Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1491

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1477 e N lrrru 46.5-81 mw tor, earryi&" ¤ ··»· ®ti¤s or- Behim trade, shall he eq deemed vmele ot tw,8tat¤,andentltiecl to thebem- U me and. nrivilesw W 1 ·» ini to auch vmaela; but no meh vl weasel éhall enjoy ~· -e benehts and 9rw% loam than gt dl shallemhnne to be wholly owned hy a eltlsen or `dtiaena ot tl the United Stata or a?eor@tion nested mw the laws et ¤nyo£theaStatmthereot,an§heeo@ndedbyadtiaenof b· the llnlted all the omeers M vmde or the ‘ limited Stain wm shall have &{rge of a watch,. lnclmllng py punts, shall ln all he cltlnwa ot the United" Btatm. tl .The’n·ord “omc¤s” éall me chief iM` si each aeslnant\m§@_ln &•,rge of a watch on 'veaeeb l1 pl-ogeiled wholly. or ln part by stmm; and no person shall. el he gamma to wld-a Memes rcoinmndu or watch oQ—— 81

 { a naerchanfvewel lot tm_-Uhltecl States who la not 5

a 'naxve-born` citizen, or whose natnralisation as a cltlsen n `shnll not have been folly; Incaw yrheroon a. foreign voyage, or on a Joyage from an Atlantic to a Padhe h eport of the llnltenl Btateii, thy auch v&l-ls for any xmaun b deprived of the wrvlceu ot an omcer below me grade of meter, h his ¤ace,aor a yacancycaused by tm promotion of. mower 9 officerto ¤@ place, may be byaperm not a el& ae: of the United Stata nntll the hrot returneot meh vesael to {Q ll home port; and each veaael shall not be liable to any. penalty an- penal tax for en& employment of an allen o§cer. -· ‘(B. S. lg §413I; June 26, 1884,_c. 121. S 1,% Stat; 53; 28, 1896, 0 c. 255, SS 1,3, % Stat. _1@, 189.)·· “ _ ·¤ e o S H2, Complement •f e§cera and creyr of pi@ger vmela; u penaftiu;-4No vm oi! the United States subject- to the ,pro· sl visions otathis chapter or chaptera l4_0r15 or to the inspec· b £l(J!l·1§W8 erm vane: ewes be_navlgatcd_ 1; nhall have ln herwervlee and on hoard such complement oflicensee omrrro and ·cre=w. lncludlm eernnmtea lifeboat nien, ‘i1

 muted, an may ln_the_'j¤d@¤t of the local in- a

syectors who inspect the vessel, be neewsary · for her are —a; nnvigatlen. {me loml_l ora shall makejn the certldcate. os el inspection or the vmeli an entry ot auch complement of o

o§oera and crew including certimted lttehoat men, separately b

stated, which may be ch hom tigeto time by ·¤ ment on num eertlioato by local’i@ectors iby reaeen ot change ll ot comlmna or employmmt. Bech ·mtry orjlndorwent shall o; he mbiect to a right ot aopul, regulations to be made D by the Smrethry of Commerce, to the enpervwng l for and an from himito the 'Inmector Gwral, who shall;15 have thepower tof reylse, act or a¤rm-the saldlleter- B ininntion of the local _ ‘ - t - j ¢ It any v»l deoriveé of the eergices of any hnmber ot the-crew including lltehwt then, aeparatelyrmted, ex without ,theJooment,· fanlt, or collusion of master, owner; te n or any person lhterated in the. vessel, the $@1 may proceed 0 on hergoyage it, in the ;|ntl t_,ot master, she la sum- l1 eiently manned for auclr voyage {Thaf. the E shall ship, it wtalmble, a_ number enum to & number of o thoee1ivhoseoervi%Mhaabem deprivedotby deoerdon or n casualty, who md zbe of the same grade or ot a 'hlghu radng n with theme whose plaeu tmyhll. I! the maetermll fall to sa explain in writing eanseot such deileleacy in the crew c including certihmted lltehoat mw, separately stateq, to' the v local inspectors within twelve hours of the time ot the arrival a of the vessel at her destination; he shall be liable to a penalty n <>f$50., Itthev@lshallnm.bemanned-asprovtéedln o section, »the·owner ehall be llahleto a malty at $100,, o" ln rs caee·otaninsnmcientnmhere£lims•d¤&c&·ato• ty} or $500. (B. S. { 44%; Apr. 2, 1908, e. 1%.i1._%·8ta ,55: ;a - Mar. 3, 1913, c.n118, { 1,»·£7 But.a732_; Mar. 4, 1915,-e. 1&, { 14, tx _38·Stat.‘1182;`Hay.11,»19!-8. 9.72. I1. 40`Stat. MS.) ° _ : *11 22,3. hlinimnq nnmber of hoard of local- in- ·o Spoctors shall makean wtrjbthe cmrtinmlts of i¤ of V· I .

azrrzzvo § 225 rery ocean and ceaetvglse seagoing merchant veesyé of the nitegl States propelletl by machluerjv, sand every ocearrgolng easel ¢¤1'!Yi¤8 Passengers, the minimum `number of licensed eek 0$€€!S required for her wefe navigation gccordifrg lto , me following scale: · , ‘ ’ ‘ _ l · _l¤lo_`meh Veesél be navlgated mlm she shall here on oard and in her service one dulyelicensed master. ‘

Every· sneh vessel of one thousand gross- toneand over, pm.

plled by qnachinerj, shall have lh I her rservloe and on hoard hree llcenped mates, who shall stand ln. three watches while Roh la being navigated, unless such vemel ie engaged 1 n mm of less than four hundred miles from the port of eparture g to the' port of Hnal 'glestlnation, then each vessel hall have two licensed mates; and every veseetot two hundred __, mu tom and less than one thousand gross tons, propelled by as&lnery, shall have two mates. ‘ Evuylmch $@1 of one hpndredtgross tons and antler two ahdred groan tons, propelled jhyj machinery, shall have on ost! md in her service one lleenéed mate, but it each éeesel r d in h trade which the time required to make the little from the port of departnre to the port of. destination, xm& twentrfonr hours, then such l vessel shall have two Nothing in this section-. shall he so construed as to prevent Jcal inspectors from incrwsing the number of licensed omcers n` any vessel subject to the _ inspection laws of the Enited itateé, iI,· in their-_jud@nt,' such vessel. is not sumciently tanned for her `safe navigation: Provided, That this section hall/not apply to fishing or, whaling. vessels, yachts, or motor oats ga dedned inpchapter 16, lor to wrecking vessels; ‘·(’May~ 1, 1918, e 72. 5 2. 40 sm; 549.) g · , _224. Li¢§I\8€8·T_0f B§·cers by inspectorse-'lfhe boards of local lapectorseshall license and classify the `rnasters, chief mates, nd. second and third mates, it in charge ot a watch, engineers, nd `pilots of all steam vessels, and the masters of sail vessels { over seven hnndredf_gross`tons, and all other vessels ot over ne hundred gross tons carrying mssengers -for hiref It shall e unlawful to employl ani person hr (or; ény person to serve s ·a-maete1·,.cl1ie£—mate, engineer, or pilot ot any_ steamer or as raster of any salgvessel ~ of-over seven' hundred gm tons or I any other vessel of over ‘ one hundred gross tons carrying-

 {pr hire who is not licensed by the`·inspectors’;. and

nyone violating this section. shall be liable to a penalty of $1oOl _ oreach o5ense. ’ (R. S. Q 4438;Dec..21, 1898,c.@,§1,30 itat. 764; Ja¤i.._%,·1907; c. 398, 34 Stat. 864; May 28, 1908,. .212, [ 2,__35_Stat.,425.) -r X t  » M ‘ 225. Liomsa to o&cers_ of vessels of the Unltd Statw; xemptimi from »draft;‘ pay and pexmionq-;—-All licws issued 0 such omcers shall be for g term of Eve years, but the holder La license may have (the same renewed for another Eve years

1 the manner prwcribed in the rules and regulations of the

loird of Supervising Inspectors: however, That any Bcergholding a license, and who is é$‘§ag·ed in a service which lecessitatm. continuous ahsente from the Unltea States, my make appllcstionein writing for renewal and transmit the ‘ . ame to the board_of local inspecters, with his certineate ot ° lthenahlpxli naturallzegl,. and a statement oi the applicant, termed before ·a consul or other omcer of the United States ° uthorized to administer an oath. setting forth the rensone for lot appearing in person; and ppon receiving the same the board I local inspectors that oi·lginally issued, such lléehee shell ’ enew. the same and shak notify the applicant ot such renewal:

further, Thaiino license as maeterhxnote, or pilot; og.

ny of v@e1 shall be renewed without lurnishinig a satlsactor; eertlhcate of examination as to color blindness. And n allc where the issue is the suspenslog or reéocation I mch?§nS®, before the local hoartls of inspectors (ot steam

 •.s.D¢*ovlded#for in section 239, the accuecd shalrbe ab

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