Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/242

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§ 147] TITLE 10.————~—. Set?. · , 1539. Seldiere; scparetion from the service (article 108). y 1§81. Qeth.ef‘e1:li{stmez:t (nrtic1eA19i)}._ _` N K _ A ‘ H EMS?. Certnxn. articles to be reed and explexned tsrtxcle gil"!). 1583. Cep;r ei record of trial (article 111). x U- 1;_>s~1. Effects of deceased persons; disposition ot (artlcle 112). EBSQ. bequests {article 113). _ .» · mss;. ,Antlser§ty to admlnister oaths (article 114). _ Y iss?. .:X§3{§¥3ili{!l3<’I1{ ei I`{‘{§Ol't·€l'$ and interpreters (article 115), ` SGSSSW. 1’i>\\’€!‘S of §»iSSlSf}ll1lZ ‘{I‘l€t1’judg€ ad\l0Cl1fQ 3111] Qi 3SSiSt1iIl{°(]€f€l1S& Sh W Ci}l}l2§¥i‘1)st(il1‘(iCl€ 116), _ · · . 3lI;*~2:‘¢e Remcrsl of civil suits {article 117). _ _ _ Exim. tltlicers, separation from service (erticle"118). ‘ . A lgstsi. llunli and precedence among regulars, mlilltia, and volunteers {article H9). ‘ ’ · °` A ” QL 139:3. ffeznmnnd when diferteut corps or comm·u1n_ds_hnppe11 to Join · y {article 120). . . · _- ~ ‘ ‘ }393. Cenzplnlxxts of wrongs (article 121). V , _ _ Section E4?}. Enactment of Articles of War.-~'1?he.*artlcles ce inelnzletl in this clmpter-slmll neknown as the Articles of War Oi end shell at all times and in all places gorern the Armies of the lm United States. (June 4, c. 227, subchapter II, §_1, 41 cg Stat; T5?.) _, “I · — D _ , ’ _° ‘ V bf


1472. De§nitions (article 1).-—The following words when tl; used in these articles shall be construed` in the sense indicated be in tlziserticle, unless the contextehows that a different sense el is intended, namel · I ‘ p _ d _ _ ts (n) The word Z\<}mcer*’ shall be construed to refer to 21 ft commissioned officer} . “ ·· A m _ (bl Tlxewrord “f‘ soldier " skull be construed as including it 4, noncommissioned odieer, a private, or zznyto ther enlisted n1an_;_ (c). The word "company" shall be understood as including rx 21 troop or battery; and l _A ’ A ‘(. (dl The (word f‘ battalion " shall be understood as including ` a squadron. (June 4, 1920, c. 227, subchapter II,`»§ 1, 41 Stat- 11 _rsr.>*r Q. e · _·_ n 1473. Persons subject to military law (érticle.2);-e-——;—'l`The fol-‘ ~_ leaving persons are subject to these articles and shall He under- c· stood es included nr the term "_any person subject to military s` lew," er " persons · subject to military __ law," ~.W1lGl1@V€1’

 in these Y articles: .Proridcd, ?Tlu1t nothing contained

in this chapter of this title except as specifically provided in ·` srtierhc 2, sehgxersgrnpll (c), shall he construed to apply? to nnyi t?

se»rs»»eys nesier the United States navel jurisdlction unless other- . S

wise previelcll by lan'. l V . ‘ _ —e tsl All edicers, members of the Army NllllS€‘COl’[)S,_ warrant _S

 Army deld clerket field (!l€1'kS'·QHHBt€PDl&St€I· Corps, —d

Kmj ¥—*m¥*~*¥"·$ b€‘l0¤§i*’*gQt0 U15 ”_R<?§l1lH.1° Army of thé_ United U States; sl1jvolunteers,` from the dates `of their muster or ac-. ::1 ceptenee intotlle military service of the‘Unit~ed~.- States; and jx all other persons leewfullycelled, drnfted,yor ordered into, or to S duty or for treinixig in,. the said service, fronn `det駓l`tli‘e`y‘ °d ‘fi‘ s are required by, the terms of the call, draft or order to obey m the same; " " (ll) Cadets; , _— a §‘(_c) Officers and soldiers of the Marine Corps when detached o ‘ for service with the Armies of the {United States by order of w ,_ the President: Provided, `Thet dun `officer or soldier of the 1 '}I{1l’i1l€{GOl'[)S when so detached may be tried by military court· s mertlal for `en offense coxnmitted agsinstytlxe laws for the r g{}\’€llDH1Gllt_Qf the naval service prior to his deteclnnent, and x for sn tY>§€l1$€`C0i1lIIlitt€(1 against these articles he maybe trled,_ l by s naval cenrt-martial after. such deteclxrnent ceases; - ·x ‘ ·(d_) All retainers to the cenxpinnd ell persons eccompenylng 4 or serving witlntlxe Armies ot the; United States without the

territorial jurisdiction of the United States, and in time of (

‘ wer ell snch` retainers and persons eccompnnyingy or serving t with the Armies of the United States in the Held, both within 1 and without the territorial jurisdiction of the United States, x tllollgh not othenjwztlse subject to these articles; I

ARMY (e) All persons under SQl1t€f}£"€ aeljucygsed by (}0I1Iit_S-H}f11’Y'é2l}’ gf) All persons admitted into thé Regular Arxqy S¤1`1;m`i Zome at zW8S¥lil}gt(}I1, District of Qolmixbia. (June 4, ;fi¤;2s> 227, subchaptcpi II, § 1, 41 Sim:. 787.) · ’ _ , LI. COURTS—l\IAI;TI;&L" ¤ 1474. Courts-martial classiéed (artide 3)··——·C0uvis-1im ·;.;;;;_ .- mil be of —thrae,kinds, namely; ‘ · First, general courts-martial; Sec<md,'spccial CO\II€tS·iI}&ITti&1$ and _ Third, SUlIlII1{;liT}’ courts-mzxrtial. (June 4, 192% c. 227, $‘ubmptcr II, § 1, 41 SQL 788,) " .` E l A. `Cbmmsrmm ’· if 1475. Who` may 'servc on cmgrts-·martihl (article '4).4AH ¤i%§~' ers in the'militaryV"service` of the United States, and <ptii¤·m ? thé Marine Corps when detached for service with vthé Army V order of the President, shall be competent to serve Q}; nxrts-martial for the trial of `zmjf pérsems who may I2i\\’fU_1}y a brought before such courts for trial When appmzxtixxg >urts—martiul the 'appointing authority shall detail RS.Il`;€‘R}}i>t‘l"$ nergof Qmse b@ccrs_ of the `comhxand wlimfixi his opinion, are est. qualified fo1‘.th€..{]l1tY by reason of age, training, expmnée, apd jdfdicial téxuberaxugnt; and sofficers having les.; than. ¤v0;yeuz·s’ scr3·ice·sbull not, it it can be·a.v0ided.with0u»t insaniast injury to the ser·.·ipe,— be appointed gg; members ·0t courtsmrtiari¤ excess ot the minority membership thére0§. (fume , 1920, Q. 227, subchapter II, §_1, 41·$t&t. 788.) Y I - _ i.14'Z6. General c0urts·-martial (article 5).+-General e¤‘»m·;s. V nmjtial may consist of anyiiumber of nmccrslnot less thnfx rmi June 4,—-1920, c. 227, subchapter_ 11,-5 1, 41=;8t$.t; 788.) 1477. Special cburtvmartial (agjticle 6).e·eSpecia1 cqnxrzsmrtial- may consist of gnymxmber of omcers snot less {mm. Wee. ‘ (June 4, 1920, q. 22'Z,_ subchapter II, §’ 1, 41 Stgit. 788.) 1478.. Summary courts-martial (article 7).+-—A suzuumry ‘ Butt-11I&;•ti&_l shzill consist of one oiiiéer. (Juné·~1,`192<K ¢:.~ 2:!T,` ubcympter VH, 5 1; 41 Stat. 788.) _ .~ ° _ _ B; Bf Wuou Av1·01x_1“r·;¤ ’ 1479, General `cqurts—mprtial_ (artidg 8);-The I’;·esid¤·m hi he United. States, the c0mma:1diug`0m¢er’0f a territurigxl divi- 101; OI°;_}d€}}Q`i‘tII1BHt, the Superintendent otjthe Military Awnimy, the commanding oqicer ot an army, an army gorge, a divi? 1011, in: a separate brigadg,`and, when empowered by the 1’r¤·siient; the commanding omcer of any district mj of any fuxxeee ur ‘ ·0qy of troops may appojm; géI}€f&1`Q0!]YtS—1B8i[ti&li but when my? sucka comximndér is the accuser or the prosegutor of {hu »e_rs0n”0r persons to be tried, the court: shall bqapptgixmd by k miperior competent authority, and my m%<:er shalt beéligiblc w it ss~~ x;s~ ·a ~mm§ér .-.. Qf— » S ¤QIl). QQlLK£ §§Tb§9 §§ ._i§ ,,,, the accuser ‘~”·° ‘“ wif nc$s,fo1·_the prosecution. . I 77``”7l1 ETXIG 8\1th0rify.€;$;>0i¤ting g genexgal (:éurt—-martial shall dvU1H·” ns one of the members thereof A law membeiy whg shallbé an »tHcer of the Judge Advocate Geuerafs Department, except Um =vl1én‘&n 0mce1·· c£;3 that department ié n:;0t.availab1 e2 £0:· tug purmse fhé appéiuting authority shall demi} instead an "otflcer of · . aomé other branch at the service selected by the appointing mthorityw ng spécially qualiéed t0_permrm the `dutfies of law nemher. Thé law member, in addition to his duties as a memmr, shall pettorm suchptlxar duties as the President U18)? by eegulaticims prescribe. {June 4, 1920, cz. 327, subchapter II, § L n1~sma:.·z‘88.)- P . ._ 1480. Special cokxrtq-martiale (article 9).-—¢-The.·c0mm:1 n¢lizx=:· A xwéréfof a (district, garris·un,,£01‘t, camp, 0x•·0thé1• place w_hp;·¢· »

1*00pS are GR duty, mid the commmzdingt officercf a bi‘ig&i<If_‘·

regiment, detachéd battalion, or amber detached» chmxxiand rum appoint special c0urts·martial; but when any mich command-g aug 0&€§er is the accuézser cr thé prosécutox dt ithex person or