Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1308

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` § 77 TITLE\§0.4—I’UBLlC\ BUILDIA empowered to snake and ienforce all regulations for the control of vehicles and tra@c. and limltfng the speed thereoll on roads, highways, and bridges within the public grounds in the District . of “Columbia._ under his control, subject to the penaltles pre scribed in the Act entitled f‘Au Act regulating the speed ot auto · mobiles in the District of Columbia.- andetor other- purposesf approved June Q, 1906. (June 5, 1920. c. 235, $.1,711 Stat, 8981 .F& $6; me {3, 43 Stat. $@4. · _ ‘ __ — j » _ 77. Special `pelice; appointqcnt;. powers,—The officer `ir charge at public buildings and grounds, in his discretion; ina; appoint special policemen, without compeusauou, for duty ir connection withthe policing of the public parlgs and other rger rations under ‘b·is· jurisdiction Within the District ot Columbia such Ewial policemen to have the samej powers ani, perfom the same duties as the United Statés park. police and the Metropolitan police of said District of _Columbia,_ and to be_subjec1 to su-·:h'régulations as.·the‘_Chief of Engineers may prescribe? Provided, That the. jurisdiction and a police power of suchvspe- ` cial policemen shall be restricted to the public parks and .othe1 reservations under the control of the oillcer in' charge of pub llic buildings and grounds. (May 27; 1924, c. 199; E ·9, 43 Stat 1?a;)._ Q . _. _ . ·_. 78. Use of spaces or resers$ations'for.vrideni11g roadways.- Wueu, in the judgment of the Commissioners of the District ot . Columbia, the public necessity or convenience requires them tc enter upon any of the spaces or reservations under the juris diction of the Director of Public Buildings- and Public Parks for the purpose ofrvidcuiug the roadway bi any street or ave une adjacent thereto or to establish sidewalks along; the same - the Director of Public Buildings and Public; Parks is authorized tolgcant the necessary·permission‘ upon the application of the commissioners., (July 1, 1898. c.°543, 5 4, 30 Stat;`57'0 `"‘` ; Feb; 26 192210. 339, 5 Stat. 983.) - . _ . ` 79. Transfers of. jurisdiction between. director and Comniissioners of _District.·e-When in accordance with_‘law or mutual legal agreement. spaces or portions of public; land are trans ferred from the jurisdiction of the director as established by sections G0, 67, and 78 to 80 of this title to that of the Com missioners of the District of~‘Columbia, or vlce versa, the letter: exchanged between them ot- tranger and acceptance shall be su§cleut authority for the neccmary change in the 'oiilcial maps and ”fo.1·_record when necessary. _(July 1, 1%, c. 543, i 5, 30 Stat. 570; Feb. 26, 1925,`c. 3%, § 3. 43 Stat. 983.) . . p 80. Regulations for care of epublic grounds.—¥The` said director and the said conumissioners are, authorized to make- all medful rules°.and~ regulations for the government and proper cared oral! the public grounds placed by sections 60, 67, 75, 78. and 79 ot¤1'bi.s‘ title under their respective charge and control; and to annex to such rules and regulations suclr reasonable penalties as witl- securetheir enforcement. (July. 1, 1898. c 543. § 6. 30 Stat. 571; Feb. 26, 1925, c. 339, `§ 3, 43 Stat. 983.) 81. Same; extended to sidcwglks.¥—The application of such rules and regulations as have been or that may 'beprescrlbed for the government and proper care of all public grounds placed ·-by sections 60. 67, 75. and 78 to 80 of this title under the charge and control of the said director. is extended to cover the sidewalks around the public grounds and the carrlageways of nucl: streets as lle between andseparate the said public grounds.

  • ( Mar. 4, 1909.c. @9, § 1, 35. Stat. 994; Feb. 26, 1925, ·c.. 339,

. ·§3,~l3Stnt.98·‘%.) ‘ _· . _ ‘ . - 82. Public. spaces resulting from Slling of canals under

 of director.-——All public spaces resulting from the

nllling ot canals ln the original city of Washington, egcept such tportious as are included in the navy yard or in actual use as roadways and sidewalks. and except the portionslasslgned by law to the District ot Columbia for use as a property yard and the location of a sewerage pumping station; respectively. are placed under the jurisdiction ot the Director of Public Build

IGS, PROPERTY, AND WORKS 1294 I lng and Public Parks and shall be laid out as reservations ° , as a partot the park system ot the District ot Columbm. —_(Aug. ti 1, 1914, ‘o. 223, §_1, 38 Stat. 633; Feb. 26, 1925, c. 339, I 3, 43 .’ Stat. 983:) A ° _' - ‘ - * _ ~ ` - 83{ Rock Creek, Park; mabliahnent.-·-The tract of land ’ lying on both- sides of Bock Creek, b%lnni¤g·at·K1ingle Ford

‘ . Bridge, and running northwardly, following the course of said _

creek, acquired under the Act of 27, 1%0, chapter l 1001, shall be- perpetually dedlmted and set apart as a public r_ park or pleasure ground for the bmeot and enkyment of the i people. o£_ the United States, to be known by the name of Bock -. Creek Park. _ (Sept. 27, 1&0, c. 1001,} 1, 26 Stat, $2.) 5 p · , Same} control and regu1a@—-'1‘l1e public park authort ized and csmbllshed byysection & of this title shall be a mrt . - of- the park system ot the District of Columbia, donned by sect· tion 75 ot title and shall be under the control of { Director ot Public Buildings and Public Parka, vrwaecduty it - shall-- be, as soon °¤¤»p»-acacaa1c,`.¢c lay outj am prepare roadr ways and bridlel paths, for be used fordrivlng and for horse- -. back riding, respectively, and footways for `pdwtrlam ;_ and

_. whose duty it shall also be to-‘ make and mbllsh su& regulations as hel deems A necessary and propa . for the care and

-_ management of the same. Such regulations shall provide for E_ the _.preservation_ trom injury or ot_~ all timber, » animals, or curlosities within said park, and their retention - in their natural. condition, as nearly as npmsible. (Sept. 27, , 1890, c. 1001, Q 7, 26 StatZ`495; July 1, 1918, c; 113, { 1, 40 -` Sta-t. 650{Feb. 26, 1925,_c. 339,`§ 3, 43 Stat;983.) L - _ - ° 9 85. Piney Branch Parkway partof park ayatem.—Tne Piney l‘ `Branchfarkway is made a partof tlw park system of the 5 District of Columbia dehned by section 75 of this title. (July , 1.,1918, c. 113, 5 1, 40 Stat. 650.) _ ‘ · 86. _· Potomac Park_;estab1ishment.—The entire reclaimed area . tormeri lmown as the Potomac Flats, together--ryith the tidal l reservoirs, are made andfdéclared a public park, under the - name of the Potomac Park, and to be foreyer held and used as » a park ‘for__the recreation and pleasure otlthe people. (Mar. 3, — 1897, c. 375, 29 Stat. 624.) · _ ‘ * ·. _. c s 87. `Same; controL—·:Potomac Park is-madea part of the mrk e system-of the District of Columbia undcer the exclusive chaise ` l and control of 'the Director of Public Buildings and Publici Parks and subject to the provisions of section 80 of this title. (Aug. 1, 1914,-c._223, § 1, 38_Stat. 634; Feb. 26, 1925, c. 339. n.5`s,4sstht·ess.>_ A ‘· , . _ l _`88. Same; restriction on comtruchoa of lagoon or spedr way.—No part ot any money appropriated in any Act shall , be expended for or toward the`constructio_n ot any lagoon, or

other artihcial body of water,. or speedsyay, on any portion of

e` saidmrk unless specldcally authorized by Congress. (Aug. 1°, . l914, c. @,1 1, 38 Stat. 634.)` . _ 89. Sa¤.c;- temporary occupancy by _Depart¤¤t of Agri- ¤. culture.-—The Director ot Public Bulldlms and Public Parks is l authorized to grant permission to the Deparment ot Agricull ture for the temporary occupation of meh area or area-: ot a Potomac Park, not exceeding a total ot aevwtyéve acre `in ·. extent, as may not be needed in any one aeaaonfw thereclamanjtion or park improvement, the said to be used by the . Department of Agriculture as testing grounds: Provided, That ,· nothing herein contai@ be- construed to change the mental character of the lands so uxd. which lands shall con- 3 tinue to be a-public park, aa prorlded in section 86 ot this title: e And provided farther, That said area or areas shall be van cated by the Department ot Agriculture at the close ot any t s season upon the requmt of the isald director: And provided r further, That the entire park shall remain umer the charge [ ot the said director. (Mar. 3, 1@9, c. 458,] 2, 30 Stat. 1378.) e 90. Licenses for bathouaea an banks of tidal ruarvoir.-— · jllcensesnmay be granted for the erection ot boathouses along