Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/363

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349 TITLE 14.-—C in rescuing and succoring the slxipwrecked, and saving persons

‘¤···m drowning, ns, in- his opinion, lshnll merit such recognition.

{June 18, 1878, 0, 265;}-*12 20 Stat. 165,) _ ' 195. Additional tokens of honor for repeated acts of heroism;-The .1ife—saving. medals of the first and second class anmorizeti by the second preceding section shall be designated as my gold and silver life-saving medal respectively, and any permil who has received __0r_ may hereafter receive either of said tnwlals under me provisions- of either of the two preceding sec-

. and who shall again perform an act' which would entitle

Lim to a medal of the same class under said provisions, shall ré- t»·m·. and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized

 award, in lieu of n second medal, a bar, suitably inscribed,

of me same metal as the medal to which said person‘w0uld` be t·mslo<l, to be °attnel1_ed to a ribbon of such description as the

lt···i‘¢>{2ll`}’ of the Treasury may prescribe, which may be fastened

In me medal already bestowed upon said person; and for every §.¤··1¤ additional act an additional barxhay be added. And the >.—.·;·emry of the Treasury is hereby authorized, inlhis dis- . 4·;···tim1, xilheneverlany persou‘bec0mes_entitled to a bar repre; e·m»n¤g agold', medal, to award him, in addition to said bar, ~u··n token as it is customary to award ln. acknowledgment of me services of masters, and crews of foreign vessels in rescuix.; .\lll0l‘i•'.°!lll citizens from shipwrécki (May 4, 1882, c. 117 § 9, 22 Stat. 57.) . p " 196. Bestowal of medal on person other than member of Coaést Guard.--So much of tlie three preceding sections as pr0· vide for the award of lite-saving medals shall beconstrued sc as to empower the Secretary of the Treasnry to bestow such medals upon persons making signal exertions in rescuing and wtyoririg the slnlpwrecked and saving persons from drowning · in the zwaters over which the United States has jurisdiction mother the said persons making such exertions were or wer: not members ot the C0ast*Guar¢l,‘-or·whether or not such exer ·t°i·gns were made ln the vicinity of a Coast Guard station. (Jun 21, 189'I,_é. 83, 29 Stat. 494;) 0 ' · (`hapter 8.-··-TEMPORARY PERSONNEL. Sec. — ' I ” l ‘ _ · e tm., General qualltlcations for appointment as temporary commissioner _o¤cer•. . . ’ .· wz. Temporary promotion of permanent omcers; elect of promotlm · on permanent eonnnlasion and retirement rights. · zu:}. Appointment ot temporaryotllecrd authorized; pay land allow ences; retirement rights. · __ _ · . QM. Sweinl list ot temporary otllcera; promotions, reductions, and dl: I rnlssals. , ` · `

  • J·>§. .\ppolntmont_ot temporary chief warrant omcers; pay· and allow

ences; retlre:nen't rights. _ BM}. Appointment ettemporary warrant otllcers and temporary eullsi lnents; retirement length of service rights. _ _ zo?. Temporary appolntmenta from navel reserve; edect on status lil . . ` Zilttt llllgbta of permanent personnel una¤ected.` " Section 201. General qnslilientions for appointment as tem porary commissioned oBcers.—~—(a), All original temporary al yninzments alrall be made in grades not above that of lieutez unt. in. the line or the Engineer Corps, and shall be made onl after the candidate busi satisfactorily paseed such examination no the President may prescribe. No person shall bewgivena <•ri·.xinaI tennperary appointment who ls) more tlxaxrforty yea: of agexa . _’ ` (b) Any warrant ofllcer or enlisted man of theperinanex Coast Guard maybe given an original temporary appolntmen under. such regulations as the President may preserlbe, an Wiyout rednction ln'-pay or arnowauees, Notwithstanding suc -le··np0rary·app0i11tmez1t,any such warrant omeer or enllstc man shall be entitled to retirement in the same 'manner e · though he had continued to hold,-his permanent gradeor mtln and anon the termination ot such temporary appointment sha

OAS? GUAH9 § 206 be entitled to revert to such grade or rating. Service under any such temporary appointment shall be included Ln determining length of service as a warrant officer or enlisted Illtlli? (Apr. 21, 1924,·c. 130, § 4, 43 Stat. 105.) _. 202. Temporary promotion of permanent 0Hicers; effect of promotion on permanent commission and retirement rights.-· Permanent commissioned officers of the Coast Guard may be _giveu.temrporary promotion in order of seniority and without examination, to fill any such temporary grades. Notwithstan°d· ing such temporary fpromotion, any such onlcer shall`”continne to hold his permanent commission and shall lx: advanced in lineal rank, promoted,. and retired in the eame manner as though no provisionfor temporary oHlcers‘ha_d been made by . lawf l (Apr. 21, 1924, c. 130, § 3, 43 Stat. 105.) _ _ 203. Appointment of temporary o$cers authorized; pay and allowances; retirement rights.-—(a) The President is authorized to appoint, hy and with the advice and consent of the Senate, the following temporary oilleers of the Coast Guard`: . Two captains, ten commanders, twentydlve lieutenant commanders, forty-eight lieutenants, and forty-two lientenants (junior grade) and ensigns, of the line;_and five commanders, ? eleven lieutenant commanders, ninteeen lieutenants, and forty · lieutenants (junior grade) and ensigns, of the Engineer Corps. . 0 _ _(b) Such temporary otiicers while in "service shall receive the same pay, allowanees, and beneilts as permanent commisq, ? Vsioned omcers of the Coast Guard of corresponding Krndeand - length of gervice, except that no such otilcer shall be entitled r to retirement because of his temporary commission. — l (c) Temporary appointments shall continue until the Presil degif; otherwise fdirects or Congress otherwise provides. (Apr.

21, 1924,_c. 130, 5 2, 43 Stat. 105.) · _ _ ‘

. 204. Special list of temporary omcers; promotions, reduca tions, and dismissala.-—The. names, ot all persons appointed - under the preceding section 'ahall be placed upon a special X. list of temporary omcers, as distinguished from the list 0t· permanent omcera, of the 'Coast Guard; The President is au·— l thorlsied, without regard to length ot service or seniority, -to promote. to grades not above lieutenant, in the line or Engineer Corps, or to reduce ·oHlcers_ on ° such special list, 1 within the number specined for each grade, and he may, in R his discretion, call for the resignation of, or dismiss, anysuch omcer for unhtness or misconduct. ‘ (Apr. 21, 1924, e. 130, " § 4, 43 Stat. 105.) . . ‘ _ A ,_ 205. Appointment of temporary chief warrant cheers; pay and allowances; retirement rights;-—·(a) ~ Under; such regular- tions as he may prescribe, the Preaident ie authorized to apt_ point, by and with the advice · and consent ot the Senate, twenty-tlve temporary chief warrant otlleers of the ‘ Coast L; Guard from the permanent list of warrant `omcers ot the Coast Guard. . —_ . l _ ·· _ e (b)€ Such chief warrant odleers shall reeeire the same. pay, n- allowances, land lpenetits as commissioned warrant oiileers ot J- the Navy, except that any such omeer shall continue to hold x- his permanent grade, and shall be retired in the samemanner ly as though no provision had been rnade for temporary chief ss warrant odleers. -_ (Apr. 21, ,1924,le. 130, 5 5,. Q3 'Stat. 106.) on t 206. Appointment of temporary warrant o@cers and temrs porary enlistments; retinexnent length of service rights.—;—(a) . Under auch regulations as he may prescribe, the Secretary ot xt the Treasury ia authorized to, appoint [temporary warrant oftl-· t, cern, and to make special temporary enllstments, in the Coast rd Guard. No person shall be entitled to retirement because ot eh his temporary appointment or enlistment under this section. ed ,(b) Any enlisted man in the permanent Coast-Guard may be la appointed as a temporary warrant . omeer. Notwithstanding " g, snch temporary appointment, any snch enlisted man shall be. dl entitled to retirement in the same manner as though he had