Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1394

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§ 752 rails 4s.-ros numbered respectively, mlnnlnss with the number one in the 1 1 northeast motion and proceeding west and east alternately 1 throngh the tonmshlp with gsrogremlre numbers till the thirty- · dx be elmnletes. s ` Fourth. 'ihe deputy surveyors, respectively, shall cause to be r 1 marked on s near each corner established in the manner T ¤ desmahed, and within the section, the number of sneh section, e and ova it the number of the township within which such see· 1 tion mags M; and the dyeputy surveyors shall carefully note, ln 4 their i;lve held hooks, the namm ot the eornertrees marked · oa® the numbers so made. ~ x , A? Fifth. the exterior lines of the townships which may he snbdivldetl into wctions or halbseetions exceed, or do not · extend six miles, the excess or dehclency shall he specially · noted, and added to or deducted from the wmtern and northern ·

 et sections or hnlfseetions in such township, according `

as the error may be ln running the lines from east to west, or · from north to south; the sections am half-mtions bounded on l the northern and western lines of such townships shall he sold as eontalning only the quantity expr$d- in the returns and plats respectively, and all. others as containing the comp1es;e· lwsl qnantlty. ._ " _ Sixth, All lines shall be plainly marked upon trees, and measnrerl wiw chains, containing two porches of sixteen and one? halt feet meh, subdivided into twentyshre equal links; and the chain shall headjusted toe standard to bekept for that pur- Seventh. Every surveyor shall note in his Held book the true » situations of all mines, salt licks,. salt springs, and millyseats _ whieh eome to his knowledge; all watercourses over `which · the line he runsmay pass; and also the quality oi the lands. ’ ” ‘ ‘ Eighth. Thwe held books shall be returned to the Flelcl §urveyiui: Service, which. shall cause therefrom a description ot

   fr)>!>r_ ¤       xgtgtrig ;!yr  :5 _M·`:;_ ,_i  ,., iiir· ii 7,. *_       ,- >  _. .~r.    

the owerrwhoemmywnherintenh the sales. He shall also dune e fair plat to be `xnade ot . the townshiw and fractional ¤ rts of townships contained in the lands, describing the subdivisions thereof, and the marks of the corners. This ’plat‘ mall be recordedjn hooks to be kept for thatrnnrpox; and a copy thereof shall be kept open at the o@ee of the Field Sur-=_ veying Service for public information, and other ‘ copies shall be sent to places”ofi·'the_ sale, and to the General Land O&•e, `(B. §· Mar, 3, 1925, cl QQ2, 43 Stat. 1144.) V · ` 752. and Hoontents of public lands; how ascer- - wind.-~'1‘he honndages and eontentsm off the sesgeral sections, hnlbseotions, and quarteromtions of the public lands shall be ascertained in tonrsrmiry with the following principles :` · kr first, All the corners marked in the surveys, returned by the Field Surveying _Serriee,` shall be established, as the proper corners of sections, or subdivisions of sections, whiéh they were intended to designate: and thegcorners of _; r{ It and ` qnarter sections, not marked jon the surveys, shall of l laced ss jnearly as possible eqnidistant from two corners which stand on the same line. ° . ‘- F ‘ l ‘ » . —Serond. The boundary lines, actually run and marked *111 the surveys returned by the Field Surveying _ Service, shall be. estahlished as the proper boundary lines of the seotions, or subdivisions, for which they intended; uml the length ot such lines, as retnrnecl, shall be held u11d.eo¤side”red ss the true length thereof. And the boundary lines which have not ” been actually run and marked shall be ascertained, by running straight lines · froth the established corners to the opomlte corresponding corners; hnt in those portions of the froctionnl townships where no such ophosite. eorxmpondlug corners have been ·or mn be fixed, the. boundary lines shnll he a.scertained' by running from. the established corners, due north and south or east and west lines, as the case may be, to thee watercourse,

1.10 1..4 Nas 1380

Indian boundary llnc, or other extcrnal boundary of such fracaiimal tawxxahip. “ Thirq. Each accticn_ or subdivision of section, the ccatcata whcrcof have been rctamcil by the Ficld Surcacyihg Scrvlcc, shall bc hchl and cansidcrcd as caataiaiag the cxact qaantitj axprcascd in such rctum; and the half sccticas sad qtmrtcr scctioua, the cantcata whcrcof shall act have bcca than scturacd, shall bc hcld and ccnsidcrw as mitainlag the cmghall or thedanc·£0urth·part, respectively, at the rccamw ccatcata af the cccticn at which they may make part. (R. S. 5 %£; Mar. 3, 1925, »c. 462, 43 Stat. 31144.) __ · 753. Linca of diviaian of half gmartcr acctiaaa; haw ma.·—·~ln every casc of,the llixjisicn at a quarter section the liac for the division thereof shall ram narth and south, aad the c&rs and contents of half quartcr sectional which may theafc•f;cr bc acm, shui be aaccmaincd. in the mamxér the principlcs _ giircctcd and prescribed by the acctian preceding. anq fractional- sections containing one hamlrcd and sixty acrw ar upwards shall in like manner as neatly as practicable he ma divided into halt quartcr acctiona, nada: mc}.: mica aaa régjalations as may bc prescribed by th; Sccrctary at the Iatmriara and in every casé_ at a division oi a halt quarter wctlan,. the line for the division thereot shall can cast and wcat, and the corners and contents tit quartcf qgiartcr scdi@ whléa may thereafter bc sold; shall ·bc ascertained aa xmxly as may bc, in the lmanncr, and on the. principlw, directed and by- the section preceding; and fractiaaal sections fcwcr or more than one lilxudrm &Bdi8iXCY'§¢1’&8 * _ 8 lh like manner, as nearly as may bc practimhlc, bc sub&vi&<1 into quarter quartcr sections; undcr auch rules and regulations as maj he prescribed by the Secretary at the Iatcriar. (R. S.! . 754. Contracts fat surveys; whcn~bim1diag.—Coatl~acta foam _  ; ' 2. ° ···v· ac " if ; ‘i;; il V United States until approved by the at the ‘ General Lancl 0&cc, cxccpt ia auch cases aa the; may otherwise spcciallyhérrdcr. .·(B.' S. i _%@) _ f ‘ 755. Contract fa; aarvcj inatmctms fund part ']3hc— painted manual afaurvcylng M a t tar the amwey at -thé public lands; of the United Stats and » ptlvatc had claims, prepared at the Gcncral Land O@cc, hadn data. January 1,_ 1902,. tl1c' instructions at the ‘ al the Gcncxfal Land O§cc,_ and the special iastmctioaw or c the Field Surveying. Service, sahcn not Qin` jcoahict with. wld printcé manual or the instructions ‘ot said imicac;·, he I taken and. dccmcd to bc a pant at cvcry caatnct far aarvcw `ing; the public lands of the United Statca and private had claims. _—(R; S. § 2399; Oct. 1, ·1@0, c. 1%2, 28 Stat. @; Aug. 15,f1894, c. 288, 28 I-Stat. 285; Apr. .1982; c. 582, V Stat. 120-; Mar. 3, 1925, c. 462, 43 Stat..11214.) J _ _ `° - 756. Prices of narvcysgilww cst•hl.iahc¢L=·——-'jflxc Caaxmlssiaacr ’ ‘ of the General Land `0mcc7 has pawcr, and it shall bc his duty, ta hx the prices pcr. niilc tar pahllc samya which shall ia, no` casc,-fcxcccd the maximum cstablishcd by liv}. (R. S. § 2~100;=Ma1·. 3, 1875, c. 130, Q 1, 18, Stat. 384.) · , a a _; 757. Cast of sarvcy afpriintc lam ta bc repcrtedn

 p•id.———·An accuiatc account shall bc kept by 'the Field Sm·+· '

vcying ScrvG;ec·`cgf the cwt of survcylné and pglatting cvcry privatck land claim ta bc tcparfcd to the Gchcral Land Gmac with the map of such claim; and apatent shall not isaac nar shall any copy at any sack. auxjvcy bc furnished for any such private claim until the cast of snyvcy anelplagging shall have _ bcca paid into the Trcasury at the Unl_t_cd· Slatcsa by &llc·par;y ` or partica in ixitcrest ih Said grant or by any ather pa`rty. `(July_ 31, 1876, c.. 246, 19 Stati 121; ·l\Ia1·L··& 1925, cj.-162, 43 Stat. 1144.) [ _•_ ‘ W . · ·‘ _ 758{ Dcllvcry af patent contingent on rcfaad of cast of sarv€Y.*——-Ill all buses of the, éurvey of priva_tc.1aml clajysa the cast