Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1655

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2_`\ -. X Q _ .164]. TITLE 48.-—·TERRlTORIE8 - A far` as may; be prnétlcablc: Pefovldd, That sepnrate llcguunts ` Shéu be kept of the transactions under each .fund_ (Aug, 1, ¤1914, c. {4, 38“Stnt. 679.) —— . * ~ 1328; Accounting by wl1ecti¤$‘ a§ceru genernlly.-The collecting cwcers ot the Panama Cnusl shall lfélldél: their accounts by Sgch detail, And shall-~ transmit with jtheilj nccounts ta the; ‘* general Accounting 0@c¢ all suéh papers, records, · and ponies misting to tl_lr transactions ns eollgctqrs as shall”— be pm- §(~i·u»sgl in regulations approved by- the Presid¢ut,· and, in hisjudgment, unt incompatible wltlfthe methods 1)f_8CC0l*lDtlIlg*[ll#gj” m·il>ed—.in chapter 1 of Title 31, Mdxnv mn Fiunzgm, sectiqns [ 4110 58‘incluslve. (Aug. #1, 1914,-c. 223, {5, 38 Stat. 679.) _ ~ 1329. Detail of -t0 nxamine 'lécounts, I etc.; 1-sports bf examination; wmpcnsgtiqn of pnféons detailed.- lu prescribing regulations under section 1328 of thiss title the _ rresident" shall prqvide that Qin lien .0t. furnishing Qto the uonéml Accounting Odlce individual detail collection vouchers, not provided for .inj sind, regulations, twd éompgtsut persons {mm the General Accounting 0$ce, designated by · the Comptrullpr General, shall be séut sémlannually, at such time ns may he designated by the_CQmpt1‘0ller_ General, to the Czuml _Zom—: lu examine the ncchunté and vouchers and verify the sul•`m~ftted mwxluim of collections and ;·epo;·t'ln triplicate [to the General `Alrwuutiug Oillce, and the Auditor of the Panama Canal; and subh persons shall mak¢`_such¢ other examination into the nc- »_ shunts of the Panama Canal as,msy—be directed by the Comp-, tmllvr General, and for all such purposes they shall havn sceysss ‘ to all recordsund papers pertaining thereto., Such exanuinzntibnt and inspection shall UQ mndc for the period povenied `by the persons; designated as soon as practicable, and the report nfjlsuch .pox·»=0ns· shall. be promptly filed. Such persons shnll he furnished their transportation going and returning, including xxmals, and bé paid; a per dlém of $4 from the day of sailing m»m` the United States until, return thereto, both days inclu- 'sivc, in llen·"ot'.subslstence on the Isthmus and all `0the1‘;B¥· pauses, out of such appropriation fox; the Pamunn Canal as may he deslgnatsd`by the governor. (Mat. 3, 191—5,·c. 75, § 3, ,3%‘Stst.886.)· _ · ~ _ _ _ 1330. Extraditinn and- xgéndition `cf fugitives from `justicc.-·-¤ ,111 laws. and treaties- relating to the. extradition · cfs persons , sbcused at crime in force in the Unitecf States, to the extéut ,:1mt theynnay not be in- condict with or suncrseded by any ‘ special treaty—cntsmd into between the United Stétes and the Republic oi Pnnnnm with respect to the Canal Zone, gud, all _. laws relating td the rendition of tugitivss from justice ns hetxvéen the several Stun: and `T€1*1'lt0l‘l€8, -0f jthe United Sumss, shall extend to hud be conslcleréd ln .t(u·c·s in lbs Canal Zane, nnd»£o~1.·.snch·pnrpos& gud such, purposes 6nly’ the Canal Zuun shall be cdnildgrcd and treated as an orgsnlzed Terri.t01‘y· of alle United Statbsl (Aus. 24, 1912, CQ 390, { 12, 37 Stat, 5&.) . @331. Laws applicnblel to seamen df American vessels. at 2 ea shipping mmmidonen; mthnriti tas to - seamen.-- il‘lm laws relating to seamen at vesselsot the United_8tatm on lfvrcign voyggm shall spnly to seamen of all wmals of the Ijnltsd Statw at the Panama. Zone, whether such. vessels be registered or nnmlled and licensed, and ther pvwers in te- Svect at snch seaman of such . smmls bnstowégi. by law npon consular o&c¤rs of the United Btdtes ln_`£¤:·elm`p0rts and upon · shipping émnmlssinners in ports ct the United Ststm am hereby besmwsd npon the shlpplng mmlmlonnr and deputy shipping _ commissioners dn the P _ Canal Zona. (Ang. 21, 1916, c. $7l,$9,%8tat.529,)._. ·· _ . `_ 1332. Psymqta fdr Thin Palm: Llgl1t.·——····N¤ pnyments shall- be I made tas: or other charge th ccmnéctlnn ilth the To1·0_ _P<$lnt Llght, Isthmus cit out at moneys. ct the United Sum nw ot the Penang; Bnllm¤d_Oom¤@¤y. (Ads. 24, 1912,c.355,§$,87 Stat.4S6.) Y ·` _ ~ 1333. Pnnsm Rnllmad Ccmpsnyxlmiunmp and mynchti im i¤deMeh¢¤ to. United Ststcie-—-ht Railroad

, . _ { . . .· wo zzvsvznm rossrssxozvs § 1343 C0mDeny shall carry no insurance to éover marine, or tire losses, nor rneke any further payment `on the principal or interest on notes given prior to March 4, 1911, by it to the. United States ·fo1·”mO¤cJ’8 appropriated for its use. (Mar. 4, 1911, ¢. 285, 512, 36 Stat.`1451.) { _ ’ ‘ ‘ " - _ V . 1334. Payment by Plmsma Rnilroad Company of sumidyg-` Payugnt .by. the Panama _Railroad Gomneny to the United States, in accordance with the treaty with Panama, oi the annual subsidy ot $250,000, as . provided- by the concession _g__ranged by the United States of Colombia; shall not be reqpirecl; __f (June 25, 191D, c.°384, 5 2,36 Stat. 772.) · · , _ , _ 1335. -·Bond;by. Pamun•’.Rai1roed .Cémp•ioffor performance '_0f » contract with Army, Navy, etc;-—The Panama gllallroad ` company Shall not be ·` required to give bond, ‘either· with or without surety, in contracts which it may make to turnish services, materials, or `-supplies, to the Army,’Nayy, Marine QCorps, or other departments of the Government, and Slick c~ontracts may 'be made for periods less than one year, as inay be agreed on, and formal contracts in writing shell not be re- 'quired unless agreed on. - (Mar. 4, 1911, c. 285, 5 6, 36 Stat. 145i>;>~ - · ‘ i 1336. Notaries public.-—The Governor ot the Pnnamn··Ganel shalknppoint ell notaries·pnblic,——preseribe their powers and dntiee, their odicinl sealjnnd the fees to be ehergwedband eollmted by them. °( Sept, 21, 1922,;c. 370, §·1, 42 Stat. ) ‘ . CANALZONE `COURTS -'AND SUBDIVISIQN OF ZONE

 1341. Subdivision of Canal Zone; towns.--The Prwldent is

authorized to determine or cause to he determined what towns shalfexist in` the‘Cm1al Zone and subdieide and from time to- ‘ . time resubdivide said Canal Zonelnto subdlylsions, to be desig·` t noted by name or nnmber, so that there ehnll besitnated one town in each subdivision, and the boundaries of mm subdivision shall be clearlyldetined. (Sept. 21, 19%, e, 370, 5 1, 42 fitat. l004.)* __ ‘ ‘ ‘l`· Q . 1342. Megistrate eourtsg appointment of magistrates and oonstnblen; regulations by Prmdent.·—-·In ·ch town there shall · be a ,ngegistrute’s court with exclusive original jurisdiction éoextensive with the subdivision in-which it is sitneted of `clvll osthes in which the principal exim claimed dem not eiceed $$00, and all criminal cases wherein the pnhishmmt that my be imposed shall not exceed a due ot $100, or imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, or both, and all violationsot police regulstions and ordinances.- and`·al1 potions involving @emon or ` title to personal or the forcible entry end demlner ot real estste; Snehimagistrntes shell elw hold in- ` vestlgstions in ehargw et felony and odfenme under "Section ISQ. of_ this éhnpter and charges of mxeeemeelnor in which the pun- ‘l:shnienf that may be imposed is beyond the jurisdiction herein granted to-the magistrate courts, and commit or bell in Mileble cases to the dletrlét court; A su®oient number of magistrates end coneteblee iwho must be cltineno of the United States, to ` conduct the business of sech courts, ehnll besppointed by the Governor of the Panama Gsnsl for terms of tour years and until their duccwors ire appointed and quelided, end the compeusntion ot snob persons shell be ldxed by the President, or by ‘ his authority, until such time as Congress mey by law regulate . , the snnnes The rnlw governing said courts and prescribing a the dutim of said msglstrdtes and eess¢soxes,.,es:se, and bonds, the times and places of holding sneh courts, the disposition of dues, costs, iorfeltnres, enforeements of judgments, providing for appeals therefrom to the district court, and thedlspoeition, trentmnt, end, pardon of convicts shall be eeteblished by order of the President? (Sept. 21, 1922, c. 370, Q 1,`d2 $tnt. 1004.) h 1343; Appeals magistrate eodrts.——yA;‘gpeals·in civil and criminal cases are hereby authorized from the judgments and rnllngs ot the magistrate courts to the district court under the ” rules null regulations prescribed by section ~6 of Executive order o£=Hsrch 1& 1914, relating to- the Csnnl Zone judiciary: