post-

  • mas{e:· Genera! aqtica in writing pt such witlzdrawal. N (R. S.

{ 3%-1; Juiy 28, 1916, :,2. 261, I 1, 39 _Stat§.418.)— ° ‘ — J 425. of bidder.-—E·very pmpcsal for carrying the mail sha!.} M accompanied by the bond of the bidder, with, sureties apgmsved by a pcgtxmster, and in cases ivhem the amount » ot the band eggecds ·$5¥ 900,° by a postmaster at the gflrst, second, oi- third clam, in·a¤” sum to be désigxgwd by the Postmaster Gaaerai in the advertisement dt each mute; to. which bbnd a mnditism shall be ahzexesi, that it tha said bidder shall, within such time after his bid is a<x:ept&` as the Pastmastex .GQiB€l.`&l shall p:tscribé,#cme1·% into a gaméract with the United States of America,. with gmc} and sumcient surmise, to be approved Q by the Péstmastcr MGc¤emL to perform the gervjce proposed in

poem; sazzvgca § 430 his said bid, a11d, further, thatlhe shall performthe Said serrv ice according to hte cout g_a_ct,_ther: the aaid obligation to he j void, otlxerwiae to be in full force aad obligation io law; ood ie ease of failure of any bidder tolerates: into auch contract to peo " form the ecrrico, or, lxavgg executed a contract; ing ceae ref Sfallure to perform the aer·$icc,»accox·dirxg to his contract, he am] his suretiea; shall be liable for the amount of said bowl as liquidated damages, to he recovered io an action of debt on v the eald bond. Z No proposal shall be considered zmleao it shall be accompanied. by auch bead,. and there ahall have been affixcd to Said proposal the oath of the bidder, taken hefore ao officer qualified to aelmiaigtcr oatlxgs, that he has the ahility, pecuniarily, to fulfill his ohligatiotza, aad that the hid ie made ip good faith, and withjhe intention to enter ihtoacomract and perform the Vservice in case his bid is accepted. (R. § 39%; June 8, 1872, c. 335, $245, 17 Stat. 313; June 23, ISE'4, e. 4i‘¤§; {*12, 18 Stat. 235.) - ° `. o _ ‘°. 427. Same; iastihcatioa of eareties; false oath.--Before. the { bond ot a bidder, [provided for ia section 426 of thie title, ia approved, there shall be iudoraed thereon the oaths of the .· suretiea therein, taken before an__o§eer v_ouali§cd to administer · oaths, that they are owners of real eatate worm iatthe aggregate a sum, double · the agouut of said bead, over and amre all __debts due and owing by them,_and all jedgmeots; mortgages;

faud executions against them; after allowieg all exemotioaa of

every character whatever; Accompanying said hood and as a Y part thereof, there shall be `a‘ series of iuterrogatoriee, in print S or writing, to be preecribed by the Postmaster Geaeral, aad _ answered .by the `suretiea under oath. showing the amount of v real estate ,_ owned by them; a · brief des?criptio!a thereof, sad its probable value, where it is situated, in what coaaty aaa State ’ the record evidence of their title exists. it any surety. y Shall knowingly and willfully swear falsely to any atateraeof _ made under the provisions of this eeetioa he shall be déeweé _ guilty of perjury, and, on conviction thereof; be poaished as is ‘ provided by law for commission of the crime of perjury. (ILS. ’ ‘§ 3946;iJtme 8, 1872, c. 335, § 246, 17 Stat. 313; June %, ISH, e. 456, 512,.18 Stat. 235; Aug. 11, 1876, c. 266, 19 Stat. 1%.*) ; _ 428.- Recording and preserving `biéa; uaacéewed hide; rc-

 as to movement of mails.?-The‘P%ostmaster Geaeral ehall

have recorded, in a hook to be kept for that purpose, a tree aad _ faithful abstract of all proposals made `to him for carrying the mail, giving the heme of the party oieriag; the term of the oder, the sum to be paid, add thetime the contract is to ceo. timie ;. and he shall put on me andpreserve the originals of all . auch proposals um;il·`the cad of the contract term to·'which_tl1ey relate, after which the proposals that vrere not accepted may be · · destroyed or disposed of aa waste paper. The reports of the ‘ arrivals and deoartures of the mails on mall routes made and {sent by postmastera to the Second Assistant Postmaster Gere eral, on which no hoes or deductions from the pay of contractors for carrying the mails have been lxaed, aad the—certi&cates`E of oaths taker by carriers on mail routes may m Elis~posed`.o_f as waste paper after the expiration of one year from theneods of . the contract term to vvhicli they relate. (Rf S. § 3948; .1 imc I3, _18`98, c. 446, 5 2; 30 Stat. 444.) . . 429. Contracts to lowest b idder.————¤—All contracts for carrying the mail shall he in the oame of the United Statcsazml shell ‘ be avvarded to the lowest bidder tendering eumcieht guarzmties i for faithful performaxtce-in accordye with the terms of the advertloemeht. Such contracts shall require due colerity, cer; taiuty, and security ia the performance of the service; but the Postmaster Gencral· shall not be hound to consider the hid of any bersou vvho has willfully §r ocgllgeufly failed to gwrforra a former contract. (Ri S. § 3949; llfzzy 18, 1916, c._1.€:T6, §' 6, 39 i Stat. 161.)  ; Q ’ _ ·. 430. Signing contractaufor mail tra_nsportation.—-—<tT!·»otmcts made in the Post Office Department for the various <.·l—zzsses'of