Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1569

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c ,1555 TITLE 47.--T1:}LEGRAPI1`S,.;TELBPB tion 53 of this title may he issued, the operator shall be subject · to a tpeua1ty_ of $25, which may be reduced or remitted by the · secretary of Commerce, and for repeatedviolations of any such ~ regulations, the license shall be suspended or revoked., ·.(Aug. 13, 1912, c. 287, 5 4, 37 Stat. 304; Mar. 4, 1913, c. 141, § 1, 37 Stat. 736.) _ I ’ .` ‘ . ` 55. Willful or maliciousinterference with communication.- - ` Every license granted under the provisions of sections 51 and 52 of this title for the operation oruse of apparatus [for radio communication shall prescribe that-U the operator thereof shallnot willfully. or maliciously interfere with any other radio communicati'on.' Such interference shall be deemed a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof the owner or ‘· operator, or both, shall be punishable by a fine of not toexceed $500 or imprisonment forjnot to exceed one year, or·both.__ (Aug. 13, ‘1e12, c. 287, §· 5,‘? stat:308.) l " ‘ 56., Radio, communication , detined.—The expression ‘t·rad`lo communication"’ as used in sections to 60 of. this title means any system of electrical communication by telegraphy or telephony without the aid of any wire connecting the points _ from and- at,_w ch the radiograuis, signals, or other com- ` munications are @`£rl?QI·TiéCQiV€d`. (Aug. 13,,1912, ‘e. 287,5 6, 37 Stat. 308.). y . Y ___ _ . _ 57. Uttering or transmittingtfalse or fraudulent signals.-- A person, eompanyror corporation within the jurisdiction of the United States shall not knowingly-utter or transmit, or `cause to be uttered or transmitted, any false 'or fraudulent. distress signal or call or falsefor fraudulent signal,.call, or other radlogram off any kind. _Theepenalty-for. so utterlngor transmitting a. false lor- fraudulent distress signal or callshall be a fine of not more than $2,500 or imprisonment for not more than live years, or both, in the discretion of the court, for each ‘_ and every such offense, and the penalty for so uttering or transmitting, or causing to be uttered or `transmlttcd, any otherfalse = or fraudulent signal, call, or other radiogram shall be a· fine of not more than $1,000 orimprisonment for not more than ·` two years,. or both, in the discretion of the court,_ for each and every such offense. (Aug. 13, 1912, c. 287, -§` 7, 37 Stat, 58. Restriction of use on foreign ships.-—-A person, company, or corporation shall not use or operate any apparatus for radio communication on a foreign ship in territorial waters of the United States otherwise than in accordance with the provisions of sections 54 and 57_of_ this title and so much of mction 55 of this title as imposes a penalty for interference. Save as aformald, nothing herein shall apply to apparatus forradlo communication on any foreign ship. (Aug. 13, i.9f2, c. 287, S 8,.37 Stat. 308.) _ gp ~ ” , _ a 59. Jurisdiction of oKenre•.·-—-The trial of any oltenseunder sections 51 to 60 of this title shall be in the district in which if ls committed, or lf the offense is committed upon the high seas

FONES, AND RADIOTELEGRAPHS § 63 or out of the jurisdiction of any particular State or district the trial shall be in thedistrict where, the onender may be found or into which he shall be iirst brought. _(Aug. 13, 1912, c. 287, § 9, 37 Stat. 308.) , · · 60. Inapplicabiiity to Philippines.?-Sections 51 to 59 of this title shall not apply to the Philippine Islands. (Aug. 13, 1912, ic. 287,*5:10, 37 Stat. 308.) ·. t · 6 61. Governmenbowned radio stations and apparatus; use for ofiicial business.—All land, ship, and alrship radio-stations, and all apparatus therein owned by the United States may be used by it for receiving and transmitting messages relating to Government business, compass reports, and the safety of ships. (June 5, 1920, c. 269, S. 1, 41·Stat. 1061.) . ’ — ` 62; Same; use for other than omcial business; rates.—·The Secretary of the Navy is authorized, under the terms and conditions and at ratesprescribed by_ him, which Arates shall be just and’· reasonable, and which, upon complaint, shall be subject to review and revision {by the Interstate Commerce Commission, to use al1·‘radl‘o stations and apparatus, wherever located, owned by the United States and under the control of the Navy Department (a)_`tor the reception and transmission. ot press messages offered by any newspaper published in the United States, its Territories or D0SSeSSions, or published by citizens of. the United States `iu foreign countries, or by any press assoclationlot the United States, and (b`) for the reception and-transmission of private commereial-messages between ships and betweenship and shore. The rates nxed for the re? ception and transmission of all such messages, other than press messages between the Pacino coast of the United States, Ha- ‘ wall, Alaska, the Philippine Islands, the Virgin_”‘Islands,"and the Oiiient, shall not be less than the rates chargedby privately owned and operated, stations- forqlike messages and—service. The; right to use such stations for any of the purposes named ‘in this section shall terminate and cease as between any coun- ··tries or localities oxpbetgween anyfklocality and privately operated ships whenever privately. owned and `operatedstations-are capable of meeting the normal communication reenireinents between such countries or localities or between any locality and privately operated ships, and the Secretary of Commerce shall, have notihed the Secretary of the Navy thereof, »and in any event all rights conferred by thissection shall terminate and ¢€¤86 on June 30,. 1927,·`·except. that all snob rights`conterred~ `Sby this section in the Republic of China shall be deemed to have terminated and ceased on January 1, 1924. (June 5, 1920, c. 269. 2,_41'Stat. 1061; Apr._14, 1922, c. 132, _42 Stat. 495; Feb. 28, 1925,~c. 378, 43 Stat. 1®1.) _ _ - . 63. Seine; sections almucsble.-··All stations owned and op·_ erated by the"Government, except as herein otherwise provided, (shall beused and operated in accordance with the provisions of sections 51 to 60 ot this title. (June 5, 1920, c. 269, § 3, 41 sm. 10o1.l‘