Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1883

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1869 ANAL Yr10AL INDEX a , j_ Art, Sec. Cl; Page Ieritime jezrixidien. The iudiclel power shell extend to ell exam 0 °' “°mi"““’ 'M -··—-—- ~ —---·--- - ... - ,,. r s 1 was yang; and reprisal. Cen@ shell have power tc grant letters 1 8 56

  ---3 ------------..--. · -.-.. -- 11 18

Neemesbailnmtemhtmset ...-.-...- - .. 1 10 1 ms? yerylmd entitled te aix Representatives in the Qrst C --... 1 2 8 18.5.5 ileseeckeeeettsentitled toeight Repreeentetivesln the nrst Cengreee. 1 2 3 1955 Jymeree. Cmrm shall tlx the standard et weights and . -..- 1 s e me yedznq of Congress, The C0 sliell aeemble at least once in ( every year, end such meetinxshnll be on the Mm Monday in December, unless they ebelt y lay epmint • different dey- 1 4 2 1856 Ie meere at Cougrm end ee! State kgisleturee shell be beund by {mh er e$rm•tion teenppcrt the Gomtitution 6 -— 3 18.58 Mszétie te execute the lavglsupprem Insurrecticns, and repel invesiens. Ce¤K¥® sh pwvide for nailing forth the .. 1 8 15 1856 Cengress elglall provide for ergenizing, arming, and disciplining . , the- ... ‘ -. .. ,. . - . - 1 ·8 16 1855 ysiixéa tc exemxte the {awe, snppres insurregztions, and repel invasions. Conmw shall grnvide forufeveming such part ol _ mem as mngwbe empleye by the U ted States 1 8 16 1856 Rwving toil: States the appointment of the omcem and the ali E | right to tram the militia. according to the discipline pracribed by Cengrmeu ,. -- l- I 8 16 1856 A weékreguleted militia bei neemary to the security of n free State, the right ctx?-:e§e tc keep and beer arms shell not be inirimed. _{A ments]- ..,... · ... - _ 2 ·-· —— 1858 Hwdemeeners. The %dent, Vlee·President, and ell civil. otheers elm!} be removed an imlgeechment fe: and conviction of ‘ tr@n,bribery,¤rmherhl erimeeend ,,... r . 2 4 —— 1858 Money on the credit of the United States. Cengrw shall have ~ power to bermw ‘ . ’ ... 1 8 2 1856 Regulate tne vvlne tleereel en;} of lemgn eein. Congress shall · · hnve mwerte oe§n-., - . e · 1 8 5 1856 Shall b6dl’8`U·B{¥‘0¤lt~K8T! Y but in eomequencenfeppro- " nrietinns made by law. None. . 4 4 . - f 1 O 7 1857 , Stull be published frcnulme tc time. A reculnr statement and ‘

!1B!. ei receipts and expenditurw ot public  8 . - 1 9 7 1857

For raising and supporting No appropriation oi money ‘ she?] be for n longer term than two years . L .. 1 8 12 1856 \ H . { Hanan:. Cengesa shell have power te commerce with fereign- ..,.. -. -; ... .. 1 8 3 1856 · Cen shell provide for punishing otlelwle ¤¢¤inst the lay of- 1 8 10 1866 Nature!-horn wma • ddzen at the edoggn ol the Constitution, · shall beeligi tetbeeteeethesi . Nepencnexcepte. 2 1 4 1857 = Nemrazizuien. Cowes null have power to eueblhh e uniform · ’ rule oi- ,.,.. ; .. - ..,..,.. 1 I 4 _ 1856 Neéwelized in the United States, and subiect to their jurisdictional snail be dtizens of the United Staten end cl the States in wh! ‘ they resi®. All persons born, er. [Amendmentsl-!.-, 14 1 —. 1880 _ Nami {eine:. Cengees shall make rules ind nwulstions for the geve: tandregnlationet.thele.ndand .. _ 1 8 14 1856 Neve. Congress shell have potato prevlde and•in·‘s . 1 8 13 1856. · New Hen•pxhi~r¢`entitled to three Representatives in the first Cen- _ _

-··...-.--•-..•-..--;...-•-..---•..---..•--..-.--,4.--------..• I 3 3  

New Jam entitled to {cnr Repreeentetivee in the nm Ccngrem"- 1 2 3 1855 New Sma may be edinitted by Cengrm inte this Union 4 8 1 1858 But ne new State shall be termed- within the jurisdiction o! r S metber State without the eeneent of Congess .. , ... . 4 8 1_ 1858 _·Nor shall any State be formed by the junctmn of two or more .- ~ V Stem er mm-cl Ststeetwitlwut the cement ol the lmeleturee . . and el Cannes .. , ..,... - . . ... 4 I _ 1 1858 New York entitkd to six Representatives in the mst Cenzreeed.; 1 2 3 1855 Nobilily shell beagsnted by the United States. No title 04.;--,-.- " 1 _ 9 8 _1857‘ No Stetesh yentsnytitleci .. - ...-- 1 10· 1 1867 Neerindiosee fer e&e¢ b the President. Tlm Prmdent shall noun- “ . nete, end, by and with the advice end cement ol the Senate, shall appoint em&doa·s md other public o$eere . 3 S 2 1857 · He 1;nay· gmt ecmmissinne in S11 vemneies that happen in the mem el the Senate, which shell expire at the end el their next » ‘ - semen,- - ... ?-;;--._.-.. ..,. e .. 2 2 8 1857 · North Uarellsa mtltled te Bye ntstives In the tlrst Congress. 1 2 3 1855 Number of deden hr Pr$den and Viee·Preslmnt in each State · "ehnli beequal to the num ei Senators and Representatives _ ‘ te which eucb‘Stete may be entitled in Coupes: , I . 1 2 18§7 ig _ Ow: clays: ettbe President of the United States. Form c!tbeQ--. I 1 7 1857 Ont}: or eyirspdten. Ne warrants shall be xmd but upon prebeble mnae mmwerted by. [Amendments] ., ...,.. . 4 ·- -· .1859 Oath or eglrmetion te snppeft the Cemtttution. Senatms and · ~ ggixuentetives, members ei State legislatures, exemtive judicial ewes: ei the United States end 01 the several . · Stetemshnllbebcnndby - ... 8 5-- 8 1858 But no relmnue ever required es e queliticetinn for 6 · 3 1858 The ``' Bum; °°'' {6 ii§°i£Ep¤•m¤m§ `“°’°"' {Bum '°` Si "6£ZEZZ` 1 s e me Objection:. I! be net appreve lt, the President shell return V ’ » the bill to tw Hme in whim it originated with niet. ,..,.. 1 7 2 1856 QbB@¤e!e•¤e·4d:. NeState•b•l1p••emyexpcett•etelev, · . - or lsv impairln; the--,--z-e---...,. ... 4 ... J,- 1 18 , 1 1857 0U inem·redln•ldeti i¤nernbdllcn•¢•lmth• . ` UnitedStete•tebebeldl1lemlsndveld._AHdebte¤r. _ » ‘ [Amen@nt.s]-,---;, - ..,. .; ., - .. ,. . 1 4 4 -··— 1860 Ojmre. No person shall be twine put in jeopardy of lite or limb _ fertbesame. [Amendments] .. ...; .. 5 ·- -· 1859 Oicnaee against the luv d nations. Cengres shell provide lor _ . pnmhing ,,,, , _,,,,,,.,,,.. ;- ,.,... ; ... 1 8 18 1856 Aglnst the United States, except in ceeee ot impeachment. he President my grant reprieves or perdons fer",- .. 2 .2 1 1857

FO O ONS TIT UTI QN Art. Soc. C1. Page mice quder the United States. No person shall be a member of mgm; ligugg whjig §gldi¤g any dvi}, _____ , _______,, - ,___,___ 1 ww No Scpamr or Rep~1*esa¤taLi»·e shalk be appcinwd $0 any c&m under the Uxgimd States which shall have Ima created, or its » erqdumenmnncywsad, during tbetermforwhichhcisclectoé. 1 G 2 @5*5 Or gztle ci any had from any king, priszce, cr {Meigs Stmv, vmhoum the consem of Cxmgxesaa Ne persmx homing any 0f’§_¤c uzxder the United States shall accept of any pres-ani, gmg];;mg¤;_ ____ __ _________ _ ____________________ ___ ___________ 1 Q 8 ]§5'f )Mce of Pgwident, in casa mféhis rcm©va§,_<ic:a2;h, resignaaiom, $1* mabxmg, sha}! dzvnlvg on the Vice·Fr0sidm1$. The powers gg?} dutigs of {hgh _ _ ; _______ _ _________ _ _____________________ 2 1 § ]g5? During the term ci four years. The President and *~·fic€· Pyggggjgpfxghgll hglg ____ _ ____ ____” __ _______ __ __“____ ___a__ _*___ _ 2 X 1 E5? Of trust QI profit under me United States shall be an electm fog Presaqgnt and Vice·Presidsm,. No person homing an- A- 2 i 2 13.57 Cwxl or mmtary under the United Simms, or any Staie, who had taken an myth as a legisiazive, execuzivei, cs indium.] 0®ccr of the Umtad States, or of any State, and afterward engaged lll iusurrecticu or rebellion. No perscn shall be a Senator, Representative, or Presidentiai ctectwa, sr 2mEd any. [Amendments] .,_,_,__, __ __________________________ 14 3 ... Oghrera in the President plone, in the courts of law, or in this heads pf Departments. Congress may vest the appointment of 1¤!ermr_.-_ t_ - ____,___ _,______________ _ __”_______ _ _______ 2 2 2 gy; ‘ ‘ Of the Ungtcgi Steam shall be removed on impcachmcuz im aqd convxctxon of treason, bribery, or other high czimes and xpxgdcmeauors. Tho Pmsidcat, Vi4;e·Pmsident, and all <>¤v¤L- . ·- . -- . - . 2 4 -- mg The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and .7 ¤ther-..- ... -  ; .. - 2 2 5 1555 The Senate, in the absence of the Vice-President, sha}? choose

_ 8 President protzmpcrc, and aismheir cme
,..,_,,,,,.*,,,, 1 3 5

Ojigea becoming vacant in the mom of me Senate may be {med by the Pgesident, the commissions to expire at the end of the _ nut s;ess¤0n.-.-i ,3 . A . ---- 2 2 3 0m·jilth ot the members present, be entered on the iourml of web ¤ .· House. The yeas and nays shall, at the dmre of ,... -.9 . 1 5 Es Opinion of the principal cmczrs in each ot the.Emcmiw 1)%- · _ ments on any subject relating to their dutiw. The 1- ident uiay require the writ.tex;,-..; . 2 2 2 ESL}? Order, resolution, or vote (except on a question of sdicummemt.) requiring the ooucurrenga at the two Houses, shall be pre- · qentod to the President. Every", ... ; 1 7 3 186-6 Original jurisdiction, in all cases aiiocting ambwdors, other public ministers, and mmuls, and in which a Sim may bc , a party. \Tho Supmm Couruhall have  ;-- 3 2 2 @.5% Over! uct, or on confession in qpcu court. Conviction of tmnscu - shall be on the testimony of tw witmmw to the.: ,. 3 *3 1 28.58

Pazdom, except in cases of impwchmerit. W The President may — graut.repri0ves·and--; ... · . . -i ... · 2 2 1 1857 Patent right: to inventory Congress may pass laws for secm·ing-- ,1 S 8 18é6 Peace. · Members of Congress shall not be privileged. from arrest _ ` for treason, felony, and breach of the ..,.. _; . - 1 6 I 1856 No Stats shall, without the ¤o¤:se¤&_o! Congress, kwp troops \ ‘0r ships of war in time of---..--, T .t ; 1 10 3 1857 No soldxer shall be quartered in guy house without tha com ,. sent ot the ming; in time ol. [Amendments] ... ..--- 3 —·- —· 1859 Pensions and bounties shall not be q¤¤gticned.— Tug validity of the public debt incurred in supressing iusurrectxou and rebelion against _ tho United States, including tho debt {or. [Amendmc¤ts]--,i; ... r T ... I4 _4 —- 1860 X Pennsylvania entitled to eight Representatives in the tirst Con- · grcSS.,,,,-Q,,.7.,,...,..--.1,,.-..---;-.!-..-..•..--•-•--•·»-•-·--···•···••• 1 2 3 People, p¢a<:eably‘t¤ assemble and "tition for rcdreps ot griev- · sums, shall uotbe abridged by ggnzrws. The rxght of tho. . [Amendments] .. ;--;--._ ·... I ,.-· -— 1359 To keep and beg: arms shall no; be iutraqged. A waikregulated militia bcing necessary to the security ci ar free State, the right of the. [Amwdménts] .. ----; 2 -· ··—— 1859 T0 be secure in their persons, houm, papers, and eilccgs, · against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be vm- . lated. The right of the. [Amendments], _ .., - .. 4 —- -- 1859 People. The enumeration of 'certain rights in tha Constitution _ shall not be held to deny 9: dispamgo others retained by v the. [Amendments]-, ., L ...e 9 — — 1859 People. Powmzs not delegated to tho United Sum. mx- mv- · ” ‘ hibitcd to the States,. swresarved to the States or tp the. _ [Amendments} ,... - . ... 10~ ··-· -- 38w Perfect Union, &c. To establish d mm. [Preamble] .. ;-;-... ·-=- ·-· -—· 1855 Pmovw houses, papers, and edects against umcascxzmble searches mid seizures. The peopln shall be secured in their. {Amendments] .. z J ... ; -- 4 -— — 1859 Persona, as any State may think proper to sdmig, shall qos be · _ · p; ISQ. The migmtiou cr xmpcrtstxon ot 1 9 1 M6 'mc ••···•n••»¤•••¤·•-·•••··new--•.•••:••••····••—••··••»•••-·•••••••••••»••·4 _ But as tax or duty of ten dollars shall bc impcmd ou the im- · pcrtaticu of mh ut such . ... 1 _! , I 1856 Petition for the redress of grievances. Congress shall make no_ - law abridging the might ot tha people peawsbly to assemble _ and to., [Amendment-sl . - . 4 .,. , 1 — -— 3#~59 Piraeus and felonies committed on the high seas. Ccngres shall . define and wnish .. - . . _ . 1 B #9 1556 Place than that in which the two Hcxussqshnll be sitting. Neither . . Home during the session shall, mthemt the mmeut-of the · A ether, sdiourn for gmrc than three dgys, nor to any wher--- 1 6 4 1856 Pla: wh i Sens! . C0 méy by law make or {alter \ ¢8 ng{¤r theogactiou 5 Senators and Raprcaomxnves, _ except asto {ha ...,. .;7 .. , z. _ --. I C I 1356 Ports oi one State over those ol sucthes. Pmlcmncn shall not be Q __ ~ given by any regulation of cnmmmca or revenue to the 1 9 ·6 las; Vwsnls clearing from the portscf one State shall not pay duties _ in another ..----...* 1 9 6 185·