Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2144

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, INDE Agricultural Experiinent Stations———Continued' Q ‘° Secretary of Agricult11re—C0ntin11ed , _ — Advices and assistance ,to experimental stations, p. A _115,’§ 2168 ~ Annual reports, p. 117, -§ 380 Coordination of departmental work with station work, p. 115,'§ 367 U 8 . H Expenditures in administration of law, p. 117, §_ 381 - Reports of work of stations, p., 118, § 418 ~_ Sale of products of experiment stations in Alaska and insular possessions, disposal of proceeds, p, 118, , , sl -110 ° · _ _ · · . 'W Soils. examination of, p. 115, § 364 ` Agricultural Lands _ · ’ See §IiNEj‘RAL Lllmis AN‘B Mixmo _Ag·:·il·ulture H , _ also Aoax<·t*r.·ri=n.~.r. I)EPARTMENTQ-_A(lRICUfL'l"URAL Exennr- -

 xnxx? STA'I`}()N-Sl; FF$Dl·1RAL' I·‘AnM Loixx ‘LAW§ SEfRE’1`A_RY`·

`oi·“.Aox1eiil.·1*t·ni¤>. _ t, _ · Adnlterated seeds { __ Adulteration, what constitutes, p. 95, § 112 _ .Impol·tation .proliibited,ip. `95,`§ 111; p. 1893, § 111 — Punishment for violation of law, p. 95, ‘§ 114 _ _ -— 1Tnfltness,for seeding, p. 95, 52113 · U When seeds deemed adulterated, p,- 95, @112 _ Agricultural credit corporations, see Fmmznar, FARM LoAx liawg _ · l l. “ , Agrieultural Eeononlics Bureau ·_ _ _ Division of cooperative marketing established, p. 1895. Establislilnlent, powers, and duties, p. 118, § 411 ` Algifieuliural organizations as exempt from income tax, _ ` p. 9&Z(1) ‘i·8 A . _ Aawieultiiral organizations not within antitrust laws, p. ,35$,§1E7( , A • _’» , * Alfalfa, inlportatiowof seeds regulated. P. 1893, § 115 l . Animal industry, see Bureau of Anlnlalilndustry, infra. _,Aaim1s and liieds injurious to agricultufe, iniportation prohibited, p. 492, 5 391 - I ‘ l 9 · · _ . Antitrust laws not applicable to agricultural organi‘zat·ions, , p,353,§17` , , { , _ .Assoei.ations`of producers of agricultural produets · Authority to form associations, p; 111, 5 291 · illouopolistie actirities, remedy, p. 111, §_ 292 .Pou*e:·s, p. 111, 5 @1 8 Associations to market agricultural products _ ’ I Ieixenlptiou from a‘ntitrust·laws, p, 353,,§ 17 5 · Exemption from income tax, p. 823,,5 982 (11)

   Honeymes, Zinfra » °

.154:11 worm, eee inse<:t pests, infra _' _ _ Enlbs, we Planta and plant products, intra . Bn*1—eaii'of Agricultural Economies, establishment, powers,

 8 9 Q and duties, p. 118, § 411 l I _

1$lnveau"-of Animal Industry » Chief of bureau, appointnient, quali§eations,i1'nd duties, 8 · p.117,§`391 _— _ · ] ~ _ . J Establisliment of bureau, p. 117, S 391 __ · J Qgertixne of jenlplosees engaged in enforcing meat inspection act, p, 117, § 394 ” I A · Printing andid‘iistributio11 of reports,..p;. 1432, § 24-1, . Resisting or interfering with o$eers and employees, e Il€¤lll!1S% all 468, $ 118 ~ ‘— . _ Sale. ~ of patlihologieal and aoologleal sjmeimens, p. 117, .§393_" l 1 Saleor exeliange of animals not needed; p. 117, 5 392 ~E;.1;—t:au‘o£.Dalr3*ing . M 1 , “Q ·

 Aetieities of bureau, p. 117, §     ‘

c r Appropxiiation for bureau; p. 117, S 404 8

li 2130 Agricult·aire·——(7ontinued 1 Bureau of Dairying·-Continued Chief of bureau, appointment and duties, p. 117-, § 402 Employees, p. 117, 5 403 ` . Establishment of bureau, p. 117, § 401 Bureau of Markets and Crop_Estimates, powers and duties , transferred to Bureau of Agricultural Eeonornics, p. 118, § 411 t · ‘ i ~ . ‘ . B Bureau of Markets, potvers and duties transferred to Bureau of Agricultural Economics, p. 118. § 411 , B Bureau of Soils, printing and distribution of reports on field operations, p. 1435. § _ · N ‘ . Certification; of agricultural products shipped in interstate . _ .con1merce;·p. 118, § #114 I _ { Consular reports as to agricultural conditions al>road._ ge. B647, §§_80, 82 ‘ · ·` . · .,, _ Q Cooperative marketing, act, text of act, p. 1895, § 451 et seq. · Cotton crop reports, p..118, §§ 412, 413 ‘ , Cotton standards, establishment and regulation, see Correa ¢—- Siunmnns -- i 1 ” _- · ° R i f‘redit corporations, see Fnnnnn. Faux Loss LAw‘ · Crop estimates, Bureau of Markets and»Crop Estimates, °· t powers transferred·to Bureau of Agricultural Economics, p. 118, §· 411 i · 3 Crop reports _ _ . _ ·— , _ B Penalty for giving advance information. p. 476, § 214 Penalty for issuing false reports, p.»476,_§ 215 a ·Dairying, Bureau of Dairying, supra . , ; Dairying and livestock experiment. station, establishment , at Mandan, N; Dak., authorized, p. 1895, § 421 "Education in subjects relating to agriculture · - ” See £11SC.AGRIClii.Tl?R1\I. Ann Mmcnnxrenr. Connnnns

 Annual appropriation for purpose of cooperating with

States in teaching agricultural subjects. p. 609,i§ 11 Experiment stations, see Acarcnrrrtsnan Exrnmnnnr ·S·rA· moss _ __ , u ~· _ _ F_armers" bulletins, distribution, p. 118, § 417 . Farm rraztagemmr and, Farm Economics, (mice of, powers `transferred to Bureau of Agriculturab Feonomics, p. 118, § $111 ‘ _ t Q i , Farm loans, see Fame Loan L.xuf ` 'Federal Horticultural Board, Plants 'and plant prodnctsylntra . - — . E ‘ _ "B i Financial aid, see Fromm:. Fam: Loan Law " Fruits, see Plantsfand plant produets,`infra Fruit trees, see Nurserystock, infra _ · `G . Ftingicldes, see Insecticides, infra , .Grain , ·. _ ‘ Sale for fnturedelivery, Qaam Ftrrunaa Standard of quality and.‘conditl¢in1,_see `Ganrx Srasn- Anna it l' i ‘ _,Honey bees . f _ . A Importation, p. 110, § 281 . o Punishment iorunlawfnl importation,. p. 116, § 2S2 Immigration of skilled agrieulturist, preference among ,_quota imrnigrants,p, 145, §_2t£ `° ‘ W — I Insecticides _ 1 , _ . `

 -Adulteration, manufacture of adulteratedi articles pro-

_ nibuea,· ,p,_ee, t 1m » . ~——-sseiaure and condernnation of `adulterated articles, ·_ p.97,§133 · . t ,———·-——”transportzttion ortsale ot 'adulteratetl articles, p. · —_ .96,5126l t ·-————-——~_what constitutes, p. 96, § 130 ., Branding, penalty for nnisbrandlng, p; 96,5 125 · Collection and examination oi specimens, p. 96, §§ 127, &• , Definitions, p. 95, § 122 f