Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2145

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‘2]31_ INDEA Agriculturey-Continued _ · A Insecticitles—Continued ` ‘ District attorney to prosecute violations of low, p. 96. 5 129 _ j — · _ ‘ [ 7 ~ " Fungicide." detinition, p. 95, § 122 _ Guaranty of _\\’Il0I€S8l(·!1' as protecting retnilerf p. 97, § 132 . ~ I __ E . " Importation, exclusion of adulterated articles,. p; 97. i § 134 · _ "` ‘ · { - Imported articles. examination of samples, p, 97, § 134 D " Insecticide " detlned,.p. 95, §_122. ` " Lead nrsenn_te," definition, p. 95, § 122 ‘ _ Misbrantled articles, seizure and condemnation. .p. 97. _§-133 · . . 9 __ . ` Misbranded articles. what eleeniethp. 97, § 13-ll Misbrantling, p. .96. § 125 _ - “Paris green," deilnition, p. 93, § 122 ‘ °‘ Person? definition. p. 95. _§ 123 " ,§ Principal liayle for acts of agent, p. 95, § 124 Sale ofndultqatetl or misbrnnded nrticles`, p. sm, § 126 _ Seizure and condemnation of ndulterateel or misbrnnded articles. p. 97, § 133 · _" 'I‘errito.ry," definition, ‘p, 95. § 123 , »— ‘ Transportation of adulterated or nnisbrnnded articles ` prohibited. p. 96. § 126 , 1¤st—<·¢ pests _ c —` Mailing parcels contaiuingcertnin insects or eggs regu— 1ated,p._98,§§142,144· ° Q Mexican pink bollworm, provisions for extermination, 1 p.98,§‘145 — , ·- , Punishment forunlawfulr transportation or removal; _p. 98, { 144 I ‘_ · ‘ _'1‘ranspo::tation of certain insects or eggs by carriers ‘ regulated, p. as, 5 141 . — I _ * ‘ Zones against Mexican.- pink bollworm, p. 98, § 145 Instruction. in subjects relating to agriculture, see Education. · in subjects relating toogriculture, supra . · Investigation of agricultural processes and conditions, p. ` · 610, [17 ‘ __ U l _ Lead arsenate, see Insectlcltles, supra ‘ - I Loans on agricultural lands, see F®F.Rr&L"FARh( Lonx Law Markets and Crop Estimates, Bureau of, powers transferred c to Bureau ot Agricultural Economics, p. 118, Q 411 c ' Mexican pink bollworm, Insect pests, supra- 4 Milk, Bureau of Dalrylng, supra I Mlsbranded seeds, conilscation, p. 1893, Q 116 _ Natlomnl`agrlcultural‘corporations,_see Fmvzmu. °le`,um Loss A LA}? e . ·_ — . _ · Naval stores act, see Nnvlu. _S‘r0sr;s Nursery stock ·· ~ Seealso Plants and plnnt productsllnfrn . , Definition. p, 98, § 152 · _ - .' Importation for scientific purposes permitted. p, 99, » § 155 · . Q_ . =_ Importation, marking packages for entry, 'p. 99. § 157

 permit required, p. 99;-Q J54 . " -. _

-——¥—·- quarantiue_agnlnst insectdnfested localities. p. 99, —-·-;——regnlation __by Secretary ot Agriculture, ·p.` 99, § me · - j . . ‘ ` Iynportedstock, notitlezttionof arrival at port of entry, p,·oa,·.§ 15G_ ·_ I 4 - _ inspection or imported stock, p. 99, 5 154

  • Interstateshipments, marking packages, p. 09, §·15$

Penalties for violations ot law, p. 100.`§ 103 · _ _ .Quarantine against lnsectdntested localities, p. 9:1, - _§160; p. 1894; [161 » ._ . Rules nnd'reg1flntions by Secretaryof Agriculture, p. 100, 5 162 _ . s I t ·

I ,griculturc——Continued Otlice of Farm Management and Farm llconomics, powers _ transferred to Bureau of Agricultural Economics, p._ 118, § 411 · · ‘ . Paris green, see Insecticides, supra Plant quarantine. interstate quarantine. p. 100. § 161 Plants and plant products See. also Nursery stock, supra; Seeds, infra , Diseases of plants, pre,v`ention and eradication. p. 99, § 154, et seq. . . .. District of. Columbia, prevention or eradication of _ plant_ diseases, p. 101. § 165 ‘ Federal Horticultural Board to carry out provisions Def law. p. 100, § 165 _ Importation for scientiiic purposes. p. 99. § 155-· Importation, quarantine against insect-iutcsrco localities,~p. ao, s 160 ‘ ·. _ —-+regulation by 1 Secretary of Agriculture, p. 99, I §_159 I _ _ · N Marking packages sent by mail. p. 101. § 166 Penalties for violations oflaw, p. ·100. § 163 Quarantine against .insect-infested localities, p. 99, . § 160;'p..189-1, § 161 t _ Rules and regulations by Sec"re\tary of Agriculture. . ‘p. 100,05 162 ·~ . I ` State terminal inspection. p. 100, .§ 165% Violations of law, duty of district attorneys to prose- '- cute, p. 100,`§ 164 · Quarantine against plant diseases, p. 100, § 161‘ Red clover, importation of seeds regulated, p. 189:}. § 115 Roots, see Plants and plant products; supra Seeds and plants · · See also Plants and plant products, supra. Adulteration, see Adulterated seeds, supra . Collection, testing, propagation and distribution, p. 56, `§513' . .. · Letting contracts for distribution, p. 118, § 416 Misbranded seeds, confiscation, p; 1893, § 116 Purchase for distribution, p. 118, § 415 Speculation in agricultural_.products, see Gunn Frfrrans Storage of agricultural products, see `vAREHQUS% Trees, see Nursery stock, supra " . Yegetables, see Plants and plant products, supra Warehouses for ngriculturahproducts, Zones against Mexican pink bollworrn, p. 98, § 145 ir Commerce _ C I _ . , Aids to air navigation, p. 2120, § 175 Air space reservations, authority of “President. p. 2120. § 174 * .i _ · n Air space sovereignty declared, p. 2121, § 176 Air traHic`rules,- p. 2120, § 193 (e) . " Application of laws relating to foreign conxmerce, p. 2121. 5 177__ v - · · ° · Certification of airmen and 3il'(Z‘l'&ft,»lSS\1`&ll(?9, suspension, and revocation of certificates, 2120, § 173* lf)- Dellnition of statutory terms, p. 2119; § 171; p.`2121, § 170 Detail of oliicers from Air Corps of Army, p. 21.23,} 201 _ EI1(‘(l\l!8.f§€’ll\(!ll,C of air commerce, duty or Secretary of Commerce, p. 2119, § 172 ‘ Examination and rating of alrmcn. p. 2120, § 173 (cl . Examination and ratingot air navigation facilities. p. 2120, _§'173(d)- _ "*‘ l` Foreign, alrerat’t,- navigation of lfnited States regulated,

 p. 2_121,.§ irc ·‘ — · it *  

Navigable air space defined, p. 2122. § 180 · Offenses, p, ,2122, § 181 Partial invalidity of, law. etfect, p. 2123, § 183 1’eu_alties for violation of law, p. 2122, § 18,1 ‘ P