Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1486

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J . 6 — ` § 154 rrru lemlo Pl@¤¤'¤ on hmm, tor. he exdwve me or such nah p¢ gud eu waterszlom or §§'*VY for ff, Bftyi'@lepa&¢er§¤¤ mrd,tortleoe1cl@vem'otthe

  • 7 {male md @3 ou board. _The dere-¤

¤idwsta··cl@@p¤rlvw•¤¤llhe rUi •.egl located ou each side oi the asdllell be seperated {mm

egers" spscm by substantial aud properly   pertltlms orwlkhends; em   and www shall be

kept end malutslw lu u sud" coumtlou thr&outtherongeL. . . " ‘ ‘ `.

 my vlolatlou ot either `ot the brovlslous of

thissectlm,orrernuy&lecttocoutormto therequlremmts thereof, the master or the v&l ¢•1l`& lleble .to·_ A pennlq not exceeding (Aug. 2,.1®,“c, $74, 5 .3, R Stat. 187.) . 154. Fmd.——A1lowoeee of.-—An ° sllowsuee of .8006.. Wholeaoge, sm proper food, with n ressonahle or fresh provislous, whl& food shall be @1 iu~yal¤ one dud n half Navy rations? or the United of Irmtwater, not lex than tour quarts per day, befurnlshed each ot such Bomber of meals per day.-—Three_ meals smll be served dsily, at @1nr aud mted hours, ot which hours suQclent ._ notice ¤.allbeglveu.` Q ‘,· y _ Shed olloao¢eee.—It soy such pameugers shell at any. time during the · voyage be put ou short allowance for ioctl and water., the meter of the =-me shall pay to ucl: passenger $3 for well and eva? have been put ou short sllovvsune, except lu cose ot eccikuts, where the captaiu is obliged to out passemers ou short sllpvvence. - a Hill: for iufours.-—-Ixmrs jvith infants and young children shall be furnished the uecessery-‘ quantity of vvholesoroe milk or C0éd¢&d milk for the sustenance-of the latteri . » Teslé: end rests.-Tables sud smts shall be provided for the ·me of at regular meals? . _ ._ . Pe:•¤1t£@.--iZFor every willful violation ot airy ur the provlslom or this secdou the master ot the vwsel shell be deemed ‘ guilty or e ¤lsde@uor um shall be dueduot more than $00, sud be _ imprisoned for n term uot erceeding six _ mouths. The { of this @1ty, hosvever, shall not sdect the dvil rxpouéoillty or the mower aud owmrs- ot the vwl to such - s as may have sutered from any ueglmeuceg breach ot coutnct, or default ou the part of such. master and owners, {Aug. 2,18@,ic.8i#4,§.4,22Stat.18dS.) ‘ - _ ‘ 155. and neéeioe.-5Iu every such steamship or.'"ether vmel shall be properly built and secured, or dlvidm od from other Sllllsoe. two commrtmeets or to. be used exclusively os for su& mmugers, cue ter men other for women. Thehmitels sliellbe lomt& lu s space wtbelow the oext below the mais deck or the vwel."1‘he hospltslfsoeeuslmll lu·oo be less than lu the proportion of eighteen clar superdciul feet for every stty & psseogmz who nreesrrled or brought eejthe vwsel, aud meh howitals shall be supplied with proper beds, bwdteg, ned ut®ls, and be iemtw led throughout the voyage. Led every stenmshlp or other vessel carrylg or Milidvs °¤`!i‘ greet pssneugxa, . or passengers other thou cable pameuzus,

 stty in oumher, sku carry h duly qenliied fund

empeteut surgeon or medial pruwtlomrw WM be rated og such ih the shloi lnrtiéea, aud who be provtdediwith surglml instruments, medical comform, and projaer aud necessary- for diseeses sod accidents i¤cl®t to nee voy- age•,nmtorthe9roperrmedicaltreemmo!¢u&pe¤mgers cl the voyage, ood with sueh_nrQe1e| or food 83d'B*¤¤!$¢··· ¤e¤tasmay·heomeer•.sdne ry.£or·p&vmgthehalth orluteotsnod youzg ehildreu;om.mservleuotnml1uu·geou or @!ul practitioner shell- be promlltlf Siren, lu any ease 'of delknasior dl tons; of the Q! to my lufnixt or youu; child of eo; such who may need

—8HIPPIH9" 147 2 @lcu Foes vlolationdétnr otthe»mvlel@,ott.l£ie ° sermon themestcr oetthevmsd m¢li,bellnbleton@lty not _ excoadm QW. (Ang. 2, 874,] 5, E &t1,1&)‘ t 156,’D&iibe¤dcle¤@;•g•e•f•r¤•¤·d•eefpe¤. wagers.--The nuster otevery or othw V@l le “ eeenonmo to maintain good dlsdp&e sm mé M%¤, ot cleanliness Smmlg with ¥i 1>¢:»·· ; ‘¤ 18 will ¢& }¥i'€$€l"‘?l8.l`;l0¤ and promotion of health, end to M shelf cause meh regulations as homey adopt for sm mmm to he ep on board tm veapelyin an place or phm to such page isengers, and shall keep the Q booted ¤P¥¢¤¤’¤K the voyage. shell. awe itmeati aw spacesprovidee for, or- by, e· ate be km 'tt a11 times}: n cmu and belthy -e~·* »< ¢¤é M k •S often as may be vim oe lime, . or by some @1ly W & tm state 0{Ulé F&¢h®1’ will Wh ~ their be@¤g shall bcmnwered o¤·@,..nnd • éar md _w•ce on the=maln·m·•ny¤pper6edcfthevms¤:Hbe‘ _setapert, andfcotept, forithé eeeand uer& ofjmch pu-. eengers during the voyage. For each or jiohtwn of ” onyot the provisions ax mls the ot’”the"rwsel shall be·i1eb1eeto_i.wmity not (Ae; 2, xmy cQ374,_§ 6,¤Stat.188.) ‘ t -;_. _ · ·A ·_157.·Yis&mg · parte cf_,ve••el` by p geri.·—— n Neither the omcers, mmen, nor other en

 nny such Steamship or other   shell   w frequent any.

partot vessel peovidedor as@gn& to the me d me pnesengers, eicept by the°direction·or'permlmon ol tk ms$er of such vessel first made or given for meh perpme; and eva'} omcer, smman, _ or; other nereon employed. on of smh vessel who shell violate the provisions ot this aecéon {shell be B deemed guilty of s misémrteanorynnd may be"' §® not ex- _ ceeding.$100, end be imprisoned not exceeding for _ meh violation; and the master of such, vessel who eirecte or . permits any ommr, se@n, or otha person emxoyed Q bone y the vessel to visit Q!"`{!'Q t my port of the o» l » l tor or eseignedjto the me `ot m& or the commu- - ments orepaces ocenpeied hyfnuch for the

 of doing or pertorming some oecmaary act or pdety

. as an omcer, mmnn, or other permé employed onboard of the 1 vessel, shell be deemedfgnilty of e . misdcmmeer, mc; may he .§ned_.not more fthnn $180,.for es& tim he dirmte or its _ the provisions ot this action to be violated,. ·A cw; of tm _ section,»vs$jritten,or printed ui the-} ¢ M ; erprmeipnl lane gueg$ of thepesmgss on hard. @1111. hy or ewer the direction of the monte: ot the vessel, be in a compicuees - piece on the toremstle and in theneveral pam of the @1 °provided·&nd cesiwch Iorjthe use of 8u&_p•me¤¢ers, ud in ‘ ieacltcomperment or occupied by end the érneehellbe hell! so dede: the v§!¤¤=$ ami! the said master nqlects so to doi, he shell bg xnilty of an _ misdemeanor, end shall be End not mon than $10% `(Aq. '2.18@.`d.8t74,§7,¤8tat.1 .) ‘- — _ .- _ · 158. Bach; vmd on arrival; panwgcr listse--·It_qmll, notbelnwfal torthemstuot•.ny•t1ch•t ipordh¤· veeml, not in after arrival. or 'tm. within _» any colleetion dimdct er the United States; to allow any nersou orpersons, except e pilot, of the he•.l&

 omg:. Hema oi the vw•&,`a¤d  to come   of

the-vwsel;-or to lure the tésel, until the wma hu bea . taken in charge byhnomeer ot he e a nor, gtter L .. so taken; withoet lqve of sum cheer, nntil all és psseengas, with have-bee¤<dizly landed from tm vmd. Gn me errlvol of hey such or other vmel yithln any

  • eollection ®lct ot. the U¤lt& States, the mkter shall selvmit for jnspection to the o@cer ot yho Amt makee

demand therefor, and shall subsequently deliver his`