Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1884

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ANALYTICAL INDEX k ¤;‘ .,.*. - .. .--.. I 5 7 1866 e

s~-4•Iih•e•¤•4hGe¢·••. Ahlqismive. 1 r — 1855

Ihqétzegte i httewvtexortnsny

     lQ§’!$ @  ~&·   thewn l 3 1} 1855

= e e$t¤,ertn•@yetth•Pne· Q90•QQOD••Q!QQ¢t••••Q•¤•••••••••••••••••••••••• ’ 1 · l'in~•¤nert t•¤e§¤!2•d Stnteenor mohihitedto the

t•t2heStst¤ and to the people [Amench 10 ‘ 1869

The ;•r&¤• el eerteh rights in this Comtitution shalt nethehelitedenyormpengeethers retained by the pee;. [Ane&m¤§ .. - . 9 — —- 1859 hefuw, by my regnletton d commerce or revenue, shall not be gsen to the posts of one State over those of another 1 2 6 1857 Pniuiec engl claims d the United States or of any particular &•te_ the territory w property M the United States. Hot-hum in this Constitution shell . - ,.. 4 2 2 1858 Present, ensolument, odlce, or title ot any kind whatever from any king, prince; or foreign State- N eperson holding any ones 4 unda the United Staes shell, without the consent of Congm, accept any .. - .. - . 1 2 8 1857 Prcemrnrsst or indictment of n grand jury, except in woes arising in the land or navel forces, or in the militia when in oc service. N o person shell he held to answer for a capital or othwwise intnrnorrscrimeunless on e. [Amendments] . 5 — —- 1859 President of the United State:. The Senate shall choose e Presi· 8 dent pro temper: when the Vice-Prmident shell exercise the . I oéeeot ... _ .. { .,.,... 1 3 5 1855 i The Chief Justice shollpreszde upon the triel of the-, .. ;-- 1 3 6 1856 Shell approve and sign all bills passed by Congress before . tmy shall become laws- . - 1 ..,. _ - 1 7 2 1856r Shall return to the House in which it originated, with his . _ , objections, any hillwhich he shell not approve-- ,-.---- 1 7 2 1856 § It-not returned withm ten days (Sundays excepted), it shell · · become a law, unless Congress shall adjourn before the - . expiration ot that time---- . - . - .. ·1 7 ·2_ 1856 Every orderj resolution, or vote which requires the concurrenoe ol both Houses, except on e question of adjournment, · shnll be prexnted to the---` .. s ..,... 1 7 3 18.56 It disepproved by him, shell be returned and proceeded on as r in the ceseot e bill------ . . ..,.. 1 7 3 1856 The exewtive power shall hevested in e .,.. - 2 1 r 1857 He shall hold his @oe during the term of four years ...,. - 2 1 1 1857 In ol the re?ovnl ofntaliemlgmégeéxt from ogioe, (octet his _ . nt-r·esx§aton,ori ‘y ieohuge-e uieso — ‘ his oéce, Vioefresident shell perform the duties of . 2 1 5 1857 Conpes may declare, hy love, in the case of the remove-l, _ ~

 or mobility of the Presxdent, what ot; *·

nce: 8 oct as- .. , _ 2 1 Q 1857 The Prenctent shell moerve e compensetron which shall not - be incrmsm nor diminished dnringshis term, nor shell he receive any other emolument {corn tm United States .. 2 1 6 1857 Bdore he enters upon the execution of hisomoe he shall take ; nn oath oiomee-.---1 .. ; - L . - 2 1 7 1857 Shell he eonunender—i,n-chief of the Army end Navy end of _ ‘ . the mtime et the States whenscslled into actual service 2 2 1 1857 · Hs meyrequlre the oginton, in writing, of the principal 0Q{$fl¤9Q(2h0{$X xecutiv•Depertments . . 2 2 11857 He nay aunt reprkves or pordons for o¤enses, except in cases otimpeeehmmt----. --;.--; 1 L 2 2 - 1 1867 He xniey mote treetres by and with the advice end consent of the &no-te, twethirds of the Senators present concurring-,. 2 2 2- 1867 He may appoint, hy and with the edvieepnd consent of the . Senate, axnbasedces, other public ministers and consuls, jndges ot thesuprezne Court, end all other omcers whose eppointvnts rney he authorized, by low and not herein _ 2 2 2 IB`. · ' p!`0Vl§ N - .. ..--4,..· ... . $7 Coupons easy vest nt1nent oi inferior officers in the- 2 · 2 2 1857 He may ntl ng ell v that may hegpen in the recess ol _ · the Senate 1 commissions which expire et the end _ olthetrnextsemon- . ;.. -2 2 3 1857 Heshall gave informstien to Congreseof the state of the Union, — 7 endreconxmend %s¤res ..,.. - ,2 3 —- *1857 On_extreordin•ty &lons he may convene both Houses or enther . ;;---.. . · -- 4---. ... , -... · 2 I —‘ 1857 In cose cs dtsegeeement between the two Houses os to the · s time ot adjournment, he may edjournthem to such time I . os he may think -.- ; ...- — 1 .-...-. ; ...-. $2 3 ·-- 18457 He shell receive • end other gxblic ministers ..-... 2 3 -· 18.57 He shell take core that the lows be {sith léy executed -... ‘ 2 3 -- 1857 He shsll lonellthe oQe¤·solthe mted States .. 2 3 ·-·- 1857 On impumment fer, end conviction ol, treason, bribery, or other high cum end xnisdemesnors, shell be remover! from ‘ olliee. The- --.. - .,-,,..-...-. - ..,. ;. , .. 2 4 ·—- 1858 No person except s nature!-born citwen, or e citizen oi the United States et the adoption of the Constitution, shell be' -· elngnble to the omce ol-- - -..- - ...--.. 2 1 4 1857 No person who shell not have attained the nge oi thirty-five - years end heen s citizen of the United States . - shall he eligible to the ce of---- .----..-.. - ., ; -.,. 2 1 4 1857 Presidmtnnrl V§¢c·Pr¢s£dml. i Manner ol cheering. Eech State by nts wm, she1l‘ep&elnt s number ot electors equal t to the .w number of estore ond Reprmentetivee to p which the State may be entitled in the (-Tongues .-..,... *2 1 _ 2 1857 No Senator or Reprwentstive or person ho ing en omce o! e _, trust or psoilt under the United States shall be on elector-- 2 1 2 i 1857 Congren may determine the tim eo! choosing the electors and , J the dey onrwmeh they shell give their votes, which dey __ shell he theeeme throughout t s United States:---i. .--.--. 2 1 8 1857 The electorsshell meet in their resgective States end vote . - by ballet for President and Yioe= resident; one of whom, ~ et leon, shell nd be on lnhebxtant of the same State with . themselves. [Amchnents] ..-----..-... - -- ...-.--. 12 3- ·- 1860 They shell name in distinct ballots the person voted for as e President end the person voted for ss* Vice-Prwident. ‘ * r · [Amendments] ..---.. - -.-..-..-.- .. ..--. , .--.--. .. .--- -.- 12 -1-. ··-·- 1860

TO COASTITUTION 1870 - _ Att. 800. Cl. Page President and Vice-Pmldent. Banners! otooeiu; They shan mate dwnct 1% of the persona voted lor u freadent and a•\·’l>ee P t srhichtheyshalln.mandcert1fyand¤·ants— mitiealedto the Pr¤ldentdtheBenateatthe•eatotgovern» 13 men . tel .. -; . l- . - -— 1 Th·;g’r§ldent’ ‘etthe8enatesha¤,lnth•·§¢·£?énceottheSer‘i•§‘ta Em thevotsdulltmnbeeemted. [Amendmenm; .. 12 -· ·—·» 1350 The person having the gmt nnmbwof votes shall be the Prmldent, it au® num be a majority ot the whole number ot electors appdnted. { dments) --- ... 12 -- -—- mag Ilnogersonhave•uchmal¤rity,thmtre•nthe§¤¤havlog the igheotnmhera,notexeoedingtmee,o¤_ wolthm voted for as Pmident, the Home ot shall choostillmmediately, by mlloto the Preddmt. [A · 12 men . -- .,,, - ...,.,.., ,,., ..,..,,, - -- lag;} In chooaxng the Pmident, the votes shall be takm by States, the representation from each Stato hanm one vote. {Amen mental"- .. - ..e...,.e.. $2 - ·-—-— 1%-ii A quorum for this purpose shall eomiat ot a member or xne·m· bers from twoéthirds of the States, md a malwity of all the States shall bonecemry toacholce. tgmend@tsl ... 12 -— — lém But if nochoioe shall be ma® before cth of March next following, then the Vice-Prmident shall act as Prmident, aa in the case of the death or disability. ot the Prmdeat. {Amendments}. ., L ,...,,.,... .. ,,‘,, 12 -· »-·· 13:;; President of the Smale, but shall have no vote unless the Senate be _ equally divided. Tho Vice-President shall be . y ..,.. 1 3 4 185.3 Presideatpro tempere, In the absence ol the liioe-Eminent the Senate shall choose •--- .. - .. .,. l 3 5 13.55 When the \'ice—Preaident shall exercise the otllce ol President of the United States, the Senate shall choose a , . ,.,, l 3 5 1555 Press. Congress shall pass- no law abridging the freedom ol speech or of the. [Amendments] e l.,.. l -·-· - lem Previoua. condition ol servitude. The right of citizens ol the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State, on account of race, color, or. [Amend mental ... -._ . 15 1 - 1561 Private property shall not be taken lor public use without lust compensation; [Amendments] . · .,., 5 ·-· —··· 1859 Privilege. Senators and Representatives shall, ln all mace except treason, felony, and breach ol the W, be privileged from ‘ ‘ arrest during their attendance at‘ aeasxon of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same-; 1 6 l 1856 They shall not he questioned for any speech or debate in either , House in any other place-- ---.e . ; ,. l 6 l 1856 Pricilegea cmd immunities of citizens of the United States. The citizens of each State shall be entitled to all the privileges . and immunitiu of the citizens of the several States - 4 2 1 1858 No soldier shall be quartered in any hence without the consent of the owner in time of [Amendments] ..,... :---4..- 3 —· ·- 1859 No person shall be twice put in jeopardy of lite and lunb lor _ ‘ the same otlensei lamendmentalu . 5 .. 6 -·- -1, 1869 All born ognaturalined in the State`? and su ject to- the jurisdiction thereot, are cithene ot the rnlted States and of the State in which they ruldet {Amendrnents]- it I -—· ieee No Stateshall make. or enforce any law whieh shall ahridge P . ‘ - the privileges or immunities ot eitinens of tm United States. [Amendments],- , .. ll 1 —— 1860 ` No State shall deprive any person of life, libuty, or property _ — r . without due process of lawn., [Amendments} ... - . 14 l —· 3.5% Nor deny to any person within its iurisdiction the equal pro- _ _, tection of its laws,. [Amendments ,-.- . - , .. 14 1 ··- ldod Prizes captured on land or water. Gongrew shall make rules concerning ... 1 e . T . - . 1 8 ll l8$ Probable come. The right of the pwéne to be secure in their persons, · houses, papers, and e_ ecta, _§BlB$t unreasonable / searches and ae zurm, shall not he vt ated. Andno warrant shall isoue for such but DMB. [Amendments]. -- ,. 4 — ·- 18.59 Process of law. No person shall he compelled in any criminal · case to he a witnew against himself nor bedeprived ot hte, · liberty, or property, without due. [Amendments}, . a -— ·-— ISS? ‘ No State shall delprlve any person of lite, liberty, or property, without due. Arnendrnents]", - . .-_... ..., 14 l — ·—- ISGQ Process for obtaining wit ·ln his tavern. In_all criminal prose- t · — cutionitlic accused shall have. [Amendments]-, . _ - or =--— -- 18.59 Prooreea ol science and usélul arte. Congress shall have power to ` promote the-.--; . t . , . a ... i .. 1 8 8 1% _ Pro rlyol the United States. Congr® may dispose of and make Mall needlul rules and regulations respecting the territory or-, _ 4 8 2 1858 Property, without due proews ol law; No person ahall be com- ‘ ‘ polled in any criminal case to he a witness against himse`ll: nor shall he be deprived ol his lik, liberty, or. [Amend ments] _,.,.,,_,,,_,,..,..., -‘.: ,. ;.. 5 —- - 1859 . N o State shall abrldge the privxkges or immunities ofegtnzem . of the United States; nor deprire any person ol his life, _ liberty, or. [Amendnaents]..--;-,, ... - . · t. ... 1 4 1 —-·. l$i>9~ Promotion:. The accused shall have a speedy and public trial _ in all criminal. [Amendments} ... , 4 .. -- . 6 ·- —— l8o9 ,. He shall be tried by a j in the State or district where the . a crime was conunltted.u'l{'\mendments] e---..-:--.. 6 e- —— lzs.59 He shall he informed ot the nature and cause ol the aecumtson. _ \_ [Amendments!.  ; ., . -,-.. .. , ... 1 ---_.-- 6 -- -—-· liioil · He shall he confronted with the witnesses against hun. [Amen_drnenta]--.-.$ . ;--.. ... »-. 6 -7 ···· 1859 He shall have compulsory proces for obtaining wltnesnee. ~ y ‘ lamendmentaln ... - .. - .r.. 6. ·- —- 1% He shall have counsel torhis defense. [.tmendn1entel---.; 8 ·-~ —- 1 . Protection of the laws. .No State shall deny to any person within y x itajurisdletion tlve‘equal._ [Amendments} .. . 14 1 ·— 1860 Public debt of the United Stats i d ln suppressing insurreo , tion or rebellion shall notbeyqueationed. The validity ol · the. [Amend¤1ents}.;, . 2. .. ... 14 4 ···· I$60; Public safely mag require it. The writ ot Mbeee corpus shallnot theosuspen ed, unles when in cases. ot rebellion or invasion 1 9 2 my