Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1567

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1553 TITLE 47.--TELEGRAPHS, 1‘ELEPH¢ or under the supervision of a~ person or persons licensed for ' that purpose by the Secretary ot Commerce.1 Every person 80 licensed who in the operation ot any radio apparatus shan- sl fail to observe and obey mgulationacontalned in or made pm-- U suunt to sections 51 to 60'of this title or subsequent Acts or U treaties of the United States, or any one ot them, or who shall S fail to enforce obedience thereto by an unlicensed person while 0 serving under his supervision, in addition to_ the punishments t and penalties herein prescribed, may sudfer the suspension of · t the said license for a period to be fixed by the Secretary of Commerce not exceeding one year. It shall be unlawful to' employ ./any unlicensed person or for, any unlicensed person to f serve’iq,_charge or in supervision of the use and operation `ot 8 such apparatus, and any person violating this provision shall H be guilt} of a misdemeanor, and on comjlction thereof shall be D punislxed by 51 line of not more than $100 or imprisonmentfor D not more than two. months, or both, in the discretion of the court, foreach und every such odense. °In case ot emergency . the Secretary of Commerce. may authorize a collector otcris-f toms to issue a temporary permit, in lieu of a license, .to the D operator on a vessel subject to eections 484: to 487 of Title 46. _S (Aug. 13,1912, c. 287, 5 3, 37 Stat. 803; Mar. 4, 1913, c. 141, § 1, Q E 37 Stat. 736.) .· " —- · X 54. Regulations; penalty for violations; temporary licenses l _for experiments; naval, and ngilitary stations.-—For· the purpose ot preventing or minimizing interference with communica- d tion between stations aa whlchreuch apparatus is operated, to t_ facilitate radio communication, andito further the prompt re- 1] ceipt of distress signals, said private and `commercial stations » shell be subject to the regulations ofthis section; These regula- _· tions shall be enforced by the Secretary of Commerce through the collectors of customs and other omcers of the Govern— E ment as other regulations herein provided. for} ‘ · _ p The Secretary ot Qominerce may,.in_l1is discretion, waive the provisions of anyoroall ot these regulations when no interfer= ence of the character above mentioned can ensue. · 8 The Secretary ot commerce may grant special temporary c lironees to stations actually engaged in conducting experiments t for the development of the science of radio communication, or the apparatus pertaining thereto, to carry on special tests, using ' anyrmonnt ot power or a'ny.wave lengths, at euch hours and under such conditions as will insure the least interference with 8 the sending or receipt of commercial or Go.ver,nrncnt radio- 8 grams,-ot distress signals and redlograms, or with the work G of other stations. - ‘ · ’ . t ‘ In regulations the naval and military statioueehall H be understood to bc stations on land. ’ ` t 'R§}ULATI’0NB · Norma:. weve u:xo·ru_ g 'Firet. Every station ehall be required todeslgnate a certain E definite were length as the normal sending and receiving- wave 1 length ot the station. This weve length shall not exceed six 8 hundred meters oreit shall exceed one thousand sir nuuakeu e meters. Every coastal station open to general public service. shell at? all tlmee be ready to receive meseezes »ot_such wave _ lengths ae are reqalred by the convention signed at Berlin · I November 3?_1906, regulating wlrelee• telegraphix Every ship 1 station, except as hereinafter provided, and every coast etetion I open lm general public service shall be prepared to use two 1 sending wave lengthy; one of three hundred meters and one ot I elx hundred meters, as required by the international ·convent_lon _ in force. _ The. Secretary ot Commerce may, in his discretion; change the limit ot wave length reservation inode by rémllz-` tions Brat end. second; to accord with any international. agree- l —~ merit to whichxhe United States la a party. » a , < sa2·:o•-ze-Q-ea . " ” d

ONES, AND RADIOTELEGRAPHS § 54 e ormm wave LENGTlIB 4 Second. In addition to the normal sending wave length all tations, except as provided hereinafter in these regulations, nay use other sending wave lengths: Provided,. That they do not exceed sixhundred meters or that they do exceed one thouand six hundred meters: Provided further, That the character nt the waves emitted conforms to the requirements of regulaions third and fourth following. " ` use or A "runs wAvn" . Third. ,At all stations it the sending apparatus, to be reerred to Hereinafter as the " transmitter," lis ofsuch a char- .éter that the energy is radiated in two or more wavelengths, nore or less sharply defined, as indicatedlby ·a sensitive wave neter, the energy in no one of the lesser waves shallexceed 10 ner centum of that in the greatest., · ° . usr: or A " snare warn" Fourth. At all stations the logarithmic decrement per comnlete oscillation in the -wave’tratns_emitted by the transmitter M hal1‘not exceed two-tenths.? except when sending distress signalsor signals and messages relating thereto. ` rl usr: or f‘S;1‘4NDAl{D msrnsss wAvnf’ Fifth. Every station on shipboard shall be prepared to send listress calls on the normal wave length designated by the inernatiohal convention in force; except on vessels of small tonnage unable to have plants insuring that wave length. srcxvnu. or nrsranss a a Sixth.'fThe distress call used shall be`the international signal of distress . . . -— ,-—· -4- . . ._ ` ” usr: or “nRoAh INTERFQINLG wavall ron nrsrsnss sxonau Seventh. When sending distress signals, the transmitter of . station on shipboard maybe tuned in such a manner asto reate a maximum or interference with a maximum of radialon., . Y . . ”_ · _ ‘ ·_ nrsjrancm nmumnunrrr ron nrsranss smzuns ’ Eighth. Every station on shipboard, wherever pracucanne, nhall be prepared to send distress slgnals' ot the character npeclhed in regulations with and sixth with sumeient power to inable them to be recelved by day over sea a antenna of one nundred nautical miles by a shipboard station equipped with npparatus .for both sending, and receiving equal’ln' all essenlal particulars to that of the station first mentioned. “axon·rnor; " ronsarsrsrss s1e¤`,s.ns

 Ninth. All stations are required to give absolute priority to  

signals and radlograms relating to ships in distress; to cease nll sending on hearlng ·a distress signal; and, except when on-

aged· in answering orraidingthe ship ln dlstreSS; torefraln

lrom sending until all signals and radiograxns relatingtlnereto nre completed. , · l nnnncsn rowm ron smrs NEAR A oovmmmnxr asrarrozv- _ Tenth. No station on shipboard. when within fiftecn nautical alles of a naval or military station, shall use a transformer nput exceedingwone kilowatt, nor, when within ave nautical nlles ot such a_ station, a transformer input exceeding one-half nzllowatt, except for sending signals of distress, or signals or radlograrns relating thereto. _—-4 · _ mrnaconnzmturtroarxoznr _ Eleventh. Each shore station open to general public service Jetween the coast and vessels at sea shallhe bound to er-

hange radiograms with any similar shore station and with any