Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/361

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52%}* urge 1.;.ee. gemwtt by the President of the United States;. (May 26, 1906 ei Bliss, § 3, 34 Stat. 200.} - E14. Offenses not within jurisdiction of Coast Guard tribumle; turning eifenders qyer to civil courts.-—-For cifezxse: mrmet the lzxwsa of the United States other than those speci °g;.e; ilrthe foreeqixu; sixi eectioizs, 0§emlere shall be turner m·e»:· to the civil authorities for trial. (May 26, 1906, c. 2556 S; ";_ 34 Stat. 201.) A » - I n . $.15. Gencurrerif jurisdiction of- civil courts; turning oven ·(,;}`mders.~’l`l&e jm·is<li<·ti<»u confetjred bytlxe foregoing iiyi ,.e.·z;imss for the pu·:xis.lm1ent of offenses against the discipline ie the {best Guard shall net be reeafded as exclusive, but of

·.·m;t»;·s may, ih the disc·retirm of the Secretary of the Treasury

ftw mmeel over to ethe Itivii authm·ities_ for trial by any c0m·· nézmciizg jurisdiction of the offense. (May 26, 1906, c. 2556, { es;. $34 Stat. 201.) ¢ _ . I · ' 146. Place of impris0nment.—Tl1e Secretary of the Treasury may desi;:.m:1te. as the place of·exvcution*`nf the sentence of a eimxst Guard court involving imprisomnent, any prison or pent

.—miar5*_ i;lw1f receives. Federal prisoners. ·(May 26. 1906, c
7,52;, § 4. 34 Stat. 201.) · { { ’ ·

. · ll?. De`serters·;_ arrest; rewards; reen]$s.tment.——~It `shnll b· mwful for the (‘•Y)l!lill2l]ltlll`lg' ctliver of a·veSse1’nf the ("ousx e;:.z:ml to ;1ppreheml and arrest ur cameo to- be :ippn·e`·lnenul0J um

tr·¢l, hy the f4:..·4.·¢· umlvr hie (’l)llllllilllil, :1 <lé>;¢>·rte~r.f1·0:1r the

ems! Guhrd \\'li(.’*l`(’\'(€‘l’· fmmd. and shall have *:1utlmrity to 0:1l ugmz ull pwsmxss m_:1s:@<ist in'su¢·h m·re>st, and all p0x·Q0xis sc azesistixxg are hereby inve>·z'ted with they power mul snutlmrity ni ¢§·~;»uty United States Nrunrsalnnls, and shall deliver the off’ende1 i ¢»s¤_lp<»{n·d of the veiesel from whlirlx he deserted :_ l’rm·id•·d, Tlmj

» reward for the apprehension and rleliverykjf 11 deserter trcxi

me (feast Guard sis lnereinhefqre provided. not to exceed $15 may he offered by the cummmidixxg officer of the vessel"` fron whit-h the pemonx deeerteclwzxnel this rmvéxrel. er ziny qizxrt thereof may be deducted mul paid fhxm money due `ésairl rleserter 1’mz—idr·d, That H0 person who l1:1s_ deserted from the (toast Guard ¥·lh&ill_£1ftG[\¥8?(lSM be employed in said servi<reQ.0r enlietec in any other military or naval, eervlge under the United·Stutee zmleeen he shall here delivered lniunselt aboard the vessel fron wvlnieh he deserted, or been; apprehended, and °·the disahillt; shell have been removed by a boardl of commissioned o6ieer» ef. the said mryice convened fer a consideration of the case and the action of the said board shall heave been approved b; the Secretary of the Treasury. (May 26, 1906. .0. 2556, § 5, 3- · Stat. 291.) " ` l " f Chapter 8.--—·RETIREMENT ANQD DISABILITY; ALLOW ' ABCE T0 DEPENDENTS. . ‘ Sec. t EG _ itil. Commendeet; retirement; rank and pay. 162. Engineer in chief: retirement; rank and pay. 1§.3.» Peyeed eileweneee while 'cn gctlve duty. - n Hit. Reeeli to Active duty during wer er emergeney generally. · 16S. Temperery edveaeement in rank while on active duty. 166., Premetiee fer active duty alter June 30, 1922. _’ U3?.) Fey ei retired osleers generally. ‘ 168. Dixebilltlee due to vicieus habits, __ i _ 169. Disabilities lu emirue et duty or from age; assignment to speci: { duties. { _ _. · A ‘ t 370. Retiring beergl; ·pr0eeed1ng:`ge¤erIlly. ' Nfl. Retirement for failure in phynicnljexameinetiou for promotion. W3? Retirement ter disability generally. _ i 11*3. Retirement en account of Age. ‘ , . ‘ ‘° 174.; Retirement et ecmmiesiened cmcers on forty yeers’ length ot sev lee; advance in rank. . ‘ · 175. Retirement on thirty yearn' service: pey; a.esis¤me¤t’ te speci! j duties. y ’ _ ‘ ~ 176. Kfensiene generally. , ) . ‘ 177. Dieelwilitiest received in eceperntion with New; penelem. _ Seetien 161. Ceinmnrndimt; retirement; · rank. and psy;-—···An cweer whe emit after January 12,1923, serve as eommenglem

COAST GU'A§£E § ]§§ , shell, when retired, be retired with the reel; of commsmisst and with the psy of e rear edzeiral (lower half) of the New · on the retired list. (Jen. 12, 19%, c. 25, § 2, 42 Stat. 1130.3 » s 162. Engineer in chief; retirement; rank and pey.»~·———~Axr - otiicer who shell after January 12, 1923, serve hs engineer ia 1 chief shall, when retired, be retired with the rank of engineer >, in chief and with the psyéof e captain (engineering) on the ' retired list. (Jan. 12, 1923, c. 25, § 2, 42 Stst. 1130.) rr 163. Pay and allowances while on active duty.-—Reti¤·ed e otiiccrs of the Coast Guard below the grade of brlgsdier gen- ‘ a eral or commodore and retired warrant officers and enlisted Q 6- men, shell, when on active duty, receive full psy and sllow- ·,~ RIICCS. (June 10,` 1922, c. 212,`§ 17, 42 Stat. 632; May 31, 1924, t Xc. 224, §` 6, 43 Stat.—252.) ` M § 164. Recall to active duty during war or emergency generally.—Duriug the existence of wer or- of e national emergency 7 rdeclaredhy the President to exist, any commissioned or war- 1 rant officer of the Coast Guard of the United States on the — retired list may, »i¤ the discretion of the Secretary of the 2. Navy, he ordered to active duty at sca or on shore; and day retired officer performing such activeduty in time of war or c national emergency, declared as aforesaid, shall be entitled t to promotion on the retired list to theegmde or rank. not I above that of lieutenant commander , in the (Jessi: Guard, and 5 shall thereafter receive the pay and allowances thereof, which l` his tomlvectixje service as an officer hoth prior and subsequent 1 to_retireme11t, in the manner rendered by him, would have E enabled him to attain in due course of promotion had such r service, been rendered continuously on the active list timing t the period of time lust Epast, except as provided in the follow- 1 ing section. *(July_1_. 1918, c. 114, 40 Stat. 7§I7.)` . >. 165. Temporary advancement in rank whileoa active duty.-- 1 During theexistence of wer or of at national emergency, de-

 clared as aforesaid; spy, coamxissloaed or warrant oillcer of
the Coast Guard of· the United States on the retired list,

t while on active duty, may be. temporarily advsrgccd to and tl commissioned in such higher grade or rank on the retired list, s,‘ not above that of lieutenant commander in the Coest Guard, o -as the·Presldeh~t may deterrixiae, and soy eodlcer so advanced $'_ shall, while on xlctiverluty, be entitled to the same pay and s allowances as officers of like grade or. real: on the active list: e, I’rm·ided, That any such commissioned or warrant officer who y. has been so temporarily advanced in grade or rank shell, 4 upon his relief r1—¤m, active duty, or_—ia our case not later L than six iuofiths after the termiaetioa of the wer or __ of the . .natiou~al emergency, declared es aforesaid, rerert to the grade ° or rank on the retired list and to the peyend allowance status — which he would have held had henot been so tereporerily ad· ` vsaced: Provided, further, That nothing in this or the sec— , ond preceding section shelf operete to reduce the psy sad ullowshees new allowed hy low to retired officers. (July 1, 1918, c. 114, 4(L Stat; 717.) t ( . `· l 166. Promotion for active duty after June 30, 1922.--Active" duty performed ofter Juneo30, 1922, by ea officer on the retired list or im eoulvalent shell not entitle such officer to promotion. 11 (_Jtme’10, 1922, c.-212, 5 17, 43 Stat. 632,; May 31, 1924, c.i22·4, , § 6, 43 Stat. 252.) · _ _ . · .,

 1167.. Pay of retired 0Qcers generally.-————All omcees home

upon the retired list prior to April 12,1902, or thereafter, ~shal1~ creases 75 per ceatom of the dety pay, selery, sind incrcoseof " the rank upon which they herebeea or may he retired: Pm- ,1 vldm, Thait no longevity ixicrease of psy shell bc mellowed for any length of service accruing after retirement. (Apr. 12, 1902, @501, § 9,32, Stat;-161.) { · W _ K 168. Disabilities due to vicious liabits.~—·When a hoard ilmls 3 thetah omcer is incapacitated for active servlc·e,_and that such lt incepacity is the result of his oqwo vicloos habits and not clue