Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/387

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373 TITLE 15.+-COMMEH ·¢,mnage‘tranSp0Tted. '(Mar. 3, 18'{5,”c.· 129, _§ 1,·18_Stat. 852; Q1 a Feb. 14, 1903, c,. 552, -§`10, 32 Stét. 829; Aug. 23, 1912, c. 350, S' g 1; 37. Stat. 407 ; Mgr. 4, 1913,—<;. 141", _.§ 1, ‘3fZ.Stpt. 736.) . 3: 179..Qua·1‘£¢1‘}y repqrts of exports and ;imp@ts.——=Tl;;e Diyéymr oi the`-Bnrcau bf Foreign and Domestic Comnterée shall, p· um1e1·_-the direction of thé Secretary of Commerce, prepare and, tl publish dudrteily reports of the exports and `··imp0rts`° ot tbé cl . I'nite~d Stntes, inolniding the quantities and yalues df goods Q , wmwlmnsed or ·\ViEhd1'!1\$;I1_`f1'0!I1 wurehbusw nm} such 'other. { statistics relative to the trude·an{1 lndustry of the country as re `tbe Secretary ot Ccnimerce may- consider expedient; (R, SQ b· °; :1:29.; Har. 3, 1875, c. 1-29, § 1, 18 Stht. 352; Feb, 14, I903, c." st . $32. g 10, 32 Sint. 829} Aug. 23, 1912; c. 350. 5 1, 37 Stat. 407 ;“ n_ Mm-. 4, 1913, c. 141,_§ 1, 37 Stat. 736; Mar; 1, 1919, c._86, 40 c< sm:. 1256.) · _ ‘ ‘ ‘ · { · ., . 11 ` 189. Annual stgtenicnt of vesscls.—Thg Director. of the 31 Burivan of Foreign and Ddtpestic Commerce sliall also prepare ` nn ammnl statement. of vessels registered, enrolled, and 01 licensed under the laws of tl1g..UnitedL States, together with the ti class, name, tonnage, had place of 1je·gistry`of each VQ§SQ1;.8Dd d Such ntbér infqrmnticn as the Secretary of Commerce inay‘ tl —d¤_=¢·m proper to embody therein; (R. .8. §` 340; Feb. 14, 1903, n c. -552, {19, 32 Stat. Aug. 23, 1912, c. 350, `§ 1; 37 Stat, § , 407 ; Mar. 4; 1913, c. 111, 5. 1, 37 Stat. 736,: Mar. 1, 1919, c. 86, - 40 Stat,1256.) " V Q ‘ " · _I 181. Annual atatcment of ·'iI\¢lréh8IIdi8€,—-—-THB _Direct0r pf; r· the Bqreau bi'. Foreign and Domestic Commerce shall prepare 11 I an sannual statément Qt all merchandiw. DHSSh1§_·iII transit Q thmugh the United States to foreign countries, each descrlp- ( ‘tinn` `cf merchandise, so far as prnctik:ablc,· wnrehouséd, with-· § drawn f1·0m_w&rel10usc for consumptibn, for exportationyfor ` transportation to qtl1ge1·‘ dlstrictafand remniningiin the ware-` ti hone-me at}`thé_end .0f_ each tiscali year, (R. S._§ 341; Aug. `23, 0 1912, c.` 350, § 1, 37 Stat. 407: Mar. 1,g`1919;"`c. 86, 40 Stab c 1iz:»<s.`> ‘ ’ n · ‘ · V , ( _ 0 182. Statistics of manufactures.--—The ?Dire<3tor of the Bn; 2 ‘rt·au of 1·`0reign and Domestic Commerce shall collect, digest, 1 nm! nnjrange, `tdr the use ot Congress, tlncfstatistlcs of tbe ` mnnufatetnms ot the' United s¢mg;¢1¤gn· lO(38utiBS,"SOU1°C€S_ 0t_· r mw‘xuntcrial,_mnrkcts,_exchnnges Svith the `pruduping rggions- G . of ilu; 'équntry, ,transpnrtution of prodncts, wages, and such 12 Maller conditions an am fnnnd to affect their prdsperity. (`R. S. t § 2:42; Aug, 23,191:3, c-, 350, -§`_1, 37 Stat. 497; Mnr, 1, 1919, v in R6, 40 Stat. 1256;) U _ » " _» . '_ · t

 .,183; Report of stntisticé,-——'l`l1e' S0cr·e·tury·of COUlll19l‘C;(;3 shall 5

llllilkti a repntt to Congress "0n’ the first Mo“ndny of _`J_ununry . in nach year; containing the results of the int'0r1nntim*Q .c0l·· t luvtvd during the gireceding `ycar, "by the Bureau nf Fnreign· 1 and Domestic Coxnxm·rt·e,' upuntlne bomlltion of the mamafac- {_11 ‘t¤1r¤·>¢,.‘dtmwstic tmde, currency, and banks nf the several l , States and '1‘errit0ri0s; ‘-°_(R. S. 5 259; Fceb. 27, 1877, c..69,`§ 1, l 19 Stat. 241; Fnb.‘14·, 1903, c. 552, 5 9,32 Stat. 829; Aug. ,23, , .1912, 4:. 350, § .1, 37 Stat. 407; Max. 4, 1913, c. 141, § 1, 37 '1 Stat. 736.)—` .' ‘ { _°- ._ l _* 1 184, Printing. report on commerce nnd’ navigation.-—Thc ,1 Sv<·n·c·tm·y of C0ninne1•¢·¢ shall cause the annual report on the t statistics ct commerce and navigation, required from tlnc'I)l- tz rt·c·t<n·_0f the Buredu ot Foreign and Domestic Commerce, to be e ,llT(‘}l8.l'B{1 and- printed. according-to law, and t0°b0 submitted 5 to Congress at as curly n day in each regular session ns practicatblg, and npt Inter than the mst Mc¤mlny_in»‘.Iannz1i·3*`. ¢ (lt. _S. 5 263;°Feb. 14, 1w3, ·c. 552, 1-10, —32‘ Stat. 829; Aug; 23, é 1912, cc. 350, 5 1, 37 tiltnt. 407; Mar. 4, 1913, c. 141, 5 1, 37 Stat. t 736; Mar. 1,-1919, cg. 86, 4~0 StatQ_1256.) 3 M . · 7 185. Forms cf. Qt8tQl`£16lltS.······ThG' Sccgetznvyl. ..0t Cémnmerce < sl1z1l1_p_reScx·ibe the forms bt the annnnl statements to be sub·` x a mlttcd to Céngress by him shqwing the actual state pfcnmnaerce 1 and navigation between thé United States ind foreign; puuntrlés, t

GE A·ND-TRADE ,'_ , —§ 194 1; codstwise betweoxi the collection districts of the! United tates, in eagch year. (R. S. 5 251; Feb. ;14,`1903, W:. 552, §. 10, 2 Stat. 829; Mar. 4, 1913, c. 141, § 1, 37 Stat. 736;) r  » 186. Statisticsa of coasting trade includéd.——·¢The annual reorb of the statistios of ·c0mme1·ée and navigetion shall state 1_e· kinds, qmmtitjes, and value of the merchandise ent‘ered,·;.md lezired coastwise inte and from the collection districtis of the Vnited States; (RQSJ 5838.) -. . “ . * _; Z 187. Priinting statement of exports and i·mports.>—<The `Secetary of commerce éhall furhish to the- Public Printer on or efore the Ist day A of · November ‘· of each year, _, the manucrlpt, prepare->d·_for printing, of a condensed statement of the ggrekate _:miount of the exports and imports from foreign ouutries during the preceding_'§sca1iyear.r- (R. S, §» 265; J am. 2, IQ5, rc. 23, § 17, 28 `StatQ_603;'Feb'._14, 1903, c. 552, § 10, 2 Stat. 829; Mar. 4, 1913, c; 141; '§ 1,.37 Stat; 736.) ‘ ’ . é 188% Publication of commercial information.¥—'I'he Secretary I Commerce shall publish;omcial_-xiotiiications; from time to S imo; ot such commercial infomation commuxiictnted to him by iploniptic and oonsulas o&eer8, as he may deem important to be public interesw, in such owspepersQ~nofto‘exceed three in . .umbe1·,‘ as `he may select. (R. S. 5 211‘·; Feb. 14, 1903, c. 552, 10,_ 32 _·StatZ 829; Mar. 4, 1913, c.-14}, § 1, 37 Stat. 736;) · 3 189. Sole of commercial re]1orts.—·¢The publications by the ` >epartment—o!.C0p1merce of the consularand other commercial eports, including circular letters to chambers of commerce, ` ney- be gold ot. Such may be Bxcd by said department, - ,nd‘the proceeds ot $111 sales shall be paid ixgto the Treasury. June 16, 1880, c. 235, 5 1, 321 Stat. 271; Feb. 14, .1903;_c. 552, 10, 32 StatQ *829; Mar. 4, 1913, <;._ 141,} 1,* 37 _St¤t. 736.) · -190. Discussions in `oommercinlo reports of `quesé ion§.——-·No part' of the consular and otheijcommercial reports ·f the Department of Commerce, including circular letters to ·ha.mbers of commerce, discussing partisan political, religious, nr moral questionslshull be published. (Feb. 25, 1885, .c. 150, B Stat. 324; Feb, 14,`1903,·p. 552,.5 10, 32 Stat. 829; Mer. 4, ‘ .913,_c. 141, 5 1, 37 Stat. 736.) · , .` ”` .191} Terms of measure, weightQ and money` irrcorhmercial eports.—·-All terms of measure, weight; and money in the liplomuticy oop1sulaQ1·, and other commercial reports prepared, n·i—nted, p`i.1hl‘ished and distributed by the Depertment of Come uorce shall be reduced to and expressedin terpis of measure, veight, and coin'of·the_‘United Stqtes, as well as in the foreign W erme. »(Féb. 9, 1903, c. 530, 32 Start; S13; Feb, 14, 1903, c. 552, k 10, 32 Stat. 829; Mar. 4,_1913,,c._141, § 1,~ 37 Stat. 736.)- · 192, Disposition of money received from sale of conipila— ions.———-All. il10l]€}"S_ received by the Bureau of Foreign and ` Domestie Commerce in payment' ot photographic end other nechunicalreproduction of special statistical compilations from tsmocords shall. be covered into the Tretnstxryos a miscelnueooe receipt (Mar. 1,- 1919; c. 86, 5 1, 40 Stat; 1256.;) . t 193.·Stitements ami reports for collectors of customs and Preasury Department.-—-The Department ot Commerce will rumxen mouthly~_to_ the` collectors at the several ports`a`teb;1- _ ation in detail showing the quantities and valixeé of the mer- "i18ll(U·S€·* imported andexported froiu their respective districts, md will furnieh the Tre&~r·:in·-y’ Department upon request such apeeial reports as may be necessary from time to time, (Jam. i, 1923, ei 28; §‘2;_42"Stnt. 1110.) . · t _ 194._·Bure§u of Customs Statistics transferred md consolilated viitli Division of Statistics.-——The control and with it the ` expense of operation of the `omce known ee the Bureau of Cusromé Statistics under the jtirisdiction ot, the Department of the · Freasuryt on Janugniil? 5, 1923, located ixrtbe éustomhouee, city i 1f New York, State of New York, ineludixxg all cmcers, clerks, md other employees ot that bureau, official records, papers, _ mechanical and office equibmeut, furrit·ture,_:;x1d sixpplies my ·

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