Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1712

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§ 137 mmnu sent liimselt as having n Iicenée issued under this chaptef, when he has not such 4 license, or as having d license dimarent in form or in conditidus from the one which he ·in fact has, qr without proper authority make, cause to be made, issue or exhibit anything purporting or pretending to` be such license, or intended to mislead any person into believing it is such a license, 0; to refuse to exhibit his license to any peace omcer, Federal 0or State, or representative- of the Bureau ·0£ Mines. (Oct. 6, 1917, c. 83, 5,14, 40 Stat.` 388.) · · . - 137. Disclosure by in8pcct0rs,'and so forth, of information · obtained in course of chzial duties.-—N0 inspector or other employee of the` Bureau of Miues·‘sha11 divulge any information obtained in the course of his duties unclerthis chapter regarding the business of any licensee, or applicant for license, with- -0ut authority from the applicant for license or- from the Director -0f the Bureau fof Mixfes. (Oct. 6,_ 1917, c. 83, 5 15, 40 Stat.388.)».°· - · ¢· Q 5 ¥ Q38. Placntds on premi?ses_‘used for mgnxufacturqor ptoragc 0of_ cxpl¤sives.——Every person authorized under this_ chapter to magfufacturc or store explosives 0; ingredients shall clearly mark and deiine thé premises on which his plant lor magazine

 may ·ba· and Shal} conspicuously display thereon the Kvords

" Explosives-—·Keep OGL" (Oct. 6, 1917, ,c. ’83, § 16,- 40 Stat. 139. Exclusion 0??ublic fr0in· jilacéb of manufacture or storage; dischnrgetcf Hrenrms,0 and so forth, at,: on, or near premises.——Nq parsqn, without the consent of the gwuer, dr his authorized, agents, except peapc officets, tHe` Director of the ,"Buréa£1 of Mines and -p0rs011s designated by him in writing, shall be in or upon any plant or premises on whiqh explosives are manufactured or stored, or bg in gr; upoiii any magazine premises on which explosives are stbredj i101•.sha11 any'pe1·· sou discharge any firearms of throw or 'fxiqce any explosives or iuf1a&mable bombs at, 011, or against any such} plant or magazine premises, or guise the same t0· be done. (Oct. 6, 1917, c. 83, 5 17, 40 Stat. 388.) .` , .J _ · 140. Rules, and regulations for—1—The Director of the Bureau of Mines is hereby authorized to make rules gud regulations for carrying into cttgct this chapter, subject to the approval bf the Secretary of the Interior, (Oct. 6, 1917, c. 83, 5 18, *40 Stat. 388.) " - `_ ° g 14*1. Penalties fo; violations of lam--·Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter, or any rules of regulations made thereunder, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished- by·u dna of ¤0fm0re`tbau $5,000_·0r. by imprisompeut not more than one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment. ° (Oct. 6, .101*7, c.,88, ‘§ 19, 40 Stat. 388.) · _ 142. _ Investigation af explosions and Gres.--The Director of the "Bm·eau: of Mines lol hereby authorized tb investigate B11 explosions and mm which may occxér in mines, quarries, fac: tcries, warehouses, magazines, houses, cm·s,° boats, ~c0¤vjeyances, i `axad all placca in which explosives or thetingrsdients thereof are manufactured, transported, stared, 0I‘_\1S&d, gud .shul1,#in his discretion, report his spdiugs, A in such manner as he may » detain Bt, to the proper Federal or Stats authorities, tp the end ' that it such gxplmiou has been brcmght about . by a willful 'act the person or www causing such aéf may be proceeded agsiinst snr; brought W Jpstice; 0:, it mid cxplosicg has been ’ brought about by accidental means, thnpprécautioxxs my be tqken to prevent similar accidents from occurring. ·I¤ the émsecutiou at sushi investigations the emp10yee&°0!_tha Buu ot Mipes are hereby granted the authority to cuter the premise! where sméh explwion or Bm his occurred, to examine. plans, becky, and papers, td administer mths to,. and to examine ali wit¤esm' and peméua concerned, without let 0;* hibdrauce on the pmt at the owner, l , cperhtor, or agent thereof. (Oct}. 6, 1017, c. 83, S 20, 40 Stat. 888.) 0

so.-WAR 1698 t 148. Agencieé available for enforcement of l•w.—-·=The Direc.

for oi the Bureau of Mines, with theaapproval of the President,

is `hereby authdrlzed tougilizei such agents;. agencies, and all ~ odtcers ·ot the U xiited States and ot the several States, '1‘err-i- tpries, dependencies, and municipalities thereof, and` the Dk; trict ot Columbia, ‘ in the. execution of this chapter, and · an agents, agencies, and all officers ot · the United States and or t the seieral States and Territories, dependencies, and munici- ‘pi1Hties thereof, and - the Diétrict of Columbia, shall herebyr e have full authority for all acts done by them in the execution t of this chapter when actin y the- direction of the Bureau ot Mines.- (Oct. 6, 1 21, 40 `Stht. 389.) A 144.* Platinum, iri ,' m, •m1,‘paIladih¤i.—PIe.tinum,_ iridium, and palladium and compounds thereof gre héreby- made sub-· jectatc the terms, conditions, hud liinitatiéns qt this chapter, · and the Director of the Bnireeul ot; Mines is hereby authorized, . under rules aud" regulations approved by` the Secretary ot ` the·I1iteri0r,.t0 limifthe sale, possession, and the use of sei;] material. l (July 1, 1918, c. 113, § 1, 40 Stat,671.) Chapter 9.-—·AIRCRAF'1‘a` t l Sec; - ‘ - _ _ . 151._Advis0ry Committee for Aerohzmtles; establishment and duties. I 152, Otlice space for Aglvisory Committee. · `» 153. Annual reports by ggdvieqty Committee. _ t Section /.151. Advisory Committee for Aercmnutits; estab-

 lishment and duties.4—An Advisory Committee for Aeronautics

is hereby esthblished, and the President is· authorized to “ appoint net td exceed twelve {members, to consist of two ` members from the`- War Department, from the 9H1ce°i¤ charge of military aeroriauticsz two.members· from the”Navy Depart· _ ment) ‘frdm the ,0mée ,111 charge bf naval aerensutice; Q_ 4 representative edéh, pt the Smithsonian Institution, of the · United States Weather, Bureau, and of the United States Bureau of Stanclardsa/together with not more than me addi- Yionhl persons wl;0. shall be acquainted with .th€.1lB€€¥S at _ aeronautical science, either civil or rnilitary, or skilled in "'heronautical engineering- - or its allied sciences: Provided, That the mcuiberst of the `Adviécryl Committee fer Acre- . . uautiés, as such, shall servo without compensatiouf Proeideé further,-'Sl`haif it shalfbeettne duty of the Adv}sery$%mmittee fqr A.e_r01iuutlcs to` supervise, gud direét the strlen c" study dt the bmblems of iight, with n view. to their` practical: .s¤1{1tipx1, add to determine, the prebiems which should ·be__experimentally attacked, and to disease their solution and their ; appliéation to practical questions. In the event of a labora- _t0ry or laboratories, either in whole or ih part, being placed under the direction of the committee, the cbmmittee may direct aqd cend_uct‘ research and experi¤i’ex1t·.in aeronautics in I such laboratory or laboratories: And apmvideé farther, That rules and regulations for the conduct of the work ’0t the committee shall he formulated by the committee- and. apprcyedhby th• Preeident. (Mar. 8, 1915, e. &, 38 Stat. @0;) 152;.. Olce space for Adviaory Cenmittee.·—·»The Smeeretury of War is_ an revised and directed to "tmriinh 0Qce space to the N&t10ual`};%·is0ry· Committm for Aerenainties in govern- . menu! buildihgs eccumed bl the Signal (July- 1. 1918,1:. _113, { 1; 40 Stat. 650.) . ·_ —_ " · J `. _ 153. Annual reborn by Advmiy Cetnnittee.;-Q-,&n annum report to the Gongresé shall be__§ut;mitted by the- cemmittec through the President, Zi¤c1ud@ itemized statement ot expenditures. _ (Mar. 8, 1915, G, 88, 88 Stat: %0.) `

 Chapter 1  GAS. ‘

xg. Acquhiltlen A•¤d_ reservation of helmmqis laude; prodection pf helium ns. _ - ‘ · I 183. Navy. Department authorised te acquire beltgmjan lands und to _ producesnq experiment with helium gee. ‘ - ., # — ’