Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/160

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§p 210 irzrta 8.+-ALIENS . drwsg (2) if;a citizen by birth, the date and place of his birth; (3) if a naturalized citizen, the date and mace of his admission to citizenship tanti the number of his ‘certi§entc,‘ if any; (4) the name and address oft his employer or the ·agdreea of, his p§aee of bnfsiness or oecupationdf he is net an employee; (5) the tlegree of the relationship of the immigraxnt for whom sneh petition ie made, and the names of all the places where snob imnnigrant has, resided prior to and at thetlme when thepetition is died; (G). that thepetitioner is able to and will support ` the immi;;rant_if necessary to- preeenfs11eh·lmn1igrant froxn becoming a public ehiirgei; and (7) suchladgiitional information necessary to the proper enforcement of the immigration laws and the nnturaliaation laws as maybe by regulationsét pre¥_ seribed. _ · _ , Q ” _ l l (c) Verification of petition; documentary eridenee accom-l l panying.-——The petition shall be `l11;l(l€»l1ll(l‘€1‘ oathadministered hynnly individual having poorer to hadmini$ter_oaths,,’if executed —in the United States, but, ifexeented outside the United States, ath;ninistered·by at consular omeer. j · The petition shall be snp-. t ported by any documentary evidence _-required by regnlations prescribed under this subchapter. llpplication may be made in the saine mtition for admission of more than oneindividual. (tl). Supporting statements aeeompnnying,——yThe, petition shall be aeeornpanied by the statements of-two or more respon- , sible citizens of the United States,`¤to whom the petitioner has one personally; known for at least one year, that to the best ei their knowledge and belief, the statements made —‘in the pétition`·are· and.that_ the petitioner is an responsible in-,

 diridual able, to Support the immigrant or immigrants for

nahoseladmission application iamade, ? These statements shall hekattesfed in the .mme way as thetpetition. _ A · ‘ o '· "_ _ (e) Action of Commissioner. e General, Secretary of Labor, and Secretary of State.-Ii the Commissioner General iinds_ the facts stated in the petition to be; true, and that the jmniigrant in reweet of Whom the pétitionismade is entitled to be, admitted to the United States; as a' nonquota immigrant under d_ si1l$dt§iéloH""t('a )`.`6f}"éeeti”on — or is entitled to preference, as a relative under section 206, he shall, with the approval of the Secretary of Labor, inform the Secretary of State of his de— eiaien, and the Secretary of State shalilathen authorizéthe com sular efficer with whom the application- for the immigration visa has been Bled to issnethe immigration yisa orgrant the

pref&·enee,- r ‘_ _ r o, · _`
— -(f) Efed on rights? of nonquota in·amigrantSQ¢¥Nothing in?

this section shall be construed to entitle an immigrant, in i·e# .gpoet of whom a petitionumler this section- is granted, to enter the United States as at nonqueta immigrant, if, upon arrival in the United States, he is found not a nonqnota immigrant, [ (May 26, 1924, e; 190, $.9, 43 Stat. 157.) n f ·

 219; (1) Reentry permits; persons entitled , to; application
 for; form va eontmts; veri§cationp;`lphotograph accompany-

i¤g.——Any alien about to depart temporarily from_ the fUnited States may` make applieationtohthe Commissioner General for la permit to reenter the UnitedStates, stating the length tot his intended absence, andthenreaaons therefon Such ·applleation·’ ehal1_be-made under. oath, and§shall· be in `sneh form and con-·l tain each information as may be by regulations prescribed, and ·ahall be aeeompanled by two eopies of the appl_icant’s

  • ,photegraph. A , . _ · `

(b)`, Issue by Commissioner General with approval of See-·` rotary of Labor; life of permit; formland contenteof permit; photograph, attached;-—-It the Commissioner General Buda that Tneazsea has been legally, admitted to the United States, and that the application is madelin good faith, he shall, with the approval ot the Secretary of Labor, issue the permit, specify- "lng therein the length of tizne, not exceeding one year, during which lt shall bowalid. The permit shall bein such form aa shall-belby regulations,preseril>ed‘a11d SAl13Llll’l1{l\’€ permanently.

ANB UITIZENSHIP “I4?} Q I atteehed theretojhe photogrrzzph of the alien to whom isshxmr

 together with such ether‘matter he may he deemed ueeessmé
 for the cdmpiete identification of the alieh. _ t t ~
 (e) Extension of life oi permit.-On swdrmuse shown me

validity of the permit may be exteugled fer such gxwiml periods, not exceeding dx.m<mths&@eh, and under such tmditions, as shall be by regulationé prescribed,. ‘ · (d)_‘Fee fer perri1it.——Fer thelsevencé of the permit, me e for each extension thereof, there shall befpeid a fee of $2;, which shalt be covered into the Treasury ast misceIlum·m;~4 reeeiptsgf _ . _ l ’ e . . C e (e) Surrender of permit ern mum to United Stetes.—U.;~rtee the return of the alien to the UnitedStates the permit sham hn surreuaemae to the immigration omeer gfthe port of mspeetiega, r (f)"EHeet of permit rights of alien.;-——·A permit ismee 'ymder this section shalt have nb eEect» théimmigrutim. lawjs,·except°t<$ shqw that alien to whom it is issued is »retur11iug from a· temporary visit abroad; ‘but_p0thmgt in thee section shalltbe construetfas making Such permit the exclusiw m‘é'an$ et establishing that the elicits io -ret¤mi¤g. (May 24;; 1924, c. i90, §j.10,t 43 Stpt;158.) I . ‘ 211; ‘:(a)» Ammal qectg based optnatbaality; utiemi erigizé;

 minimum quant.-—The ‘ annual tftiete of any; natimiity sha}!

be 2 per rrentuxxi of the gmmbeiof ierei individuals of 'such `nationality resident i¤‘ ccritiuentsl Unitetf States- as determined by.-the"; Unitegl States eeuség of _1&0, mt the minimum ·quota·0t snyiuationalitjeshé}1*·he\_¢¤e hundred. _ A· L. _

 (b)*Amiual quota for? Eau! yea; be®i¤g July 1,1927;

minihinm qxicta.-——The anmxaljqqoté of any mtionality io: the fiscal yeer hegixming July 1, 1927; indie: reach ism} year thereafter, shall & number —-which aime ratio te one hundred xand fifty thousand as the humbaf of inhnbitanté rin continental United States ei-n livin; that natiemt origin (ascertained ue pri>vided_ir1fthis section) beararto the number ctrinhebithnts in eoutiéental United Stutu in 1920, » but the minimum quota > of; my natichnlity dull be {me hundred-·. " ,, t _ 1 A · W r h r , »e r —_ .(c)f Determination of nation;} erigia.-··;For the p"£irpese· of subdivision (b_) ziatiorial origirrshall he isqertginedhy determining`·é.s~neé may bc, in respect of ea&: gegraphieal area which under the foll0w`i;1g`sectjcm is to be treated as a separate D country (except the geégrnphiml arms jrpeciéed in subdivision (cg) of section of this title) the number of inhabitants h1`QOIltiX)(?Bt8l Uniteclk States in»1926 whose origin V by birthror aiieestry his attributable- tc s¤ch__geegmphica\ area.

 Such aetermiu¤tfo¤  shan not be matte by trmm the. rmesrm _

—0r descendants of partietnlar individuals; butyshail, be based

upbxi statistics etiimmigrntitm and exxgigratiim, together with

rates of increase of population gs shown by hf,e· deeen- ‘ _nia1 United` States censrxsesrarid suchkgther dan as mai be e Ifoimd to béireligxble. · · · e ° _ t ` (cl) `I¤habitantsF in continental United States l92<9.—·-—Fmthe pm·p9se—bt,subdiviéions (h)· ar§d_r(»e) the tem; “inhnbi·` tants irrcoxntinental 1920?’»d0es §0t—i!}€h1(](‘ (1) immigrants from the `geogrephical areas specihed in subg division? (c) of- section 204. or their descendants, _ (2")¥ aliens ineligible to citizenship or their fdescendantg, `(3) the descendants ct slave iri1migi·&nts,_ or (4) the descendants of American uhorigiueél- * “ f ~ ", e r_ r (e) Determination or ngtiqnal brigixgg by when made; PI`9· ccdure; prmideutial proclamation of quota.;-—’}?he determination provided fer in suhdiyisiqn (c) at this sectidn shall he made by the Secretary of i·State, the Secretary ,0f Cbmmerce, dud the Secretary ofIQab6r, yjeirztly. In making eueh determination such officialse may cali fer information and expert as'. sistance frdm the¥Buremf~o1' the_Census; Subh otiicials shall. » ‘jointl§, report to the President the qu0m_0f_e3ch,nati'0r13lif}‘· , 'dQt&l‘I1l·i!l€11`£tS`DYDVHIQG in subdivision (b)t,` and the P1‘€Sid§‘Yl`t