Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1436

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§ `_ ‘-TITLE M.-¥-—P\UB_LI0 PRI] ` 117. Certineate of necészeityg estimate of cost.——-—·When any . dep:-ujtment,` the Supreme;Ceurt. are Gimrt. of Claims, or the Library of Congress Qehall require printing or binding to- be done, it shall be on eertincate that such work be necessary for the public service;. whereupon the Public Printer sbnl1.rurnis1i_ ~an estimate of the cost by the principal item;. for such·printing· `or binding so called for; after whiéh requisitions shall be .ruaue upon him therefor by the bm:} of such department, the clerk of the Supreme Court, Chief Justice of the Court of Claims, mj the Librnriag or_`congress; and the P\1bu(:_P1’1I1t€1' shall plane the cost thereof to the debit of such department in ite annual appropriation tort printing and binding.- `( Jan. ,12, 1893, c. 23, I 93, Stal:. B23.)`1 V. · `D _ _ ` ` 118. Rwirietigons on use of appropriations. for printing "and binding, fur illnstrntions.—-No_ part of the nppropriaflons made for printing and `binding shall be used tor_._auj_, illustration, engraving, or photograph in any document or ordered primed by Congress unless the d1‘dé1’ to print expressly author; izesthe same, nor in any document or report of any executivedepartment or other`Govemment establishment, until the head ` of the executive department or Government esta`bl1shment_`s11aI1 certify in a i€tt€f.tI'€I1”S»II1itti11g such report that the illustration is necesenry and relates. entirely to the transaction of public business. p (Mar`._, 1905. c. »1{183» .5 1, 33 Stat. 1213.) .· · 119. Blanks and letterheads Yfor Qfudges -.and‘· officers of ¢ourts.—4All blanks and letterbeads forguse by tfnejudges and -0t11er officials ·of the United Statesycourts other than such as are required to be paid for by any ofjtbese omcers out of the emoluxzuents of their oilicés shall be printed at the Govermxient Printing. .06ce upon forms prescribed by th€_`.D€[\8IIEm811t of Justice, and shall be distrlbutedby itupon requisitiou.'"_ ‘(Jan._ 12, 1895, c. 23, § 97, 28 Stn£.‘.624.) ·_ ,.‘V i 9 Q 12Q. Disposition of receipts for work —done.¥—All .sun1s_·paid ° to the Public Printer for work that he is authorized bg/1aw_t0 . do shall be deposited to the credit, on the books of the Treusg ' ary- Department, of the appropriation made. for the working ¥ capital of the Government Printing Oiilce for the; year "in which the work is done, and be subject to requisition by the Public Printer. . (Mai'. 4, 1925,.c. 5519, { 1. 43 Stat. J,300.) ‘ ·Ghnpt.¢r 5.-#CONGRESS1ONAL·PBINTING IN QENERAL.

 ll -‘·' ’ `.' . . ·   "·f··

131. “Usual; number " ofdocuments and reports; distribution of- House and Senate documents and reports; binding; reports on priyate ‘bil1s;`_number of ccpiea printed; distribution. " . · 132. Extra copies otdocuments and reports 133. Printing extra copies. . *;· ij. 134. ·" E_xtra`cupl<·s " defined. ` 135. jiupllcnte orders to print. - _ _ _ _ ’ 1’3<;·. Regulations for printing documents for Congress in two; or more e~dit_lonsj printing of tull number and allotment of full quota.] 137. ReJp:·1nting`nllls,‘ lnws, and reports from committees not exceeding Gfty pages. · . ‘ ‘ . · 138., Senate end House documents and reportsfor [Department of State; 139. Distribution of documents to kibrary ot Qqngress. _ ‘ ’ . _ 110. l’riuting_ot documents not provided. for by Iqw. .· . 141. l.;:;.;sv of authority to print, when. _. if _< · . 142. i.‘1asslGc;1tion nnd numl>erlng‘ot‘ publications ordered. printed by <‘ongi·<·ss_; designation nt publications of departxnents; printing ef c0mgnfttee.hcnrings. . _. . _ _ f · . ‘ 143. Biugllng of publications ·for ‘di5tributi0_¤ to libraries. _ .144. Apguopriutiom to »wb1cl1 cost ot. printing- by order of C0ngtess ‘ <g·lmrgenbl0.· _ __ ‘. . _- 145. Fiequlreuwxnts ofreports recomnneudlng printing and binding for . Congress. _ ’ · 14*6. Siution··_ry; and blank bucks for Congress. ,147. Journals ut llousea of (Qongress. . 148. Senate énd House Manuals. - 349. C<usg:ressiunnl Director?. ` 150. Saline; sale. ‘ 151.‘Eulogie§‘; engraving. . . . _ _ . _ 1:52. 1llustx·n1i·ms_necornpnny1_ng bound copies of memorial addresses.

, 153. $¤'·tata·zn<—nt_—o£ npproprintionn; f‘ ueuai number? `

154. Printing for committees of Congress. 155. Comnnittee repurfs; indexing and bin¤}·ln3._ I ‘

MTING AND DOCUMENTS {[422 Sec. e _ I ‘ . _ 158. Reports of Librarian of Ccngwui _ 157. Distributiontet documents te_Congres•men. I . p • 158. Allotmentn of public documents printed after expiration of term; . · rights ot retiring Congressmen te documents. ° 159; Time for distribution otdocnmwts by Congressmen extended. S 160. Binding for”Congressmen. _ . ‘ ’ ` 161. Snyme; binding at expenaa of Congressmen. _ 162. Dfwcpiments and .r€p0rt¤ ordered by Congressmen; tranki and

 envelopes for Congressmen. · { ‘ - °

. 163.- Igayment of cost of printlhgrextrscts from Congressional Record, er . _ other documents. l “ ‘ . ° _ 164. Distribution of copies of Cengressional Record, etc., to Governor _ _ · General of Philippines; . : · _ . _ _ _165, Senate and House deeunaent rooms;_wmrlntendent•. 166. Senate aud. House folding r00ms;_superl¤tendentl. “ 167, Disposition of documents stored at Capital, ‘ 168. Binding for Senate library. · _ ‘ 2 p. _ Section 131; “Usual number " of decnnmts land reperts; distribution of `House and `Scnate documents and reports; binding;' reports on private bills; number of copies printed; ‘ distribution.:-—YVhenev7}*er any document er report shall. be erdered printed by Congress, such order to prinf. shall signify ` the ·“ usual number " et copies `foro binding land dietrlbntion among those entitled to receive them. No grmterl number · shall be printed. unless ordered by either House, or as herein: after` provided. When a special number pol a dncnrncnt mt report is ordered printed, the nsual number shall also be" printed, unless=already` ordered. The usual nnmber- of documentsand reports shall be distributed as· · - - - _· Of the_Ho·use documents and reports, unbound.-+To the Senate document room, one hundred and tlfty copies; te effice of the Secretary? of the Senate, ten coplw; to the Hegise doc. e -rnent room, not— to exceed flve hundred copies; to the Cler s office of the House, twenty copiee;. to the Library of Congr , " two copies, asprovided in section 139 of this title; to fthe mrernor General of the Philippine Islands at ’Me}nla,’ t free. copies, asproyidcd in section 164 ot_ this title. . ~ _ ,_ ‘. · _' J _ Of the_`Scnatq ·d0cumenta.` Zend `réborta, 1mb0z€nd.+TJ.»/_the Senate document room, two hundred and twenty jcopiesn o&ce of the Secretary of the Senate, ten copies; to the`Honsd"docnment room, not to exceedf five hundred copies; ps the lerk`s office of the.House,_ ten copies; to the Librar 01 ngress, two copies, as provided in section 139 of this tigge;Y p he Gor?. ‘ ernor General of , jbree copies, as provided lnsec _ e this title. j - ._ , Of the numib31·’prmted, the Public Printer slnallfbl dv s. su$· ._clcnt number of copies, -which_ shall dlstri§uted§ fellows: Of. the Home documents and reports, boned.-—'l€. he Senate library, ntteen copies; to the Library of one hun- `dredand twenty-ilve copies, as provided in section 139 dof this title; to the House ·librar`y, `8ftec¤..copies; to . Superintendent of Documents, as inany‘c oples=as~ may be j uired fordistributionl to the State and Territorial_librari grand desig-_ nateddeposltor1es.` ‘ -··_ — `_· !’- · . U Qf the Senate documents and reports, bound. e the Senate library; nfteen copies; to the Library-et Oongres j one hundred and twenty·hve copies, as provided in section 1 S ot this title: ”to.the House 1`ibrary,“tlfteen copies; to‘the S rintendent of _ Documents, as many copies as may be required!or_`distrH=»nti·>n to State and Territorial libraries and idesignied depositories. In binding. documents--tlxe Public Pr/inter` . all give precedence tothose that are to be distrib§1ted to libraries and te . designated depositoriese But any State‘ or deslgnated.dépositery entitled to decu at rnay prefer ‘ tohave its documents in unbound ferm,° so by notify- ing the Superintendent of Documents. to than act prior to the _'conv`ening_ of each. {Congress. » . ” _’ ‘ /¤’" . , — e “ All of the “ usual nmnlzcr " shall be pri ned at one time. _ _ The usnal.number` ofreporte on prisint /bn1e,. cencurrent or . simple resolutions,. shall, notbe printed. 'In lieu thereof there