Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1645

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I ‘ . . \ . . 1631 A ‘ TITLE 48.--TERRITORIES AN. created armed forces and milltii. He is. vested`. with" gthe I - exmusivo power to grtuit mrdous ond reprleves and ,rem1g;_ m .iii;es_an{1 fo1'fQiti\1'€S,` and mayqveto any legislation enacted as e t prqvided ,k this chapter? He shell submit withlxr ten d§ys· t . ot the opening of sch. fegulir `!0l1 of the Philippine Legls-· E laturé_¤— biu1get·ot_recelpts‘ and hexpexiditirrm, wh·ich_ shall be ' the besls et thenumml epproixrlatloe bill} hull eorzimis- i . sion all owen thet he may be authorlzed `to eppoint.- He s Shell be responsible for thetsitlntul execution;. ot · the laws or .1 the`Philipp1¤e Islands and of the United `Stnta operative yvithiu e _me Phiup@8 Islands, - and whenever lt becomes necessary. he 4; meg call upon thecommhnéers of the mllltaryynnd naval forces _1 ’“e:"tlneSU¤ited States lu the lblandsg oroommon coml- 1 tems, or all out the xinllltln or other locally created Aarmed forces; ·t0 prevent or WPWBSS lawless violemge; invdelon, in- i · surroction, or rebellion; had he nie!. in of rebellion or _1 . invasion, or thereof, when the public eateti 1 reqnnimselt, s d the privileges agghe writ ot eorpus, 1 ¤;··p1ece‘the blinds, or any pnrtvt reef, mailer martial law: `4

 Rat whdaever the Gcyemor   shall exercise =•

{ms autlaorlti, he shall nt notify the Preeidwt. of the 1 United States thereof; with the gttendlng. {acts auch I circumstgncw, and the Pr&id¢¤t shall hgve power to modify or 1 veoate: the action ot the Governor General. _He shall imxgltlly 1 and et such other time `as he may be- regulred make such ‘ omclui report. ot the trausictions ot the government ot the I Philippine Islheds to lm exeéetlve department of the Unite;} States to be by the President, end his said annual • report shall be trmemitted- to the Congress of the United I States; and he shall perform such additional duties and func- 1 tions es may in pursuance ot law ibe delegntedpor assigned t0_ 2 mm by th8·P1'€Sid€!1t.'; (Au:.-29, 1916, c. 416, _§ ‘21, 39 Stat. ” -553.) .. · ‘ · ‘ _ 1 - 1112. gating Governor General.--—The Presb ‘4 dent may the head ot an executlre department ot the ‘ 1 Philippine governmut to act qs Gpovereor General `lu the case 1 of e vnmncy, tmporary removal, resignation, or dieebll- ,4 ity oil the Govermr`6emrnl and the vlcergoverixor, or their 1 ' te1i1porary;nbm¤ee,_ and the head ot the demrtment tlms deslg·= 4 noted shall all the poiers, had `pertorm ell ·t.he ililtvies ·¤ ot me Governor Gemajal ‘durl¤g‘ such vséami; disability, or 4

¤¤>eez¤=c. · (Ao:. w, 191& .cL 416, | 23, 39 Steel esa.) 3

· 1118. V`lee‘go1e1-hor; éepartmmt of public instruction.-· 1 There shall be nppolutm by the President, by` aud, with the ade

 vice uml weeenlggoi the Senate et the United States, sr vice `1

governor of the Phllimne Idaxgdae who shell here all oi the 1 powers- qt · me Governor General ln the mee ot A vecnney or 1 le€l§{)0l‘}1l']~§07Q}., raigmttou, or dlmblllty ot the Governor t · General, or ieucam-ot his temporsrr ibeemze; the seul 4 vice kovemor shall be the hud ot executive department; · known as the ed@1‘tiI\£ll¢_0I public lnetrpctlou, whlclrslnall lin? · clude me bureau d eduentlosr mid the bumu of health, and `· he may he aeelqam meh emot exéutlve duties es the Gower- 1 _norGe@lmayBe¤l¢ente.* -- f ‘ ,· " Gtiwr humans in the department of imbllc- lnetruc-! · tion on _ A¤5¤¢ N, 1916,* slisll, u;ztll“otl1erwfse prorlded by the 1 lfhillppme be- included le the department, ot the 1 interloxw (Ang. Q, 1016,12. $16, i w, 39 _&tat. 553.)· .. . 1114. exqeeve departments; ieereue or `nbolltion zof ‘ dcmrt¤¤t•.·——-Except" sg `provl®gl otherwise ln tbl; chapter, the exeo¤tive_ departments of the Philippine government shall Q lzontluue ag by t lew prior to August 29, 1918, until otherwise by the Fhllllipiw Leglelocturer The Philip e Dine my by nmroprlnte “ l tloe. www immber or abolish ot the executive de@ment¤ , or make · . ¤D~¢h and dutia thereof gs it may. gee 6% and shall jarovide for the appolutment and or val of the * heads ot the executive departments by the- Governor Generel -:' .

D‘I1\’SL’LAR Possusszozvs _ · · §C112() ’r0v¢ded, That all executive functions of the goverument must ve directly under the Governor General or 'withixi · one of tue `_ pxéeutivé departments under the supervision axfdxeoutrol ot ~ the Governor Geueral. (Aug. 29, 1916, c. Q6, { 22,- 39 ,Stilt. L_ 353.)- · ‘ _ ai _ i· ‘ L ·. QII5. Buteauf of uon·Clu·istiau- ttibes; ‘f¤uction.—-·—The bu- . reau of non-Christian tribes··is established;. whieh said bureau shall bef emorma in one ot the eieeutive departments of the _ E’hilippine government to be by tm. Governor Gen- _· eral. _ It shall have gewrjal supervision over the public affairs- A ’ »f_ the inhabitants of the. Territory, represented in the lxislw ,, zum by ,apporl¤t1ve. senators and · representatives. (lug. 29, L91B, c.·_416. S 22. 39‘Stat. 553.) _ , · . ` . 1116-, Auditor ;` appointment: report on unneoenaary expend-‘ I NBR--There shall be appointed by the President an auditor, p f who ahatl examine, audit, and qettxe a1l accounts pertaining to the revenues and receipts- from whatever of `the. E’h11ippiue·gover¤meut'and_ of the provincial and municipal govmupents of the Philippines, including trust funds and tuods derived from Bond issues; and audit, in occordaizee-` with law md, admi¤_Loti·ative regulations, all expenditures of funds or —. property pertui.n1¤g‘to· or_ held in trust by the government or the Provinces ori muniéipalities theieot; H6 shall perform n like ‘ duty with to all government branches. . He shall `keep the general accounts of the government and presetie the vouchers pertaining .t§erete.` _ . .. ~ ,1t shall be the duty ot the auditor to bring to the attention at the Iproper administrative cmcer expenditures of tmids or ppoperty which,. in' his opinkm, are irregu1u,`·uunee$ry,‘ excessive, or extravagaut, (Aug. 29, 1918, `e._ $16, Q 24. 39 Stat. 553i_June 10,·1@1, e. 18. SI 301, 310; 42 Stat. 28,%.) 1117. Deputy and assidut auditor.-‘1‘here shall be a dep- 1ty·audito1{ appointed in the same manner as the auditor. The aoputy auditor shall sign such (metal papers as the auditor may designateuhud gpertorm such other duties as tm auditor may premribe, and in tease of the · dmth, resignation, sickness. or other absence ot the auditor from his omee, tnjom any cause, the deputy .aud1tor.sha.ll have charge ot such omce. In of the absence from duty, tron; any cause, ot both tm auditor and the deputy auditor, the Governor General may ·desigm1te_ nn" assistant, who shall have charge‘ot tue oGee. “ (Aug. 29. 1916, c. 418,} 24, 89 Stat. 553; June 10, lml, c. 18, if 301, B16, 42,- Stat. %, 25.) ` _ , — ._ · 1118. Adhhiuntive jurisdiction of accounts.-—-The administrative juriqdictiou of the auditor over aqrouuté. whether ot {unda or property, and `_a11 vouchers and records pertaining thereto, shall be eielusive. With the approval ot the Governor General he shall from time to time make and ·promuIg*ate gen; stat or mia aud regulations not inconsistent with law covering the metuod of `accounting fof public tuuds and proped}, and funds and property held in _ trust by government or any of ith branches: Provided, That any omeer aeeouutable tot public`_ tuuds or property? may require such additional re·· ports or ‘1•etums` from his subordinates or others as he may deemrneeesssry for his omi_‘in£or&atiou and protection. _ (Aug. 29,1916. c. .416, § w Stat, 553; June 10;, 1921, e.»18, §§ _301, 810,42Stat.%,25.)· Q· ~ · _ .` 1119. Autlpority to sumnou yritnaa¤es,`.etc.——In_ the execution of thelxi duties the auditoxyaud theydeputy auditor are authorimd to summon witnesses, adminhxtet oaths, and to take evidence, and, up the pursuauee of these provisions; lmay issue __ aubpmuas and enforce ttiepttendauee of witaessea, as now peo- Vided by law. (Aug. @, 1918, c. 416, P24, S3? Stat. Juuo · 10,f1%1, c. `18,»§`| .301, 810, 42 Stat. E, 25.) , e ` . -11%. Decisions Sus}; e$:&ptio;1s.—-—Ttie_ decisious_ of the auditor shall be tiual laid-, conclusive upon the executive bragcbes _0f the govémmeut, except that appeal therefrom map be taken by the pmyty aggrieved or the head dt the de-