Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1541

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1527 -· _ 4 _ ·‘ ‘ r1rz.1ct4c.~ do so {without urious dduger to his o§¤jn yessek crew, or passéugers,_m¤der gssist¢nce to every person whbk is found . at sw in danger. ot being lost; ang! it he tails to do so, he .51mu, ctmvictima, bg liable to a penalty of not ‘exeegfimg .1$1,00b· mt immuonment for n term mt excéediug two years, ' gfbothf (A£rg._1,A1912§ c;-2@, §·2, 37 242.) ,__ ‘ ”’ 729. Snlirors of life to shit; h req¤¤¤érati0¤.v—Salvors of jrmmaé life, who have taken ‘part hi, me servitscs tendered non me of_\the_ mzézideut igiving ta ulvwée,. are entitiéd N to a_ (af: share of the uremxmeratién awarded- tq the salvors of the jewel, her cargo, and acéessoriés, (Aug. 1, 41912,f c. 268, §3,37StatQ242.)- _ Y A _ _ T` Q 73% Time limit for salvage suits,-A suit fdr. the recovery 0f‘;I‘€i!1llB€l'&fiBI1 for "rendering hssiqtunge 01·._' salvage `sérvicgs z shall not be mnintainable it brfgught later tlgzin two yeérs {mm. the data; ”w1qeu such assist¤ncc_`=or salvage , was rendered, uuiess tht coqrt in which the suit i§ brought shall be satisfied that during such period thére. had not been any reasonable ‘ t>ppm·tuuity_· ct arresting the assisted cnf `sahjéd vessel wwithin tfné Jiurisdiction of the court or withpx the territdriil waters but the countfy in whiéh thé libelapt resides 01·_ has his principal place bx business, '( Aiig. 1, 1912, c._ 2%; $71, 37 Stat. 242.) i 731.. Applicability. in ships af wb;.-—-Nothingf ‘ in ‘ the tour preceding sections shall bé‘”c0nsti·ucd' is npplyihgt to ships of war or to' G0vern¤;cm:_ shui appropriated `exclusively to n t public seryige. 1,` 1912, c. 5 5Q 37¢Sta;t.-2422;) " “? Chapter 20.——SUI'I‘S IN ADMIRALTY BY OR AGAINST VESSELS OR CABGOES OF UNHED ·STA‘1¥ES. Sec. ,·_ . / " #· . NIT Exemptiim of U¤ited`Stntcs vesqelrnnd cargoes from arrest .0: { . seizure. ‘ " __ ¢742.{ [Abe! its perscmm. _ . ,. 743. Protgdure in cases of libekiq persouam. , , · _ * · _ 744. Qelensc at privately owned vena! atterseizigre. _ Q, 745. Causes of nctimx on which suits mg; Se brought; limitations. ` 748._E$tmpti0¤s1¤d, timitaticas ot liability. _. · ·- -V . 747. Seizures in ·t©!%¤i¤ iériwigtwn. ’ . · é 748. Paym¢¤t'ot judmmt, award, 6: uttlement, ' 749. _Arbitratim¤, ur settlement 01 claims. ‘ 750. Recovery {dr qnlvnge mvices by vessel or crew. · ‘_ 751.- Qtppgaitien at ;uc¤eys·x~emve1·& by United Btgten, 752. Revert: ns to suits, ,nwarq¤,»g¤d settlements. QU _ .

 741. Exemptim at Unitd Stats youd; •M uz-

‘:¤¤• fran or adam.-——Np veséel owned __by_th¤ United States or by my corporation in which ‘ the? Uiaitetl Staten or its mpmsentativx qlmll own the entire.- outstanding 'capital

 stock ar in the,tpc icn of the United Statqs 91·_~ of such corwitatiaata of operated- by or for the United . Sum up sucti com-
 tand no cargo cmied or   by the United
 tes or by such corporation. shall, ih riewpt tlmpmyisicn

_ herein made for a libel in; persmgmy be subject tb arrest or seipute by judidnl- www in the Uxiited Suites ar ·1ts` §0@§I- siems: Provided, _‘1‘hdt this dginpter sh•1ll”nof* abply to the Puugmn Railroad Company. r (Mgr. 9, 1920,·¢ M, I 1, 41 Stat. ,742. Libd in tpcrsmsm.-e-In cases `ivhere if, inch vessel privately owmxl or opernte.d,_ or it such; cérsd wm mivnteb owned and an px· i¤g isidmiralty could be tained at the time at the mmmcnccmwt of •.qt.i0¤· hernia _ pmvided im-, 11 libel in ·pe1*so¤¤m" may b• Erought hninst the United Mata er agaihst such mrpontlau, nh the mae be. provided that such vase! is mpi¤y¤d—a.s •,` ·t @1 or is g tugbmt emented by auch c9zp¤rn¤¤&;_¤ be brought in the district ct tm_ Uuslttd 8tqtaa—.f¢r the 7 dfict 'iu-which the mma db; wing, dz ap! of them, A or have mtu- wneapu pam or Mmmm in ima; mm sum. ms in _£1;a‘ vase! or cargo charmd jvith Iisbmt.1 is found. The iibelnm shall forthwith serve a copy o£ his libel wm the Uuiteg Strata attorney for such dlsttict and 1. com B

\ ~ . ' -·SHIPPING I ’§ 747 = thereof by registered_m‘¤ll to. the Attorney General et the I ~· a United States, and shall tile a sworn return of snob service and ¥ mailing. Such service {md mailing ehall constitute #alid··Se1*v· · ice ou the"U¤lted.States and such corporation. In case the , Lluited »State3'»or such qorporation shall me a" libel ip rem or in · . persouam in any district, a, crose libel in ·pers0nam-may be Hlcd “ or al set-oi'! claimed ogsiinst the United States! or Such corpora-

_ tion with tliésamépforce am} effect as lf thewlibel had been med

,` by a private party:. Upon application of eitlgcr mrty the cause

may, Hr the dikcretiou of the cou-rt, be transferred to any otlxer

p district court of the United States. {Mar. 9, 1920, c. 95, -§ 2, ·’ 743. Procedure ‘ in cases of- libel ‘ ln persomm.-S_ucb"_ suits ·. slmll proceed and shelf be heard andtletermiued acc0rdli1g‘ to ~ theprlxiciples of lavq and to the rules of practice. obtaining. in like cases between private parties. A deerée Aagnlust the United _ e __States or suoh corporatiogi may hiclmle costs of spit,-·.en,d when the decree is for e money judgment, interest at tlxe rate of 4 · -

per centum per annum until satisitled, or at any higher rate

l which shall `bc _ stipulated · ln guy contract upon W which such decree shall “Interest shall nm as ordered by the éoqrtr .Docrees ghall be subject to appeal and revision as prot ’ vided ip other cases of admiralty engl maritime ‘ jurisdiction. _~ ’ It the llbeleut sc elects in his libel, the suit_may pmteee ip " e accordance with the principles ot libels ih rem ·` wherever it shall appear that l1ad,the vowel or cargo been prixjately owned "and p0sseéé¤ed` a “ libel in rem xinight have been maintained. Electionq so to proceed shall _-not prerlixde the libelant in pany < proper case from jseekiug rellet in persouamln the same suit. Neither the, United States nor suck corporation wall he required to give any bond or admirslty stipulation on any prokzeediug brought hereunder; Any touch bomloxg stipulatioxi given prior to March 9; 1920, in admlralty oeuses by the United `° Stateé, the United States Shipping Boord, or the Uitited States shipping Board Emergency Corporation, than become , void and be surronderegt and canceled nipbu fm ‘¤llng` ot { smgemion . by the Attorney General or other gluly eutbtorizéd _ law omcer that tho '_U¤lted· Statw is interested ln mch eawc. ` arid assumes lialzgllity to saztlrty any decree included within said . ‘ bond 'or stipulation, and thereafter any p derrce shhll be . paid as pmvidedln section ns or this tue;. e, xm, _ ‘cS95.l8.`41.¤¢¤F-WM t R ` · 744. of privately ewndweaselp after niame.-——-It are " prtviatolyl owned wml not to tho p io.¤ ot the Unitm . Btates or ot such corporation is or attached upoo any · cause of action arising or- allqod to have arisen from pmvious · pommong; ownership, or operation ot v@el by the L United States or bx rpéh corporauonr, spclr rmel shall be re~ l without bono or stipulation tkeredor RE the suggestion · by the Uhitodr Stitw, through {ta Attomoi General or etber · dnb authorisodelaw omext that lt.is_inté1mtedl¤ such cause » dedr•s`m&‘ release, and assume? tm liability for the satis- . tactim‘ ot*•.¤.y decree obtalped by the libelnnt lnimch cause, . and # proceed the United. ». Stats ig aecordance the provmons ot {lilo chapter. (Mar- ‘ 9,1926Qc.,95. $,4. 41 Stat. 5%) — ·. i M_ T ‘ · ‘ 745. Canon ofgrtha M mils my at brought; li¤é?»/ . tation.-·—S¤ilm as herein authorized shall he broqgot with n » tivo years atm the aes ot actien ariees: (Mat.- 9,-1920. c. »®·I.~¤.41sm¢.ws.> .. _ . e — . 5· 746. henp@@ limitation ot Habllity.-——·Tlxo` United . Stabu vor_ md: ¤¢¤'P¢*"¤ti0¤ shall be entitled to the benems ot » all and- er t all limitations ot llobllity aiscorded by > lair toe ownern charterers, gperotors, ox; agents ot vessels. L (Mart m 1920. ew, IK 41·S¢¤¢=· G2?-l M k "1 747. Sdswes in Iordgn iuriadictions.-—-If_ any; vowel qr , cargo the purview of sections 741 and 744 `of this·ebop· l · for is arrested, attached, or.officrwl~se ecizbd by processor any