Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1682

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`;§ 20 ° ‘ TITLE 49.-QTR. Columbia, which valuations, both origirial and corrected, shall he tentative raluations and shall "be reported to Qongress at ° the beginning of each regular session. . é - _ - (g)-—Repo}·ts aadlinformotion to be furnished by confers.- T0 enable the comrnission to makecsuch, changes. and 'correcl tions ln ita valuations ot each Qclass of property, every common rearrior subject to the provialoué of {this; chapter shall make such reportsl and furnish ’such information as the commission · may £jequiré.‘·· . — · " · (h) Notice of completion of tcmtative 1:a1uation,· protests; 5 m»{rJity.of roport'.#y\\’henes‘o·* the commission shall »havé‘· com-

plated the tentative valuationot the property of any common

{ carrier, as tllélréiill directed,__ and Before such valuation Shall become iinal, the commissionxshall. give notice by" registered letter to the said carrier, the·Attor;1€y General of the United States, the governor of.~a11y State in. which the- property so " yalned is located, and to such additional parties as the comnxlssivon may prescribe, stating the valuation placed lupon the several classes of property of . said carrier, and shall allow tnirty days/in whiohto illej a protest of the same with the comnfisaion. · lf no -_protest is Qled within thirty days, said valuation shall become iinal as of the date thereofj · · · (i) Protests; hedrivags; changes in valuations; [ina! valzkaiilon and clt1ssifi¢at£on;—If_ notice of protest is tiled the commission shall i;lx.aZl‘time for Alxeariiig the ,sam¢,.t&ma» .shall·proceed as _ promptly as may be to hear and consider any matter relative; andrmaterial thereto which map __be-` preéented in support_oI ,l any-such protest so med as aforesaid. If after hearing any Qprotest ot such tentative valuation under the provisions of this chapter the commission shall be of the opinion that its valuation should riot. become iina1,'it shall make such changes aa may be necessary, and shall issue an order maklngsuch corrected tentative valuation final as ot_the date thereof. · All tinal_.va1u_ations by the commission and the clasisiflcation thereof shall he published and shall be primafacie evidence of- the

 value of the property at all -proceedlngs under. this, chapter

as of the_ date of the ilxlngd thereoi',·and in all judicial pro- ` ceedinga for the enforcement ot this chapter, and in all judielalproceedinga brouglittto enjoin`, set aside, anmil, or suspend, ln whole or inpart, any order of the Interstate Commerce Commission. . ` ’ . `_ _ __ _ _ (j) Enect of ovidonécos to voluoa; miodmoatton of ordore.-F · It upon the trial. of any action involving a Final value dxed by the- commission, evidence shall be introduced regarding . · such éalue which ·ls_ found by thef court to be dmerent from that oEered upon the hearing'M£ore·the commission, or additional thereto and substantially affecting saldwaluag the court, before. proceedlnk to render, judgment shall transmit 4 copy ·ot_ such evidence to __ tho commission,. and shall stay further _ proceedings ln said action for such time .,aa `the‘court shall N determine from the date ot auch; transrnlaalon. Upon the receipt of such evidence tho_con1mission‘ shall consldeiy the A same and may Hx a ilnal ialue. dllterent from the one ilxed in the drat instance, and may alter, modify, amendor remind any order` which lt has made luvolying said llnal value, and shall report its action thereon to said, court within the tlmo named by the court, It the comgnission shall alter, u modify, or amend lis order. auch altered, modlded, or amended order ahall take the place, of the original order complaiaedfof and jud-glnont shall be lrenderod thereon as though made by tho comirilssion- in the `drst instance. If the .1 original order ishall ·_noti be reaclnded or changed by the comxnlaalon, judgment shall be rendered upon such original order. . o ’ _ ._ (k) Roceiooro and trustooajof oarvtfcra oneotod; .‘80I\6t}‘¤\b“- once with loio»,· penalty.-—'1‘he _ proylalona ot this `soction ahall . apply to receivers of carrlérsand operating trusteax In can ot 'rallure or refusal on the part ot ani carrier, recel_yer,° or _ trustee to, comply with all- the requireinentq ot this section and

ANSPQRTATION 1668 . ln the manner preecribed by, the commlesion such carrier] ¤ recoixer, ~0r.— trustee shall forfeit to the. United _§tat;ee the sum of $500 for eech_‘euch.°o1tenee_ and for xeachlend everyday oth the continuance of such ofenee, such forfcltures to lie recov- ·erdble‘·‘in the Same rnanner as other forfeitures provided jo: in section 16 of this chapter. _ . — . Q `. (I) Mandamua to compel compliance with low.-+-The district" courts of the United States shall have jurisdiction, uponfthe J upplicntlop of the Attorney General` ot the United" States .nt° the req¤e.$fot the`c0mmissio11,‘ alleging a tnilnré to comply with or. a violation of auy- of the provisions of tlile section by eny common, carrier; to` issue e writ or write ot maudamue com- —» mnnding such common carrier to comgly with the provisions of this section. .°(-More-_1,—1“913,_c. 92, 37_ Stat. `701;cFeb. 28, .1920;_c. 91, § 433;*11. Stat; 493; and June 7, 1922, c. 210, §§ 1, 2, 42 stat. 624.).* l · __ - ’ V t 20. Reports,¥records, ‘and accounts of carricrsf memlamus"; t liability of initio] chrrier for lesszg ctc.—···( 1) gimme! reportsol i carriers ,· contents; _-un·iform__ooe0unts.g—Tho Jconlmission, le l authorized to require annual reports from ,:111 comntnu carriers y subject to the provisions `ot this chapter; and from the owners of all railroads engaged in interstate commerce as donned in this chapter, to prescribe the manner in which such reports I shall be znade,_ 'ancl to require fr0m ouch carriers specltie t answers to ell questions upon which the commission may . » 'l1€(3d·iDfoTID8ti0l1.. Such annual reportseholl shew in detnil ’ the amount =ot_capital stock issued, the amounts paid therefor, ’ nnd· the manner of `payment `for the same; the dlvidende " paid, the surplus; fund, `if any, und the number of stock-` holders-; the funded and iloeting debts end the interest · paid thereon; the cost and value- of the carriers property, franchises, and equipments; the number ot employees end the salaries. paid each Aclnss; "t11e_ eccidents to, passengers, lem-

ployees, and other ‘·persons, and the causes thereof; the

amounts expended for improvements each year, how `éimnded, and the character oi such 'im·prove%ente; the earnings and o receipts from each branch .01 business and from all eources; _ the operating and other 'expenses; the balances ot prodt end loss; and a ccomplete exhibit of the Hnencinl operations ot the J carrier each yeer including an annual helanee sheet.! Such · reports shall else contain such tntormntion in relation to rates .. or regulations. concerning. three or trelghfs, "or. agreements, `. arrangements, or fcontrects- emecting? the nemo ee the commie l sion may require; end the kommlssion may, in its —discretion,_ for the Dl11'D0Se of enabling it the better to carry,. ont the fl purposes or- this chapter, prescribe a, period of time within which .all‘ common carriers (subject to the provisions ot this l echepter. shell heye, as near ee they be, e ennitorm system ot ` accounts, andthe `menner in which such `aceonnts shall be kept.‘-’-~ `- * _°._ `· · `(2) Period covered by and timeffor shaking reports; mmtthte and special reports; penalty for om£a•&ona;.———Sald detailed reports Q$ha1l`c0ntain ell the required etatistim for the perlod ot »twelv`é months ending on the.30th dey ot June in ach year, W - or on the 31st dey ot in eech yeer it the commission . _by order substitute that pel·1oo=:§: the yeer ending June 3011:, and. shall he made out under oath and Bled with the commiselon at `fteowce in Woshlngtonwithih threwmontlia eftér the ` close of the year for which the report as mede,.nnleee additional time be granted in any case bye the commission; and it eny - ca rrier, person; or corporation subject to the` prorisions ot this chapter hehell tall t make endhle mid ennunl reports within the time above e edt or within the `timeextendecl by the commlésion, for lngind Bling theo. mme, or shall tell toe make specldc `e·new__ to' any `oueetion authorized by_`the_u_pro¥ visions of this section within thirty days from the time it `lh Whwhlull required ·80 to do. Bitch party shell forfeit to the _ _'U¤ited Btetee the sum ot_$l00_tor eech end every dey it shall