Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1542

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' \\ \.- = ’ _ ’. §— 1748 ‘_ rrzrna tc.-,, court ln any country other than the United States, or it any suit is brenglat therein against the master ot any vwsel — for any 'mnae ot action arising Qtrom, or in connwtion wil: . me possession, eperation, or ownersnlpl ot any vaeavwl; 0 tene nossession, mrriage,. or owner®tp` ot any auch cargo, tne o Seerel·ary.of Smté ot the United Statcsjn bla dlauetion, uéon the request or the Attorney" of the United States, or 5 any other omeer dnl; authorized by hlé, direct thepnited = States consul residing at or nearest the place at which action may been commenced to claim such- vessel or curio t aal immune mm auch arrest, attachment, or other seisure, and lt execute an agreement, nndertaking, bond, or stipulation for ` ‘ and on behalf of the United or the United States Ship-~ ping Board, or. auch corporation aa by said court required, for- 1 the release otisnch vessel er cargo,. and for the `proaecntion ot . any appmlg or may, in the event ot auch suits againk the mab-, ter ot any such vessel, direct aald United. Staten consul to enter tné fnpparanée of the United States, or ot the $tates Shipping Board, or ot such corporation, and to pledge, the credit thereof to the payment of any judgment and- coat that may be entered ln such The Attorney. General is vested ( with power and authority to arrange with` any bank, surety company, person, Erm, or corporation in- the United States, its '_ Territories and possessions, or ln any `foreign country, .to exe- _ cate any aneh aforesaid bond er stipnlation; as surety or stipug . later. thereon, and te pledge the credit of tl'1e’,United' States to ' the inde1nnl§cation`ot such surety or stipulator jas may lie reqnired to secure the execution of such bond or stipulation. The

ntatlen yo! a, copy of the judgment mil in any nucl; suit,

certmed by the clerk ot the court and antentleated lby the l cerddeate and aeal of the United States cenatil claiming such ° vessel or cargo, or nts snccesaor, and. by the oertincate of the Secretary of State as to the} omclal cagaclty ot auch consul, ‘ aha!] be snmclent evidence to the proper aocountlng *o¤cera_.ot the _Uni·ted” Staten, or ot the United Staten Shipping Board, or; ot sack corporation, _!or· the allowance and payment ot such Judgments: Provided, however, That notnink in thla section‘ ahnll beheld to prejudice or preclude- A claim of the immunity ‘ _ et amen vessel or cargo {rom foreign jurisdiction in .a proper " mee.; (Qian 9,,1920, ¢. as, Q 7, 41-gmt, 53;;)- ·‘ - -‘ i W 743. Payment of judgment, award, or aettlcmenteany. tlnal judgment rendered in any salt herein authorized, and any nnal 1 judgment within the purview of aéctidna 744 and 747 Yo! this. chapter, and any arbitration award or _ settlement had and , agreed to nntder the provisions ot section 749 ot this chapter, shall, enpon tlée presentation of·a authenticated copy there·· ot, M mid by the proper? acconnt@· eaten of the ·United States Font ot any appropriation or insurance tnnd or other fund especially available therefor; otherwise there is .appro-· printed out of any money an the Treasury of the United Statea not ·etl1e:·wlse appropriated, a sum anmclent to jpay any auch judgment or award or settlement. '(Mar.), 1920,%c. 95, l 8, 41 Stat. 527.) . · . » , _" ` y 749; Arbitration, coronromiae, or aettlcment of clalmae-—·—'I*he Secretary of any department ot the Government ot the United States, ortbe United Statea Shippl¤g`Bmrd, or the board ot trustees ot auch corporation,',havlng- control of the poaaémlon or one:-atien ot, any merbhant www are, and each ia, authorized gte arbitrate, ceznpromiac, or aett te any clalm in which s¤lt~ will lie under the. provlaloné of na 742, ,744, and 750 of ' this chapter. (Har. 9, 1920, ,c. 95,. S 9, 41 Stat. @7.) · _ ’ 4 ,759. Recovery for salvage services by weasel or crow.-—-··»'1‘he United ·$tatea, and the crew fbi any merchant rmml owned or operated by the United °8tate¤, or auch oorporation,,aha1l have the right to ‘col1eét and anon for salvage rendered by auch vessel and crew, and any moneys therefrom by the United Statea for its own b`€¤e¤t,_ and not fer the bweit ot the crew, shall be covered into the United States Treasury to the credit ot the department ot the Government ot the

SHIPPING » · ‘ · *]_§28` "` United Stntes, or ot~ the United 8tat& Shipping Bmrd, or ot such corporutiony having eontrol ot the oeion or operation io! such ymel. (Mer. 9, 19%; c. 95, I .10, 41 Stat. 528.) . 751;, Dispodtimn of pemeys recoveredqg Unitd ’Stateq. ` All moneys repovered in._nny smt brought. y the United Stores on any oeuse ot notion arising tro1n,_or in conneéuon with, the possession, operutionf or ownership of our merchant vessel, =or the po@sion, carri_oge,°°or ownership of any cargo, shell be covered into the United States Treasury to the toredit of the department of the Government ot acne United Stétes, or oi the United States Shipping Boerd,'or ot mchjuforeéid corporation, having control ot the vessel or cergojwith respect to which Such cause rot actton qrises, for reimbursement of the appropriation, orinsurance fund, or other iunds, which-_ the low; dome 'u£¢. or coxnpeneation for which said judgment was recovered .hes’·been" or will be paid. (Mar. 9, _1929,~c. 95,111, 41 Stat. 528-)~ 4— ‘ . __ · ..752. Reports as to suits, niv•rds,*and_•ett1e§e¤ts.-+·‘1‘l~ie Attorney General ‘shal1’_ report to the Congress it each session thereof the suits under this chapter ln which §nel· jwxmptl shall huve been rendered for or against the United States and such, aioreseid corporation, and the Secretary of, any deport- ; ment ot the Government of the United Stetee, · and the United States'Shipping Board, nod the ward of trusteesoi any su& . aroresoxa corporation, shell likewise. report the arbitration awards or settlements of claims which &a11 have agreed ` to since the previous session, und- in which the time to- appeal shall huve expired. or have waiv&. [Ma:. 9, 19%, c. W, 5 12, 41 Stat. 528.) ` · N- Uhamer 21.4-—DEATH ON THE HIGH SEAS BY WRONG- 761. _Right of action-: where and by whom brought. ( 762. Amount sod apportionment- ot_ recovery . 763. Limitations. · ’_ Z L . _ 764. Rights ot action giren by law; of toreln countries. B . 765. Death of pleiotit pending action. · 768. Contributor; negtigeme; · · ‘ s 7d?. Exceptions froze operation of chnpeer. _ _ _ SMS. _Pe¤dtng'•uit$. . ‘ _ . 1 ‘· " Section 761. . Right of action; where and by whom brought.-- j ’ Whenever the dmth ot n person qhell be cauéed by wrongful ect, neglect, or detuult oceania} on the seas lbeyondxn murine lmguéf from the shore of any State, or the District of wiumbtn, or the Territories or dependencies ot the United States, the personal representative of the degedent may matuuin a omit for damages in the district courts ot the United Bum in ed·— uxirelty,. for the exclusive beneht ot the deeede¤t‘¤ wife. hmbénd,. parent, child, or dependent relgtive egntnst the vessel, person, or corporation which would here been liable it oath hndonot eusued- (Mer. 80, 19%, e.t111, { 1,- 41 Stat. $7.) , 762. Amount and apportionment of recovery.-·—‘1‘b.e recovery in such suit shall be s fair. and just compensation for the pecuniary loss mstalned by the persons for whose beheilt the suit in brought and shall be om0rtioued· emon¢ them by the toourt in proportion to the lon they muy severally have suifered by _1‘ !I of the dmth ot. the person by whose repremntative the suit le brought. , (Mer. 86, 1920, c. 1.11, I 2. 41 Stat. 537.) 768. Limitntionne-·SuitoshnIl be bepm within twoyenrs from the déte of such wrongful net, neglect; or default, indus that period there" has not oen mosoneble opportuntb I r securing jurisdiction of the veeeel, `persou, or corporation sought to be eharzed; but after the expiretion ot such ported. ot two _ yearn the right of action hereby given shall not be deemed to

 have   until ninetydays after e reasonable opportunity to
   jurisdiction has emeredl (Mar. 30, 1920, e. 111, S 3, 41

g sm. mx) _ I ‘ ’ , · L 764, Bigkto of notion glven by laws of foreign oouxntriev-· Whenever e right ot action is grunted by the law ot any foreign 1.