Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1540

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e§ 721 o. _.T1TLFv 4%- _ M _. I`G’BS'1‘I$‘UTE, , 7 Q_ - One- pound of hour daily maybe substituted. for the daily- ration of biscuit .or frmh bread: two ounces of dmicmted vegetablw for one pound of potatoes or` yams; slx ounces of 7 homlny, oameal, or eracked wheat, or two ounces of taploca; for slr ounces of rice; six ounces of canned vegetables for one ~ half pound of canned tomatoes; oneeighth of an ounce of tea for nam-rourzns of an ounce of codes; three-fourths of an _ ounce of codes for one-eighth ofan ounce of tea; six ounces. of eanned fruit for threeVonnces_ of dried `fruit; one-half ounce · of o llrne juice for the daily ration of vinegar; `four _ ounces of oat= meal. or cracked wheat for one-half ‘pint of corn meal; itwoj ounces of pickled onions for. four ounces of fresh onions. » - f t When the vessel fs `in port and lt js possible to obtain, the same, one and onehalf pounds of fresh meat shall be sub-` wstltntedi for the oosny rations of salt and canned meat; onehalf? pound of green cabbageifor one ration ofecanned tomatoes ;. onehalf pound of fresh. fruit for one ration of dried `“frult.. Fresh 'frult and vegetables shall served while lin port if. obi tainable. _The seamen shall have the options of Aaccepting the fare the {éaster may provide, but the right at any time to de- - mend the foregoing scale of _ provisions. Y · ‘ `. » ‘ The foregoing scale of provisions shallgbe inserted in every article `of agreement, »and shall not he reduced by any contract, except as above, and .a (copy of the same shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the galley and in the forecastle of each vessel. ~ I 1 o » __ -` _/ l ` f _; Tanrn B ’ - omrmxcnm on nxscnanoiwi ' 0 .. ‘ ‘ _ ‘ Q `.a“ . p -q¤,,» W ss a 7 »*“ a ·a ,° EE si .. ·o gg- _a,S ·6~ gg .·: o gl §•·· 5 -·g *6 ° P '5 l g”§g`§ 3 ·§ Edit

tag   giv Q_ G.5.T¤`-nl

· ., . ‘ ("’“"‘· .-\\ 1 _ s' A ’ I . `````` `T ```` 7 ````` E5" ```°° ‘*T" °'° *` °`‘` "`C`7 ``’``` --.., -.s.. .. - . - . J . -,-t 4.. .-4.-- -...,--- .. ---,-.. ... I certify that the above particulars are correct, and that the above-nained seaman was di_scharged_ accordingly, __ '

 Dated -—-—-g-— day of-—··-;·-—-—, eighteen hundred and  

. R (Signed), , , _ Q-------, Master. (Gonntersigned) -—-—+--—-—-·- -—-—-·-#-, Seaman; _ . Y Given to the abovenamed seaman in my presence this —-—-—- day of ·--—--—-—-—·; eighteeuhnndred and --—-·-——?--—-. — T _ . <sn·¤¤¤> . -4--4-— ————————-———, 7 ’ _ i Shipping Qommissioner. " y (8.. B. { 4612: Dec. 21, 1898, c. 28, § 23, 80 Stat. 762.;·Ma1‘. 4, 1915, c. 153, { 19, B8 Stat. 1168.) » so chapter- 19.--·e-JWBECKS ann SALVAGE: ` Sec. _. f ~. "”“j?. 721. Vessels stranded on foreign jeoastn. I ‘ ~ ‘· . 722. Propm·ty_1vrecked on Florida coast. · . 723. Forfeltnres for taking wrecked property to foreign ports. .724. License to wreekers on Florida eoast.  » 1 · 725. Canadian 1%}.11 aiding vessels wrecked or ‘1llsablM in United - 8tntes_·wators.y· * ‘ .~ ‘ " ~ ‘ 726. International agreement as to derelicts. “ · . “ 727. Bight to salvage, not aalected by ownershiff of vuul. ` 728. Qnty of master to assist persons ln danger. . 729. Salyors of life to` share in remuneration. 730. ·Time limit for salvage sultaf 731. Applicability to ships of yar. . Section 721; Vessels stranded on foreign eeasta.——-—Oo@s~ and vice consuls; in eases where vmels of the U¤it&; States are

—SHIPP}NG·o _7· nic;-andod on the coasts of thelnmnénlates résnéctivély, shall, gg far as the laws of tho country will permit, iako proper inoasureg, as wd} ton the pnrpw of saving tha vmseis, their éanfgoea ani appurtenanoogf as for atoring and securing tho o§octs and. morchanqiso saved} and for taking inventories ~tha·ao£;_ and the mcxéhandisé and effects saved, with the mvcntorias tliaroot ·. so: taken, shall, after deducting thésotrom tho oxponaoé, bo dolivoxyed to the owners. No or vice aonsnl shall navy authority. to take possmion of any nach merchandise, or other _property, when the master, owner, or consignao thereof is prea- , ent or capab1§ of-taking pomssion of tha · (R; B. I 4238,) 722. Pfopértj Jrrockcgl on Florida énasir-All property, of any description néhataoovcr, whieh- shall ·be' taken ffoma any wreck,`t1·6m tno sea, or from any·0f the koyé/and shoalp, within the jurisdiétiou of the United Staten, on the oo? t_ ot_ ’Florida, shall be Brought, to some} poit of jnrisdiction of the United States. (R. S. {4239.) 1 . . = . 723. Forfcihnios for thking_ wrecked property to foreign · porti—-Every vessel which _ snail be onmged or employed ini carrying or transnorting Qany property whatsoever, mkon tran; any wrock, irofn thé ’sea,‘;or from any of the` or annals, \VirthiIl·u1€` jurisdiction of the Ilnitéd Statw, on the coast of Floriqa, to any foreigna port, shall, together with hor-t;ack1e,.apparel, and furniture, be forfeited, and all `forfoitarés incurred bi, virtue of 'thié agction Shall. acéxfnef ono mciegy to- the in-- formér and the other to tho United S¤toB. `(B. S. I 4240;*) { » 724. License to wrotkars on. Florida mst.-—-·No jvoml, or master- thereof, ·.shall be , regularly bmployod in the basinam ` of Wrecking; on the coast of; Florida withonf the license of tho judge ot the distrigt- court for tho I diattict eof Florida .; and, jbeforo licensing any vessel or master, tHe jndgo alla!} he satisiiéd that the vessel is Soaworthy; and properly and snmciontly ntted ami _ equipped? for tho " business of saying property nlzlpi wrecked and in distrésé; and that tho master is ttasbi worthy, and innocent of any` fraud or misconduct in relation to any property éhipwrockcd or aavw on the coast. (R. S. § 4241.) _ 7 _ _ _ »__ _ 7 25. Canadian. vessels aiding vessels wrecked or diaab1@ In United States waters.-Canadian ivénola and wrecking ap- , purfenanoa n1ay;`rondgr aid and ansiatanco Canadians or other vessels -and'_property. wrecked, dmhlod, or digfrm . initho waters ot tho’United.,Sta€eso condgnous to tho Doniinion " oi_,0anada. Z , ¤ i · ’ E! - This `séction shall be construe}! to apply to the canal and -improvoment_ of _ the waters between haha Erie and ,Laka Huron} and j to 'the. watoxfs ot fthe Saint Mania River and canal; And provides fsarthnr, That this section shall cme to be in {orcé from and after tho data ci! the [}I'0C1&,H1£ti0!g_0f6·$hQ_ President of " the United to me eGoct that said _¤z»cipvocal. pifivllego has boon withdrawn, invoked, or randémd inoperative by tho said Govo1‘nmont—o£ tho Dominion of Can-- i ada. (Juno 19,·1878,.c._@g, 20 Stat. 175; May 24,, 1&0,`c: E2, ;`° 26 Stat.`120; Mar. 8. 1%, 9. 211.}*1. 27 Sjtat.`6&.) _ g . g . 728. International; agreement me tn. damlicts.>·—Tho ?rosi· J dont ot tho United Statm; is anthorimd to make with Qze several Gonoxnmanté in the navimtion of the North Atlantic Gown, an international agreement providing for the reporting, marking; andf removal ot dangoroas wrocis, d~o:·e.-. licta, "and other naenacoa in navigation in tl1o North Atlant:ic~· Ocean outside, tho ooaat waters of the respective, countries bor- · fdoxing thoraon. (Oct. 81, 1%%, No. _13, $*8 Stat."13.)" · (727. Right to galvago-not aEectcd by ownarshiyv ofycaéol.-.-· Tha right to mmnnoration for msslstancé or salvage services. shall not ho ¤Eo%ted‘ by common ownership of the vesséla mndoring and receiving such anaisianco or salvage services. (Au;. 1,1912, c, 3%,] 1, 83 Stat;242.) . , A _ 728. Duty of manic: sto asdat persona in dangor.l-·-€l‘ha ·mastor._or poison in &argo of a shall, so far anna can