Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1437

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\ 1423 TITLE M.——·»-·I{UBLYG PRINT mail be printed .¤£‘u@ Bcmta report m a private bill, simple c ar concurrent r@¤lutim thmc huwwfcd and fatty-¤ve copim, a in addidim tu there to be lmmishod the Library ct x

 shall ba dinrlbétcd as fo3l¤Ws:.T0 the Senate Y;

ldocammt mom, twé hundred md twenty cupim; to ‘ the Seem- z mr; pl the _ Bftcéa ccwes`; to the Hum document g mma, me hun copies; tp that Superi¤te§&ent ot ·D0cu-° < meats, ten ccplw; gud ct aw House report on n farivnte E bill, simple or ccmzurwut rwluticn, two hmzdred and sixty ~ kgppieg, in id¢i§ti0¤‘ 1:0 those for the Library of Congress, which 1 slum be distribiated as tqllciwq :_.’Tc the Senate d9k:umc¤t— room, 1 cing hundred nndlhlrtygdve Tcogies; ‘ to the Secretary of the 1 Senate, afteen écpies; to the Hcusg document mom; "0¤é_ ilum- | dnt! copies; to the Supcrmtende¤t_ at Documents, ten copies. lg Néthiug herein mallbé ¤cd to mevent the bindixig of all 1 Senate. aizd {-Iouw revctts in the reserve volumes — bound for . ·< gud delivered to the Senate nid- Home libraries; nor shdll `it w operate ta abridge in any wai the right o£__the Vice .President,_ 1 senators, Bepresentidm, Resident Qbmmimouers, a Secxretnry of the Senate, and Clerk of the `House to hgvg ¢ wand in halt mcrocco, pr material 1;0t·`·m9re `. expensive, one mgy ot every public document to- which · he may be entitled. 1 Not lem. thdxi twelve copies of each report on bills for the pay- _< mem: dr adjsgfdicaticn at clalmé xninst the Gqrernment éhal1_ 1 be kept an me iu. the Senate docmgeut (Jam. 12, -1895, 1 u. @,-154, 28 Stat. 6%; liar. 2, .1901,_N0. 16, §§ 1, 2,31 Stat.- 1 1464; Jagf/·20, 1905, c.`50, { 1, 33_ Stat. 510; Mir, 1; 1907, c.· _

 § @*34 Staty1{D14; Jnhl 15, 1908, No. 3, { 2,_ 35 Statl 566; 1

yum 25,; 1910, c. lm, 5 1,36 smc, scsymr. 3, 1925, c. =421,‘ ` {{6,.1,43 Stpgt.-1196.). `. · · _ . . ~r { _ _1 132. htrd mpw of documents md repcrts.4-yExtra éopiés `¢ at dacumeum and reports shall be pri11tcd.`pr0xt1pt1y‘whcu the` 1 saing ,311411 ready for publimtiou, and shall , be bound in' s paper or clcth as directed by the Joint Committee du Print- ji mg.- (Jam.12,-1895, c. 23, { 73, 28"Stat,-612.) ’ = - . 1 133. ‘_Pr&ti¤g_ ¢xtrn ¢opies.—rOrdérs for prlnting·‘ extra 1 mmm, otherwisfthan herein provided for, shall be by simplcf s xcncmrcnt, or joint resolution; Either- House may, print e;tra· 1 copies to the amount ‘0t $500 by- simple resolution; if the éost 1 éxcecds that sum, the prinflnk shall be ordered by. cqncurrent _} res0luti0x1,— except whéq the resolution is bel;-appropriating, 1 when it shall be by joint régpluticuf Such resolutions, 'wheu .1 presented to either _H0i1se, shall be mtgrred imm@iately to the· e Gémmittw gp l?rinti¤g, who, i¤_ making their report, *511111 give l {hg · probable cost of the prepoéed printing mach the éstimatc W at the Pub1ic‘Priuter; — and no extra copie¤.sha11‘m`·’pd¤ted ‘Z bgfom such committee has reported. The prlutiugliot addi- 1 tional copi& may be pcriérmed umu érders of thé Jalnt Com-. ~ mittea `ou Printing within n limltfcf $200, in cost in Any 0m` _1 instance. [Jan. 12, 1895, c. Zi, _! 2/ 28 Stat. 601; Mar, 1, 1907, · c.%4,`|1,84Stat.1012.) _ _‘ ·’ _1 134, “Extra c5pi$" ddded.-eThe term :“ cgtra copies " as `]

 herein shall be construed to mean ccpi& in addition for e

me usual number as dedned in section QI31 of this titlé. ·( Jan. 1 12, 18%,12. 23, 5 2, % Stat. 601; Mar. 1, 1907,—c. 2284. I- 1, 84- I Stat. 1012.) b _ . _ , -1 135. Dppilcate orders tc print.-·-·'.I‘l1e Public Printer shall a sx-jaxélim closely the orders `ot the Squate and for prl¤t— .1 ing, and in uw ct dupiieatica he shall print umlet mg mst- 1 order received. - (Jan. 12, 18%, c. R, S 53, E Sttt. @.1) .1 136. for printing dmnmuts for Cmgreu in < two cr were editims; println; af full gasket and nllotmexlt af fu1l_q¤cts.·-——'1‘he Joipt Gcmittee on Printing is authorized 1 and directed to establish mlm tml reguldtions, frm time to i time, which shall be obmrved by th; Publtc Printer, whereby 4 public ’ and reports for or qlther 1 House thereoi; may be in two ar more editi0¤ lnstehgl 1

me Am: noovunzvrs § 141 at one, to meet the public LJ In no ease shnllthe lmregnte ot sold editions exceed the number of copies othernise authorized; Nothing herein shall operate to obstruct Stlie printing or the full, number ot any docnmnt or report, or the lllotment or {the · quota to Senators am Representatives, is otherwise Authorized, when n legitimate demand for the full zomplement is known fto exist. (Mar. 30, 1906, No. 1,4, 34 Stat. 823.) _ _, _ H - · . 137. Reprinting bills, laws, and reports frond eonunittees mt exceeding ifty pages.-The Secretary of the Senate and Lhe Clerk `ot. `the House ot, Representntivu may. order the reorinting in a number not exceeding one thonmnd eopiée ot_ any ‘ pending bill or resolution, -or any public law not exceeding nity pages, or any report from any committee or eongrwsionnl comnission on pending legislation not accompanied by teaimony Jr, exhibits or other appendiceé end not exceeding Mty {anew, when the Supply shall have lbeen exhausted. The Pnblic Printer nhall require each requisition for reprinting to cite the lpocmc authority ot law {or its execution. w (Jan. 12, 1%5,

.· 23, {2, 28 Stat. 601; Mar. 1, 1907, 5. E84, { 1, 34 Stat. 1012.)

. 138. Senate and House documents and reports for Downment of Stste.4-’I‘m Public Printer is hereby authorized and p. iirected to print, in addition to the "nsunl number, and furnish zhe Department of State with twenty copies ot meh `Senate and House 0!_yRQ[J1‘€S€X}t8tlV9S document and report, (Feb. 7, 1896, >lo.14,2'9·Stat.463.)_ _'  ;· l 139, Distribution of documents to laibrary of.'Congress.-0t they publications described in_ this section the number of copies which _ shall printed and distributed by the- Public Printer to

he Library of Congrm for its own use and for international

exchange shall be one hundred and twenty-Eve,. to nit: The ` House documents and reports, bound; the Senate doeumnts md reports, bound; the House Journals, bound ;_ the Senate Iournnle, bound ; _ all other documents baring e COBg1'§i0I18L aumber and nil documents not bearing a, congressional number printed by__ order of either Honw ot Congress, or ‘by order ot my department, bureau, commission, pr omcer ot. the Government, except ·conHdentin1.mntter, blank forms, ond circular lettern not ot a publlc character ;— the Revised Statutes, bound; the Statutes at. Imrgeb bound; the Congressional Record, `boniid; the Omeial Register of the United States, bound. In addition to the foregoing the Printer shell. supply to the Library at for its own use two eopla ot meh ot the hbove—de— scribed publlcntiona, unbound, an published; Ere. copied of all bills and rwolutions; ten copies of the daily Congrwsionel Record ; l and two Jcopieg of all documents printed for the use t , at corigreealoml committees not of 1 conddentlel character, (Jan. 28, 1899, No. 12, 30 Stnt. 1388; Mar. 2,_19Q1, No.16, §§· 1, 2, s1 Stat.1464; nm. s, 1925, e.; 421; s 7, -1,2 sm. um.) _ 140. Printing of documents not provided for by law,-—Either House tmny order.·`the printini of a document not already provided for by law,. but only when the same shall be . eecompnnied by an eetlmte from the Public Printerfne to the probable `cost A thereof; Any erecutive department, bureau, board, or independent o¤ce of the Government submitting reports or documents in response to,iuqn_iries_trorn Congrese shall

ubmit therewith an atimate of the probable cost of printing

to the usual number, Nothing in this section relating to esti- . _ mtu shall qpply to reports or documents not erceeding` fifty pages. ‘ (Jan, 1895,ic. 23, {2, °28 Stat, 601; Mar. 1, 190%*, ¤.2284,} 1,B74Btnt.1012.·)·_ ‘ », — 141. up .of_ authority to print, —whenQ-··-·In the printing of_ any document or 1‘w¤rt,_ or any pnblicetion—nuthorized by law to bé print&,° for §lst1*ihution by Congress, the whole number: of copiw of which shall not here been ordered yvithln two years from the date or the original order, the authority to print sh_all lapse, oxoept as orders for subsequent editionnxnny be approved _