Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2278

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\’ \ — ._ INDE Hawail—Contlnued p .1 ‘ Sliipping—Continued . _ I. ` Ooasting trade, regulati<>ns,jp. 1600,5 509 _ ” United States laws " as to manifests, etenyapplicable, p. 1466,} 95 _ ‘ W ‘ Q Silver certiiicates _ . _ _ V _ . Redemption of silver certificates by United States, 1 _~ p. 1601, { 517 .·»_ _ · V ‘· c · . J ”— Unlawful to circulate silver certwcates of Territory, · _ ` p. 1601, $‘ 516- Y1 . ¢ _ _ . M `Specillcl performance, see',Actions and proceedings, supra »- Statistics, see Labor, supra »· - . 0 r Superintendent of public instruction . t — Appointment by governor} p. 1603, §` 546 _ " ‘ Powers and duties, p. 1602, S 541 ‘ O . _ Qualliicationsyp. 1603, 5 546 _ Removal by governor, p. 1.603, § .546 ` Salary, `p. 1603, §_546·· - . ' . ¤ _ '1‘erm.o£ omce, p. 1603,. § 546 ‘ ‘ ‘— X Superintendent of public works- , _ _· . f · » Q c Appointment by governor, ·p. 1603, §· 546 _ · Powers and duties, p. 1602,. § 540 Qualincations, p; 1603,} 546 ·- ~· , Removal by governor, p._ 1603, . §- 546 ° Salary, nL`1603, S 546 ‘ · —» A .· 4 Tern: of omce, p. 1603, § 546 Supreme court ot Territory . Y _ , _ _ · Decisions reviewable in ninth circuit, p. 395, § 225 (cl`) ` Establishment of court, p," 1606, § 631 I _, .· ‘`._ _ Justices, appointment and qualiiications, p. 1606, §§ 632, ~——·-salary, p. 1606, £‘634’ ——-term of omce, p. 1606, §»633 . _ _ _ _ . Review·0fAeclsions by_ circuit court ot appeals, p. 805, Surveyor ‘ . , Appointment by governor, p. 1603, § 546 T Powers and duti&, p. 1602, `S 543 ` Qualidcations, p.".1603.· § 546 ` _ _ Removaljby governor, p. 1603, 5546. ‘ Salary, p. 1603, ·§ 546 ’ ·· _. ‘* Term of;o@ce,·pi 1603, i 546 · Tolls, see Wharves and landings, infra` . Treasurer _ _ _' ‘ . . , » Appointment by governor, p. 1603, 5 546 Powers and duties, p. 1602, § 538 ‘ ‘ Qualidcations, p. 1603, 5 546 Removal; by.governor,.D, 1603, § 546 _ Salary,. p. 1603, 5 546 " _ Q . . Term of omce, p. 1603, § 546 Vessels, see Shippinghupm · . _~ . Vocational education, participation by Territory in-Federal · appropriationsyp. .612, § 29 i _ D · . . Vocational rehabilitation ot , persons injured in industry, D. 950. $.45 ·` ‘ ' Voting franchise, see Elections, supra Wharves and landings · _ _ _ 2 Control by ‘_'I‘erritorial' government, .p. 1600, S 510 _ Tolls for United States vessels,. p. 1600, { 510 0 _ . Hawaii National Park l See Nlvrxozur, Psass Hazing · _ _. _ . 2 See Cossr Gonna; Minirnar Acsnmrr Head Tax U 4 ` _ lnunlgrants, p. 130, § 132_ _ Health ` . ( _ , See _Pcnr.1o Hmxxrn; Pnnmc Hnavrn Smvim _ " nexium ‘ , — . ‘ " See Mrnmm. Larms nm Mxzmvq Q ,

. * ~. FX 2264. - , High Seas ._ e . . Crimes committed on high seas, jurisdiction, ·p. 498, §, 451 , Derelicts at sea, see Smrrmo _ . . - 1 OHenses on high, seas, venueor district of trial, p. 873, § ` 102 . , a I i · · __ Seizures on high sea, venue ordistrict. of trial, p. 873, § 106 “

 _ ll I _` ·. s ,_ - I

· Accounting division, establishment, p. S 4 p ` Approach roads to national cemeteries and national parks, conveyance by United States to State or municipality, p. — __416,·§ 418 _ I _ . · ‘ ‘ Allproval of project as creating contractual obligation of _ Government, p._669,.§ 44 J - . -. f· ‘ Q Approval of projects in States not permitted., to provide for highways, of 668, S 24 · . » _ Y _ . ` _ Army officers and- enlisted , n, details- to—_work‘ on· rural e ‘ post roads, p. 193, § 643; 2266, S 47 ;- p. 1119, § 448 ` Canal. property acquired from United States, conveyance _ to State highway·department, p. 667, 5 17 _ __ _ _ _ . Character of construction required, approval by Secretary ofAgriculture,p;'666, § 8. · _ . S - S Glgsses of highways entitled to Federal aid,.p. 665, § 6 Construction and reconstruction work, how conducted, p. >—.666»`§13' A `, '_ Dennitions ot terms in highway `law,`p. 665, `S 2 . . _ · Explosives. obtained trom War Department, exchange or . reclamation in caseot deterioration, p. 6®, S 49 Failure of Stateto malntain aided road, p 667, S 15 I . False statements/or representations asto highway projects, __ _ _ `penalty for making, p, 6@,‘ {.46 ‘· __ ‘ Forest roads and trails, appropriation and manner ot ' expenditure, p. 668 S 23 · Fundshin aid of construction , ‘ Apportionment among States, p. 665, S 6 __ , ` utpportionment as between classes of highway systems, · · rp~.665,S6 { P I -.‘ Appropriation as discharging obligation of Government,

 - p.`669.·§`45 _ . . '_` . ‘· · `

` Certidcation ot disposition of, appropriation, p._ 668, `Contractual obligation ot Government to make pay- _~ ments, p..6@,S44_ ·_ v` . _ · -_, Deduction rot administration and research, p. 667, §`2I Limitation or payments per mi1e,'p. 668, S 42 ‘ Payment to .States,·p,·666, §§ 11, 14 v _ . `Setting aside share of State on approval ot project, S p.666,_*§12__ _ *,3 __ . -'l‘ime of apportionment, p. 669, S 43 _ - _ ‘ Funds required to be provided by States, p. 666. S 7 · . Hawaii, Federal aid extended tc,_p. 668, S_41` Indian lands, rights off way through, p. 769,.S 311 et_seq. Maintenance ot roads constructed} D. 669, S 48 . Maps of aided roads, publication by Secretary of Agricul-

  • ture,p.667,S16 ~ U · _ _

Marine Gorps omcers and enlisted men, details to work on rural post roads, p. 6%. -547 ; p. 1119,} 448 ‘ Material, equipment, and suppllesfor construction, distri· . bution to States from surplus wanmaterinl, p. 665, S5 Military reservations, extension of State roads through · reservations, p. 219, S 1348 ‘ ‘ S Motor vehicles, ltransferof surplus vehicles by Secretary of Wartor use in construction, p. 669, SS 51, 53 _ l -..\National" cemeteries and national parks, approach roads, ` conveyance by United States to State or municipality. ~p..416, S 418 — . ` 4 ° · n National parks, construction of roads and trails, p. 390, S 8" g_ Naval omcers and enlisted men, details to work on rural I — wet reads xr. 669. $,47-; P--1119. 8 448-