Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1490

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§ (TITLE 46,-- Fifth. Every cass of lllssss ag: injury hspwulng to any mem-s ber of ills crew, with the mature thereof, and the medical tréstmexit. l - , . ‘ . ~ l Sixth. Every cass of death hsppsslsg on board, with the cssss thereof. . » " . l . Scvsésth. Every birth happening cu b0srd,_wil;h the sex of the » §;afss_t, and the names st the parents. l. .. . l

 Eighgh. Essry mmjrisgs taking place an board, with the
 izsmss and sges of the parties. s · ‘ ‘ ‘
  • §isi:h. The name of every séssssn or &DFre;1tice`w,l10 ceasés l

is be s member cfjzhs crew cthérwiss than by death, with `the plsss. time, mmmsr, mid cause ·there0£. _ _‘ -‘ l y Testi:. The wnggs due tc any seaman or spprentlsé wha dies glaring the voyage, and the gross amount of all dédltctloms to _ be made therefrom; _ " _ 2 · _ _ .` . _ Eleventh. ·’1‘l1e ssla of ths emzcts of any scslnsn br apprentice xvhis dies dduripg the vsysgs, including a —stat;ement; bf each article scld,,smi the sum re<,·cive<1 fof it. _ . _ . — — Twelfth. IH every cass of collision in `which It is practicable ss is ds, the master shall; immediately afte1·_the_`0cc;urrcncs, cause s statement thereof, land 0; the, circumstances uudsrwhich the same occurred; to Abe - euterw in the 0@cial log book. _ Such entry shall be made in the maxmerj prescribed in the tcl? lowing section, and failure ts make such entry shall subject. ilu-z“0§s1§der {0 the l}€i1&1ti€S'{}f€S(§fill€d by séctidn 203.., (R. S. { § 4296; Feb. 27,.1877; c. 69,»§ 1, 19 Stat. 251; Feb. li; `ISQO, °<;. 19,”§ 1, 31 Stat.·29;_) 3 —` - _. R - 282. Mgdc df iuaking éxatriesq-—Every entry réqulréd to be malls in the 0§cis1—10g book shall bc signed by the master dm} by ilasmstc, or some othkeii oxxeqf the crew, ai1<b·every enti‘y`i1i the s§icis1 log black shall bc made ss soon as possible aflér. thé 6<.·c11:·:·ezace§.tu. whiclx it relates, sud; if not made on the Same {lay as the occurrence to which it relates, shall be made and dsleilsc asatc show the date of the uécurrencc, ahd `of the entry;

 resin-:cti11g_ it; and in 110 Case shall" any entry lihgreiu, inf

respect of any occurrence happening previously t0_ the arrival of lhs vgssssl at hor iinal p0rt,· be made more than twenty-foini zimurs ssftgr such zurilsal. (R. S. § 4291.) '· · A 293. §s11slty.fsr emitting entries.-—If in unyrcase Kthé ofii-_. ‘ cial lng soak is ust kept in the manner required, or if any entry directed to be ugsds in anylsuéli log bogbk is not msdé at the time mail in ips marxzasrgdirscted, the master shall, fof. eaéh

su<·h s§c1ssé, be liable to s. penalty of I10t more than {$25; and

Z every person who makes, or pmsurses. to be made, or ssslsts ln A making, say sntry in any 0&éis.l. log .b00k.`in respect; of;auy‘ micurréngé happening previously is the arrival of the vessel at laser misl port of dlsclmrgc, mars msu twentyifour hours ‘ after sasl: srriml, shall, for each oisuse, be lfsbléto a penalty of not more than $159., {R. S. § ,4292.) _ _ { K Chapter, 10.-y—¤·REGUi»A‘l‘I0l'l' OF PILOTS AND PILOTAGE. 211, Sims rsgulstics at pilsts. .I _ 212. Pilsfs an lw;mdsriss·bst·ws&s States. · 213. Hissrisaizzssticn in pilcisgs _rstss no; allowed. _ · I 214. Licenses of pilots si steam` vessels. F _ ‘ , 215. Stats rsgulxitisas ss lza lics¤s& of pilqts ct steam vessels. , .S-sctimn 211.. Stats rcgélation of pilbts.···~Untiil further pro? visimasis made bY_C£ll1§f€S$., all piluts in the bays, inlets, rivers, hsrlmrs, and ·p0i·ts pf_ the United Statw slgstllf continue to be. l regulated is aemxfcrmity with the existing laivs of the States lxésspsstivel y whsrsixi such pilsts may bc, br wits such laws as the Ststss may rswectivsly enact for the purpsse. (R. S._ §42353.}w ‘ Q Q 212. Pilots sn ®fl1%d3I’i€S__b€tW¢¢H'St8t£S•··TllB iuastsr df l any vessel coming intslqr going out of any port situatéupon ·lwste>i·s which. ars the bcumlmry bétwssu two‘ States, msy ggploy shy pilot; duly licensed. or- autlnstizsd by. the lawspt.

».sH11¤P11eq 2 147 6 either of the. States bounded on Such wntere, to pilot thehvessel to orlfrom such govt. (R. §S. 5 4236.) 4 é . _ 213. Diwrimination in Mletage rates not allowed.-——-No regu,- Q Lesions or provisions sliell be adopted by 8¥1F*St_&t€ wixiclx shot! make any discrimination in the- rate of piiotage or. halt-pilotage between l vessels sailing between the ports of one State and vessels sailing between the ports of different States, or any discrimination against vessels, propelled in whofe or in pest by steam, or against national vwsels of the United Stetes; and oil ‘ existing regutations or provisions making any ezien_e1i eceimit¤n· tion nre &I1Ri1]I€d.8Dd·&bfo§&t8d. (R. S. S 4%*7.) g ‘ _ 214, Licenses of pilots of stegm,veuel¤.~Wnenever any ·pet·· son claiining to be a skillful pilot ot etwm vemeis odors himsett for a license. the `IB.SB€(!t01’8‘;Sh8H make diligent mqdiry es to his character end merits, dud', if mdmed,- item pemmel » 2* examination of the applicant, with the that he ofters that he the Y V uieite knowledge and gkm, and ie tmeb ° woxithy and fnithfuythej shall grant him. a Iic&· for theterm ot Ave "yea;rs to pilot nny_ such- vemi within the limits mesci·ibod· in the license; but such licdnse shall be suspended or o__ _ revoked upon Satisfactory eeideneé of negIiééB®€. nmkillfutnem 4 inattention to the duties of hte etntion;. or intemparsnee, or the willful violation of any provision of ehnpters 14 &nd‘15.. (R. S. § 4442; Mny 28. 1896, 5 2,% Stat. 188; Qet. 22, 1214, e. 334.38 Stat. 765.-); no _ ‘ * t ( - 2

 215. State regulations is to limxtseg of piggof steam ees- °

eels and pilot. ehsu·ges.e5N0— State or- mnnie ,1’ government slml1`impqse upon pilotsroi steam vessets anywooliegntion te- pmncpre a State orsother 1icénS¢ in addition to that ixnm by the {Suited States, .01- any otlzier. regulation whieh will impede such pilots in the performance of the dutigf reqnired._by— this md the ~ following ehepter; nor shall any ‘pH'ot elkerges bee levied by any suel1?a11thority‘upon any steamer piloted as provided bylmid chapters; and in no case shdllthe feeegcharged: for the ptlotage - of any steam .vesse1‘_exceed the customary or legally eetsblisbedt rates in .t11e._Sfate where the gnnae is performed. Nothing int saidichapters shall be constrned,to anne} or aEect an?-regu1e·· tion establishe by the laws of éuy State; requiring vessels tot€l`_il1g·‘0l’ IeaviZg·ei;>;·t in any ouch State, other than eeestwiee steam vessels, to ta ·a pilot ¢1¤1y_11ce¤set1 enianthotized by the laws of sixeh State, -or_ of n_ State sitnotémpqn the waters of such State. (R.`_S. 5 4-444.) ’ _ L ° ¤ 2 Chapter ti.-·-OFFICERS ANDCREWS OF; VESSELS. Sec.` _, _ _Q k ‘ _ I" 221. Vessels of United States and etheers dedned; o§eezn to be lettizens. . A g · — , - · - 222.;Coinpleme¤t of officereand crew of peséenger vesseie-; penalties; 223. Mmtrgmm numtger of.o@ce1*s. _ ‘ _ . no _ r_ 22;. Licenses of oEeei·s bgfinspectors, _ ·, : _ W 225. Licenses .to oQeers ot vesseks of the ·’United States; exefnptioa [ V from draff; pay and peneionj ” { ‘ . . 226. Licenses ot captains.; —· 227. Rexnovat ot eeptefn by_ owners. ·‘ 228; Licenses of mates. · 229...L1ceuses of engineers. , e * - . 230, Lteenees of captains or mates as pilots. 231. Oath otjllceneed omeere. - 232. Exhibition! of licenses.

  • 233. Renewal o£°lieonses.. . _ S E

234. Odlcers ito assist ingpectorek in exaneinations; dismissal o;t in- ‘ . epeector`sonree.ot information. e , '. 235. W'ateh· duty of deck omeerev , _ · 236. Suspension of proeistonsns towateh 0$€£*l'S. 237. Licensewte, and ownership of boats by, Indians; 238. `Certitleete ot {eligibility for lieenses to Indians. S 239. Investige1;ion_ ot conduct of odieers. _ - . g J 240. Revocation- or suspension of lo®cex·’s license for refusal to_ Sextve. Section 221. Vessels Q of Unitd Sthteé and i o&eers =de§ned·; ` o§cers to be citizene.—···-Vessels registered pursuant to law and no othete, ° except! Such its Shall be dtily qualided- according to